Meeting Minutes August 21, 2021
Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Greg Nevinski, Jim McCalister, Jackie Whitney
Absent: Tom Eggert, Jeff Paddock
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour
Opening Remarks
- Board reorganization
- Election of officers
- President – Kathy Tournour
- Election of officers
Motion by Russ, second by Jim, carried
- Vice-president – Russ Tennessen
Motion by Greg, second by Dale, carried
- Secretary – Dale Smith
Motion by Greg, second by Russ, carried
- Treasurer – Tom Eggert
Motion by Marj, second by Greg, carried
- 20 -21 Meeting Dates
- October 9
- February 5
- May 14
- June 25 – Annual meeting
- August 20
- Greg suggested we explore the possibility of having an evening “zoom” meeting.
- It was suggested that we discuss the Annual meeting at the February meeting rather than wait until the May meeting.
- President’s Report
- Kathy reported that the website is now setup to signup memberships online and accept payment by credit card.
- Goal for 21-22 – increase membership by 25%.
- Kathy suggested sending out renewal notices in January. We could give a $5.00 gift card for items on the website. Most people wait until the annual meeting to renew their membership. We need to re-educate people as to when dues are actually due.
- It was suggested to include a line for additional donations on the membership form.
- We need to educate people as to what the SLA does, separate from the Lake District.
- Kathy will check on what the limit is that can be charged for memberships.
- Kathy will send out a list of members.
- “Shared Agenda” is being set-up.
- Minutes
- Motion by Greg and seconded by Marj to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
- Committee Updates
- Finance Committee
- Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting)
- Motion by Greg and second by Jim to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
- Grant Updates
- Motion by Greg and second by Marj to authorize Jeff to submit the CBCW Grant. Motion carried.
- Surface water grant will be placed on the October meeting.
- An e-mail will be sent to tom expressing the Finance Committee’s desire to meet on the budget.
- Education Committee
- The workshop on “Landscaping with Native Plants” was held on July 7.
- Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting)
- Finance Committee
Brett Hanson was the instructor. A trip to Hanson’s garden Village concluded the workshop.
- The long term goal of the committee is to provide education on
shoreline maintenance.
- Fisheries Committee
- One fish crib has been constructed and placed. There are plans to build and place 3 more by this Fall.
- A meeting will try to be arranged with Mike Pruel on the subject of reconstructing spawning areas.
- The long range goal of the committee is to improve fishing (especially walleye fishing) on Squash Lake.
- Social Committee
- The Boat Flotilla was held on Saturday, July 30th. There were 7 boats
that participated. A contest for the “best decorated boat” in the flotilla is being considered for next year.
- The welcome folders are ready and being used. Three have been given out to date.
- The main goal of the social committee is to increase association membership.
- Lake District
- The next meeting is Sunday, October 10 at 1:00pm. Meeting are held at the Crescent Town Hall.
- The time Meander Survey was completed. Dan Butkus sent a preliminary report. Everyone should have received it.
- Tom and Russ talked to Sally about the price of the Loon Bay property. Realtors appraised the property from $40,000 – 90,000.
Most were under $50,000. Sally said she had a friend that may buy it for $100,000. There was no further discussion as to what we should do going forward. The board may drop the idea.
- Long Term Projects
- Ann Kipper was doing the water level monitoring. Since she retired from the board, it will be necessary to see if she will continue as the monitor. It was suggested that perhaps there would be a boy scout who would like to take on the monitoring as a project.
- Instagram needs updating.
- Additional Items
- The donated bench is now in place. A thank you note was sent and will be highlighted in the newsletter.
- Board member recognition
- A plaque will be presented to Karen for her many years of service to the board.
- A discussion took place as to how to recognize boards members when they leave the board. It was suggested that we recognize these people in the newsletter.
- 2025 will be the SLA 20th Founders of the SLA will be honored at that time.
- The board discussed the possibility of having a sign at the landing similar to the one used by Lake Julia. Everyone should have received a photo of their sign in an e-mail. Everyone is asked to bring recommendations for what should be on our sign to the next meeting.
- It was suggested that a map of Squash Lake, with milfoil areas marked, be handed out to boaters at the landing.
- The extra summer newsletter will come out in September.
- Dates to remember
- The next newsletter deadline is December 1.
- The next Lake District meeting is October 10.
- The next SLA board meeting is October 9.
- Adjournment
- Motion by Marj and second by Greg to adjourn. Motion carried