Meeting Minutes April 1, 2023

Board members present: Kathy Tournour, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Tom
Eggert, Greg Nevinski. Absent: Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Jay Laetsch
1. The zoom meeting was called to order by Kathy at 9:05am
2. President’s Report
a. Kathy reported that 28 memberships were received electronically. The mail
had not been picked up for a while. Marj agreed to pick-up the mail.
b. Jim McAllister has resigned from the board, effective immediately. No reason
was given. As Jim was the vice-president, that position will have to be filled in
the future.
c. Russ’s daughter is working on designs for the online store. She will be paid by

3. Minutes from the February 4 meeting.
a. No one took minutes as Dale was under the understanding that he was no
longer secretary. Jay Laetsch was nominated to be secretary. He was not at
the meeting and no one remembered to ask him. Dale agreed to continue as
secretary until the August 2023 meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report
a. The is no financial report available at this time, as Tom has not been up due
to his wife’s health issues.
b. The annual budget will be presented at the May meeting. Tom will get a
preliminary budget together and meet with Marj and Greg (Finance
c. It was suggested that Bill’s stipend for his work at the boating landing should
be increased. He has not had an increase in many years. Tom will include this
in the 2024 budget.
5. Education Committee
a. Marj is attending the Wisconsin Lakes Convention. She will be attending 2
days of the convention which runs from April 19-21. Her expenses will again
be covered by the SLA.
b. Marj will continue her work with plant identification and shore restoration.
c. Tom asked for a potential budget amount needed. Marj said $500 should
cover everything.

d. Tom mentioned the new Oneida County Shoreline Ordinance. Dan Butkus
has been following this closely. Dan has mentioned that it contains some
good, but also some bad things for the lake.
e. Tom suggested having a meeting on the history of the lake. Kathy suggested
asking people to post old pictures and stories on the website. She also said
we might ask people to present at the annual meeting. She will post
something on the website. People would be asked ahead of time if we
decided to do this at the annual meeting.

6. Fisheries Committee
a. Dale gave an update on the status of the fish crib project. Blocks and lumber
have been secured. Threaded rods have been ordered from Home depot.
b. Dale met with Denny Scott on the crib plans. Denny had several suggestions
for improving the plans. Denny has agreed to help again with the project.
c. As soon as the snow melts enough to get at the materials, a date will be set
for construction. Help is needed. Dale asked that each board member think
about somebody they know that might be willing to help.
d. Dale has a lead on someone to move the completed cribs to the lake from
the construction area. It is hoped that Pelican Piers will then be able to place
in the lake. We will have to work on their timetable.
e. Several sites are being considered for the cribs. Dale will meet with the
Fisheries Committee in the near future.
f. A date has been set for the summer Fishing workshop. The date is Saturday,
July 15 from 10am – 12:00pm. Craig Zarley has agreed to present and ok’d
the date. The location will again be on Dale’s beach. Registration forms will
be in the newsletter and also at the Annual meeting.
g. Dale mentioned that he received an e-mail from a DNR agent, Mark Love.
He wanted help in finding a place to keep a boat on the lake for a proposed
Creel Study this summer. Board members asked to get more information on
the proposed study. Some possible sites for mooring the boat were
7. Social Committee
a. Summer activity Dates
1. June 24 – Annual Meeting – 4:00pm social hour / meeting 5:00-
2. June 10, July 8, August 12 – Silent Sports 9:00am – 10:00am
3. July 29 – Boat Flotilla – 2:30pm – Line-up at the big island / 3:00pm
boat parade. Kathy ordered the flag for the winning boat. Kathy also
has the signs for the flotilla and annual meeting.

a. Kathy has the signs for the Annual Meeting and Boat Flotilla,
and will get put them out.
b. Kathy will take care of publicity for the summer activities.
For budget purposes, mailings cost per year were estimated
at $100.

4. Russ recommended a $500 figure for budgeting purposes.

8. Lake Level Monitoring
a. Tom has reached out to Carolyn and will co-ordinate with Ann Kipper.
b. Tom got a message from Ann saying they plan to start this spring. Tom will
make the cost for the monitoring, a line item in the budget.

9. Boat Wash Station
a. Jeff was not present so this item will be postponed and place on the May
Meeting Agenda.

10. Final Items
a. The newsletter deadline is April 17. Kathy will put fliers in the newsletter.
b. The next meeting is May 6 at 9:00am in the Crescent Town Hall.
c. The Lake District Meeting is tomorrow and Kathy will attend.
d. The Johnson’s donated $1000 again. Kathy will send a thank you to everyone
that donates $100 or more.
e. Tom reported that he talked to talked to Tony Giannola about the board. It
was decided to have Tom ask him if he would be willing to serve out the rest
of Jim’s term. If things go well, it is hoped that he will run again for the
11. Adjourn
a. Motion by Tom and seconded by Greg to adjourn. Motion approved.