Meeting Minutes August 20, 2022

Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Jim
McAllister, Jeff paddock . Additional: Tom Johansen from the Lake District. Absent: Tom
Eggert, Jackie Whitney, Greg Nevinski, Jay Laetsch

1. Election of officers
a. Motion by Marj and second by Jeff to retain Tom as treasurer. Motion passed.
b. Motion by Russ and second by Dale to ask Jay to be secretary. Motion passed.
c. Motion by Russ and second by Marj for Jim McAllister to become vice-president.
Motion passed.
d. Motion by Russ and second by Jim for Kathy to be retained as president. Motion
2. Meeting Dates
a. Kathy said she wanted to get the dates in early so we would have a better
chance of having meetings at the Crescent Town hall.
b. The August meeting could be eliminated if the board could meet for a short
meeting after the annual meeting. The two items on that agenda would be
election of officers and setting meeting dates.
c. There was a discussion about budgeting. The budget has to balance. Sub
committees should meet and submit budgets ahead of time.
d. Dates for next year – 2023
i. October 15
ii. February 4
iii. April 1
iv. May 13
v. June 24 (Annual Meeting) Committees must submit budgets prior to the
April 1 meeting.
vi. July 8 – Boat Flotilla
1. It was stated that we need to get names of participants when they
2. It was suggested that the winner should be asked to lead next
year’s parade.

3. May meeting minutes

a. Motion by Russ and second by Jeff to approve the May meeting minutes. Motion
4. Treasurer’s Report
a. There was some discussion about the budgeted amounts for committees. Since
Tom was not present to answer questions, it was tabled until the October
Meeting. Committees should have their budgets submitted by the October
b. Jeff stated that the budgeted amount for monitoring should be increased for
next year.

5. Education Committee – Marj Mehring
a. Marj reported on her attendance on the six county meeting held at Nicolet
College on the status of northern lakes.
i. Lakes are facing a lot of pressure from overcrowding, wave boats, and
low water level levels.
ii. Wake boats cannot fully empty their ballasts so there is a chance of
taking lake water from one lake to another.
iii. Tom said that research has shown that the thrust from wave
boats can go down as much as 25 feet. This can cause the spreading
milfoil as well as damaging other plants and lake bottoms.
iv. Sawyer County has a new law that wave boats cannot have a
wake over 250’ long and must stay 750’ from shore.
v. Tom Johansen said that Onterra does a shoreline study every few years
and results are available on their website.
vi. It was suggested that milfoil identification be included in the
6. Finance Committee
a. No report.
7. Fisheries Committee – Dale Smith
a. Dale reported on his visit to Pelican Lake. He met with Jeff Griffey, chairman of
their fisheries committee, and was given a tour of their projects. They have a
huge project underway that involves 40 fish cribs. The two things that were
emphasized were to have good vertical height to the cribs and to place multiple
cribs together.
b. A new DNR agent has been hired for the Rhinelander area and it is hoped that
the committee can get some help with reef building and spawning bed
c. A meeting is planned for September to make more specific plans.

d. The fishing seminar held in July was very successful. Craig Zarley did a nice
presentation, and there were 16 people in attendance.

8. Social Committee – Russ Tennessen
a. The Fall Newsletter deadline is August 27
b. The Silent Sports days were a success even though the weather was not the best.
c. The Fishing Seminar went very well with 16 in attendance.
d. Some discussion took place on the possibility of having an end of the year dance
or party for next August.
9. Lake District Report – Tom Johansen
a. The 2023 budget has been approved. The tax levy will not change.
b. Diver issues
i. Only 2 at present. Divers are difficult to find.
ii. Diver wages have been increased to $40.00 per hour. The gas, air, and
boat are also furnished by the Lake District.
iii. The 2 regular divers will return for at least 1 more year.
iv. Tom has a lead on 2 possible new divers. One is a retired teacher
and the other one is from Minocqua.
v. Tom has also been in contact with the the person in charge of the diving
program at U.W. Stevens Point.
vi. A $500 bonus is given for a new diver to get certified and buy
vii. It may be necessary in the future to contract a portion of the
diving through Aquatic Plant Management of Minocqua.
c. The Lake District will have the same officers for next year.
d. The Lake District Annual Meeting was held and went well.
e. Two buoys were placed to protect the loons, but were removed by the DNR. The
Woodboro and Crescent Boards have to approve them before they can be placed
again. The Lake District also has to find out how shallow to place the buoys.

10. Long Term Projects
a. Washing Station - Jeff will obtain more information and possible costs.
b. Eyelids Project (boat monitoring camera) – Russ will look into this.
c. Fisheries – The Fisheries Committee will continue working toward the goal of
placing more fish cribs and restoring spawning areas.
d. Lake Level Monitoring – Tom Johansen questioned the value of lake level
monitoring. He has checked into it, and it takes a 30 year study to gain any useful
information. Tom stated that the county should know the high water mark.
However, he does not know if they do.

e. Signs at the end of piers – The board showed interest in having the names placed
on piers. More discussion will be held in the future.

11. Adjournment – Motion by Jim and second by Russ to adjourn. Motion passed.