Meeting Minutes July 7, 2018 - Annual Members Meeting

5:00pm Whipsaw Restaurant, Northwoods Golf Course, Rhinelander, WI

Present:  Dan Butkus, Karen Isebrands-Brown, Tom Johansen, Greg Nevinski, Jeff Paddock, Dale Smith, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley

Absent:  Marj Mehring, Tom Hanson

  1. Meeting called to order at 5:00pm by president Jeff Paddock.
  2. Meeting Minutes from 2017 Annual Member Meeting.  Deb Durschlang moved to approve 2017 Annual Member Meeting Minutes.  Tom Johansen seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Treasurer's REport.  Janet Appling moved to approve the Treasurer's REport.  Deb Durschlang seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. Change of Fiscal Year - The current fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.  The SLA would like to change the fiscal year to align with the yearly calendar:  January 1 through December 31.  Dan Butkus moved to approve an 18 month budget to transition to a 12 month budget that aligns with the calendar year.  Deb Durschlang seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  5. Budget - an 18 month budget from July 2018 through December 2019 was presented.  Dan Butkus moved to accept the proposed budget.  Tom Johansen seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  6. Elections - Craig Zarley, Dale Smith, Greg Nevinski, Russ Tennessen and Jackie Whitney were elected to the Squash Lake Association Board.
  7. Well Sampling - Jeff Paddock gave instrucitions on collecting water samples for members who ordered water sampling kits.  Drop off kits at Hemkle's Town Pump on Sunday, July 8 between 12 and 3:00pm.
  8. Volunteering at the boat landing and milfoil monitoring was explained and encouraged.
  9. Fisheries - Craig Zarley discussed the declining walleye population.  a 2016 walleye survey revealed we have less than 1 walleye per acre.  In 2009 there were 108 walleye per care and in 1991 there were 5 walleye per acre.  In 2014 4000 fingerling walleye and in 2016 3000 fingerling walleye were added to the lake through a DNR walleye initiative.  Factors affecting walleye  population are large mouth bass, shoreline development and low water levels.
  10. Adjournment - Janet Appling moved to adjourn the meeting.  Tom Johansen seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.