Meeting Minutes February 6, 2021
Revision 03/06/2021
Board Members Present: Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown, Russ Tennessen, Jeff Paddock, Ann Kipper
Absent: Greg Nevinski
Meeting was called to order at 9:03am by Board President, Kathy Tournour
- Opening Remarks by President, Kathy Tournour
- Kathy and Tom have been working on the membership list. Kathy is considering recommending that one person be in charge of maintaining the list.
- Kathy would like to have a discussion on what each officer’s responsibilities are at a future meeting.
- Kathy reported that she has worked on the website. The store is open. Presently t-shirts are offered.
- Instagram is now up and working. Presently there are 3 pictures on it.
- Minutes of the October 10, 2020 meeting.
- Motion by Tom and seconded by Russ to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s Report
- There is $26,864.36 Total monies as of February 2021. Monies have stayed pretty consistent from year to year. Tom and Kathy co-signed on a Swab Account. $15,000 will be placed into that account. A little more interest can be made this way. It was decided to bring Jim Brown in as a financial resource person even though he is not on the board.
- Tom’s financial reports were made on screen.
- There was a discussion about the budget. The budget is now approved at the annual meeting in the summer. It is makes budgeting for the committees and budgeting in general difficult. It was suggested that the Board approve the budget at the end of the year. This will involve changing the by-laws by a vote at the annual meeting . This item will be placed on the May meeting for further discussion and possible action.
- Tom reported that $1712.78 has been taken in so far this year for memberships and donations.
- Dispersements so far this year are $181.00 for post office and banking .
- Final account information has been sent to Jeff. Jeff will send the CBCW Grant Application in shortly.
- Tom reported that $4493.83 was paid to the boat landing monitors last summer.
- Tom talked about including information on the Membership Form to remind members to check with their employers regarding employers matching donations to the Squash lake Association.
- There was a motion by Russ and second by Jeff to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.
- Lake District Update
- Tom Johansen Reported that they have received 50% response so far on their survey. 60% is the goal, but 50% is better than expectations.
- The Lake District does not know yet if they will receive the 2 year EWM Control Grant. They should know sometime this month.
- Tom reminded us that the Time Meander Survey was postponed because of the Covid Pandemic. They are still planning to do it sometime in the future.
- The milfoil is well maintained at present.
- The 3 main divers will be back next summer. (Fred Lintereur, our lead diver, recently had his wife pass away.)
- The Lake District is putting $2000.00 a year into a boat fund for future replacement. Carpet will be replaced on the present boat this Spring.
- A pay increase for the divers is on the agenda for the district’s next meeting.
- The Oneida County Representative did a presentation. There is a new ordinance proposal. The Planning and Development is not very receptive, but decided to move forward. Tom stated this is at least moving in the right direction.
- Tom talked about the issue of the stream entering Squash Lake from Washburn Lake. The Lake District was going to have the water tested, but money in grant ran out. Tom stated that he does not deem it a priority anyway. Onterra says there is nothing we can do about it anyway. People may blame Washburn Lake for things like milfoil which is unfounded. Dan Butkus said he still is in favor of doing the testing. Other SLA board members agreed. Ann suggested that she could work with Jeff and then report back to the board. It was also stated that the stream has only been running a few years, since the water level has gone up.
- There was a discussion about the issue of lake property being clear cut. There are apparently inconsistencies of interpretation of the DNR regulations. More information is needed.
- Donation
- Neighbors of Carl and Lorraine Thompson wish to donate up to $200.00 for a bench and plaque to be placed at the boat landing in their name.
- After discussion it was agreed that the best place for the bench would be near the SLA shed.
- Russ will check with the Crescent Town Board for approval.
- Kathy will check out benches.
- WI Water Week
- Wisconsin Water Week is March 8-12. Everything is virtual this year. Thursday and Friday will feature regional staff.
- There will be over 300 presenters, and the cost is $20.00 per day. There is early bird registration thru February 15.
- A motion was made by Tom and second by Russ to reimburse, up to $100.00, any board member attending the webinars.
- Committee Reports (attached)
- Other items
- A discussion took place as to who we send information to. It was stated that it is important to keep the SLA and Lake District separate.
- Dates to remember
- April 11 – Lake District Board Meeting
- April 15 – Newsletter articles due
- May 15 – SLA Board Meeting
- Adjournment
- There was a motion by ? and second by ? to adjourn. Motion passed.