Meeting Minutes January 27, 2018
10:00 am Crescent Town Hall
Present: Dan Butkus, Tom Johansen, Greg Nevinski (phone line), Jeff Paddock, Dale Smith (phone line) and Kathy Tournour
Absent: Karen Isebrands-Brown, Tom Hanson, Marj Mehring and Craig Zarley
- Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order at 10:30am by president Jeff Pakkock.
- Meeting Minutes from September 23, 2017: Motion to approve from Dale Smith. Second from Tom Johansen. No discussion or correction was necessary. The motion passed unanimously.
- Treasurer’s Report: Jaff Paddock presented the submitted treasurer’s report. Dan Butkus moved approval of the treasurer’s report. Tom Johansen seconded. The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
- Terminator Insurance: The boat is currently in the Squash Lake Association’s possession. The Association will drop insurance coverage and seek a refund. The Squash Lake District will take possession of the boat and insure it. Dan Butkus moved the Squash Lake Association drop liability insurance on the boat. Tom Johansen seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Ongoing Business:
- SCC Grant Award: The Squash Lake Association was awarded a $4,000 grant from Sokaogan Chippewa Community. The grant amount for the past two years was $3,000. The grant money can be used for CBCW and fish habitats. The Association wishes to thank Dan Butkus for his continued efforts working with the SCC.
- Fund Raising Letter & Survey Results:
- Results letter total, thoughts for next year: The letter writing campaign received 39 responses. Dan Butkus moved to increase the funds allotted for the letter writing campaign to $250. Tom Johanson seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Survey Results, Fisheries Habitat Development: The postcard survey received 90 responses. Care and testing of wells received the most interest. The Association is offering well testing and information to interested lake residents. Fisheries and habitat development received the second most interest. This topic will be placed on the agenda and discussed at the next board meeting. Invasive species also received interest. The District will set up AIS identification training.
- Lake District Update: Tom Johansen reported that the Lake District has held a number of commissioner meetings. They are creating contracts for divers and looking into boat storage. They are also creating a web page. He presented the Ontera report on EWM. Dan Butkus will submit the report to the newsletter.
- Grant Administrator Report:
- Dan Butkus reported two grants for removing EWM will be transferred from Squash Lake Association to the Squash Lake District. CBCW - $4,000 from the DNR for 2018. The Association will hire boat landing inspectors during the summer months. Healthy Lake Grant – extends to June 30, 2018.
- Discretionary Spending Update: Dan Butkus moved the Squash Lake Association transfer EWM reserve account to the Squash Lake District reserve account for milfoil control. Dale Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Private Well Sampling: This agenda item will be discussed at the March SLA meeting.
- Marketing Plan: The communications committee will meet to come up with goals and present at a future meeting.
- Reminder that the next meeting is on March 10.
- A motion to adjourn was made by Tom Johansen and seconded by Dale Smith. The motion passed unanimously.