Meeting Minutes July 20, 2019 - Annual Members Meeting

Present:   Dale Smith, Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring,  Karen-Isebrands-Brown, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley, Greg Nevinski


Food was served at 4:00pm.

Meeting was called to order at 4:57pm by President, Kathy Tournour


  1. 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
    1. A motion was made by Craig Zarley. and seconded by Janet Appling to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Marj Mehring explained that the new fiscal year will be the same as the calendar year. Because of this, membership renewals will not be due until 2020.
    2. Art Jaros pointed out that $2000.00 was missing on the carry over line.
    3. A motion was made by Art Jaros and seconded by Debra Durchslag to accept the Treasurer’s Report with additions. Motion carried.
  3. 2020 Budget
    1. Marj Mahring explained that the budget was prepared assuming that we would again receive the grant as in the past.
    2. Several questions were asked of Marj.
    3. Art Jaros made a motion and Craig Zarley seconded to approve the budget. Motion carried.
  4. CPR Class
    1. Karen Isebrands-Brown announced that there were still 2 slots available for the upcoming CPR Class on July 23. (Open slots were filled.)
  5. Other workshops
    1. Janet Appling asked about the Crescent Fire Department doing a workshop. Kathy Tournour said she is still working on it.
    2. Karen is working on a stand-up paddle board class. More details will be coming.


  1. Election of Board Members
    1. There were 5 seats open. Election took place by paper ballot.
    2. Incumbents – Karen-Isebrands-Brown, Marj Mehring, Jeff paddock, and Kathy Tournour were re-elected.
    3. There were 2 new candidates, Tom Eggert and Jim McAllister. Tom Eggert was elected.
    4. Terms are for 2 years.
  2. Items
    1. Kathy Tournour announced that association meetings are held at the Crescent Town Hall and all are welcome.
    2. Linda Tennessen announced that she needs articles for the newsletter. The newsletter comes out 4 times a year – September, December, March, and June.
    3. Janet Appling suggested that the board consider having a social committee.
    4. Dale Smith asked how many people have viewed the website. By show of hands, most people had.
    5. It was suggested that the board look into getting a directory of members. The board will look into it.
    6. Tom Johansen, President of the Lake District, talked about milfoil progress. He explained things were going very well.  There was a question about Crescent Lake using chemicals.  Tom explained that it is new and effectiveness not known. It is probably not 100% effective and therefore would still require divers.   The Lake District  Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 10 at 9:30am.  The meeting is at the Crescent Town Hall.  Everyone is invited and will be able to vote on Lake District issues.
    7. There was some talk about high water levels on the lake and some of the issues. A positive effect is that that it is good for walleye spawning areas.
  3. Adjournment
    1. Art Jaros made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Craig Zarley.  Motion carried.