Meeting Minutes August 17, 2019
Present: Dale Smith, Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Tom Eggert, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Karen Isebrands-Brown
Absent: Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley, Greg Nevinski
Meeting was called to order at 8:32am by Jeff (filling in for Kathy)
- Introductions
- Everyone introduced themselves as we have a new board member,Tom Eggert.
- Minutes
- The minutes from the May 18 Meeting were approved with one spelling correction. Motion by Russ and second by Dale.
- Treasurer’s Report
- There was discussion about grants and volunteer hours.
- There was a question about budget vs. restricted funds and how the donation from the Mole Lake Sokaogon Chippewa Community fits in.
- Jeff reported that he received a donation of $1000.00 for the SLA from Charlie
Loes. Charlie works for General Mills and runs a foundation. The donation came from the foundation. The donation does not carry any restrictions as to its use.
- There was a question on rental property. It was tabled for a future meeting.
- There was a question about the possibility of putting some of our money where we can gain some interest. Tom will look into this. Our money is currently in a savings account at Ripco Credit Union.
- There was a discussion about insurance. Tom will check out policy and explore options.
Motion to approve the budget report was made by Tom and seconded by Karen. Motion carried.
- Election of Officers
- After a short discussion and vote, officers will be: Kathy Tournour, Pres., Craig Zarley, Vice Pres., Marj Mehring, Treasuer, Dale Smith, Secretary.
- No updated report as Bill has been sick
- There was a question about paid vs. volunteer hours. Paid hours have a limit, and anything above that is considered volunteer hours. Russ will contact Bill for more information.
- It was suggested that we should start thinking about a replacement for Bill in case he cannot continue.
- Meeting Schedule
- The annual meeting was discussed. It was felt that the Town Pump worked well.
- The meeting dates given in the Agenda were adopted with one change. The October 12 meeting was switched to October 5.
- Wake Boat Concerns
- There was a discussion about the negative effects of the Wake Boats on the lake.
Problems noted included shore erosion, turning up milfoil, and waves affecting others using the lake. It was recommended to put an article in the newsletter about this issue.
- It was also recommended to put this issue again on the Oct. 5 meeting.
- Protocol for Advertising in the Newsletter.
- It was noted that advertisers have been continually put in the newsletter even though they have not paid anything for a long time.
- Protocol is needed for advertising in the newsletter.
- Adjournment
- Russ made motion to adjourn and Tom seconded. Motion carried.