Meeting Minutes August 4, 2018

Present:  Dan Butkus, Marj Mehring, Greg Nevinski, Jeff Paddock, Dale Smith, Kathy Tournour, Jackie Whitney, and Craig Zarley

Absent:  Karen Isebrands-Brown and Russ Tennessen

  1. Opening Remarks:  Meeting called to order at 8:30am by president Jeff Paddock.
  2. Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2018.  Motion to approve Meeting Minutes from Dan Butkus.  Second from Dale Smith.  The motion passes unanimously.
  3. Treasurer's Report:  Marj Mehring presented the submitted 12 month Treasurer's Report.  Dan Butkus moved to accept into the record the Treasurer's Report, noting that any dues received this fiscal 18 months covers 18 months.  Second from Craig Zarley.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. President vote:  The following board members were selected as officers:  Marj Mehring - Treasurer, Dale Smith - Secretary, Craig Zarley - Vice President, Kathy Tournour - President.  Dan Butkus moved to elect the officers.  Second from Dale Smith.  The motion passed unanimously.
  5. Grant Administrator & Milfoil Report - DanButkus reported that 600 pounds of milfoil have been collected thus far this year.  The EWM blitz held earlier this year was a success and a second blitz is scheduled for the later half of August.  Dan announced that he will be stepping down as grant administrator and a new administrator is needed by October.
  6. CBCW Update - Bill Akan reported that boat landing inspectors have had contact with over 600 people so far this season.  There are 153 hours of inspection as of July 22.  
  7. Private Well Sampling - Jeff Paddock reported 23 residents has their well tested.  Results have not been delivered at this time.
  8. Protocol for Advertising - Discussion on when classified and last &  found items can be sent out by SLA email.  Dan Butkus moved to establish the following protocol for advertising:  Items for sale among lake residents be poste don the website and issues of lost & found of immediate concern go out by email.  Second from Marj Mehring.  Motion passed unanimously.
  9. Website Update - Kathy Tournour reported that the new website is ready to go live.
  10. Fund Raising Letter - Greg Nevinski will submit a draft of the fund raising letter in September.
  11. Meeting Schedule - The following dates were selected as Squash Lake Association Board meeting dates:  October 13, March 16, May 18,, August 17.  The Annual Meeting will be held on July 20.
  12. Brainstorm from annual meeting - The Squash Lake Association will focus on the following areas during the upcoming year - education, fisheries and social.
  13. Dan Butkus moved to adjourn the meeting.  Second from dale Smith.  The motion passed unanimously.