Meeting Minutes July 7, 2018 - Annual Members Meeting
5:00pm Whipsaw Restaurant, Northwoods Golf Course, Rhinelander, WI
Present: Dan Butkus, Karen Isebrands-Brown, Tom Johansen, Greg Nevinski, Jeff Paddock, Dale Smith, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley
Absent: Marj Mehring, Tom Hanson
- Meeting called to order at 5:00pm by president Jeff Paddock.
- Meeting Minutes from 2017 Annual Member Meeting. Deb Durschlang moved to approve 2017 Annual Member Meeting Minutes. Tom Johansen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Treasurer's REport. Janet Appling moved to approve the Treasurer's REport. Deb Durschlang seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Change of Fiscal Year - The current fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. The SLA would like to change the fiscal year to align with the yearly calendar: January 1 through December 31. Dan Butkus moved to approve an 18 month budget to transition to a 12 month budget that aligns with the calendar year. Deb Durschlang seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Budget - an 18 month budget from July 2018 through December 2019 was presented. Dan Butkus moved to accept the proposed budget. Tom Johansen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Elections - Craig Zarley, Dale Smith, Greg Nevinski, Russ Tennessen and Jackie Whitney were elected to the Squash Lake Association Board.
- Well Sampling - Jeff Paddock gave instrucitions on collecting water samples for members who ordered water sampling kits. Drop off kits at Hemkle's Town Pump on Sunday, July 8 between 12 and 3:00pm.
- Volunteering at the boat landing and milfoil monitoring was explained and encouraged.
- Fisheries - Craig Zarley discussed the declining walleye population. a 2016 walleye survey revealed we have less than 1 walleye per acre. In 2009 there were 108 walleye per care and in 1991 there were 5 walleye per acre. In 2014 4000 fingerling walleye and in 2016 3000 fingerling walleye were added to the lake through a DNR walleye initiative. Factors affecting walleye population are large mouth bass, shoreline development and low water levels.
- Adjournment - Janet Appling moved to adjourn the meeting. Tom Johansen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.