Meeting Minutes July 20, 2019 - Annual Members Meeting
Present: Dale Smith, Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Karen-Isebrands-Brown, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley, Greg Nevinski
Food was served at 4:00pm.
Meeting was called to order at 4:57pm by President, Kathy Tournour
- 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
- A motion was made by Craig Zarley. and seconded by Janet Appling to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Marj Mehring explained that the new fiscal year will be the same as the calendar year. Because of this, membership renewals will not be due until 2020.
- Art Jaros pointed out that $2000.00 was missing on the carry over line.
- A motion was made by Art Jaros and seconded by Debra Durchslag to accept the Treasurer’s Report with additions. Motion carried.
- 2020 Budget
- Marj Mahring explained that the budget was prepared assuming that we would again receive the grant as in the past.
- Several questions were asked of Marj.
- Art Jaros made a motion and Craig Zarley seconded to approve the budget. Motion carried.
- CPR Class
- Karen Isebrands-Brown announced that there were still 2 slots available for the upcoming CPR Class on July 23. (Open slots were filled.)
- Other workshops
- Janet Appling asked about the Crescent Fire Department doing a workshop. Kathy Tournour said she is still working on it.
- Karen is working on a stand-up paddle board class. More details will be coming.
- Election of Board Members
- There were 5 seats open. Election took place by paper ballot.
- Incumbents – Karen-Isebrands-Brown, Marj Mehring, Jeff paddock, and Kathy Tournour were re-elected.
- There were 2 new candidates, Tom Eggert and Jim McAllister. Tom Eggert was elected.
- Terms are for 2 years.
- Items
- Kathy Tournour announced that association meetings are held at the Crescent Town Hall and all are welcome.
- Linda Tennessen announced that she needs articles for the newsletter. The newsletter comes out 4 times a year – September, December, March, and June.
- Janet Appling suggested that the board consider having a social committee.
- Dale Smith asked how many people have viewed the website. By show of hands, most people had.
- It was suggested that the board look into getting a directory of members. The board will look into it.
- Tom Johansen, President of the Lake District, talked about milfoil progress. He explained things were going very well. There was a question about Crescent Lake using chemicals. Tom explained that it is new and effectiveness not known. It is probably not 100% effective and therefore would still require divers. The Lake District Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 10 at 9:30am. The meeting is at the Crescent Town Hall. Everyone is invited and will be able to vote on Lake District issues.
- There was some talk about high water levels on the lake and some of the issues. A positive effect is that that it is good for walleye spawning areas.
- Adjournment
- Art Jaros made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Craig Zarley. Motion carried.