Meeting Minutes June 25, 2022 - Annual Meeting
Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Tom Eggert, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Jackie Whitney, Greg Nevinski, Marj Mehring, Jim McAllister Absent: Jeff Paddock
Opening Remarks – Board President, Kathy tournour
- Presidents Report – Kathy Tournour
- The Squash Lake Association now has over 100 members.
- Eric and Valerie Johnson have been donating $1000.00 a year to the association.
- Funds come from memberships, donations and the Spotify online store. Funds are used for boat landing monitoring, social events, and special projects.
- 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Minutes were approve without corrections or additions. Motion to approve by Tony Giannola and second by Gretchen ? Motion passed.
- Financial Report
- Tom Eggert gave the Financial Report (attached). The Squash Lake Association is in very good financial condition. Total assets as of June 23, 2022 was $31, 245.
- A motion to approve the financial report was made by Janet Appling and seconded by Dan Butkus. Motion approved.
- Budget
- The 2023 Proposed Budget was presented by Tom Eggert.
- A motion to accept the proposed 2023 budget was made by Dan Butkus and seconded by Tim ? . Motion passed.
- Tom opened up the floor for proposals for future projects.
- Lake level monitoring and fisheries projects were discussed.
- Janet Appling suggested more social events like the Silent Sports Days.
- A washing station at the landing was discussed. There is a waterless washing station available.
- The “Eyelids” project was discussed. This includes a monitored camera system at the boat landing.
- There was a question about what happens if a violation is observed. There is a form at the shed that can be filled out and sent to the DNR. There could be a substantial fine levied.
- Dan Butkus made a motion to add to the budget proposal. It would authorize the board to spend up to $1500 for lake monitoring, $1000 for social events, and $1000 for fisheries projects.
- There was a discussion about the fact that if the board wanted to do a large project like a washing station or the “Eyelids” project, they could not proceed until they got permission from the members at next summer’s annual meeting.
- Dan Butkus’s original amended was amended to authorize the board to spend up to a maximum of $10,000 for a project(s) as they see fit.
- Janet Appling made the motion to amend Dan’s motion, seconded by Tm ?. Motion passed.
- Education Committee Report– Marj Mehring
- Marj reported on her attendance at the Wisconsin Lakes Convention.
- A program on Squash Lake will look at lake quality/fish habitat, etc. vs property development.
- Marj shared a number of brochures and invited people to take any that they were interested in.
- Marj reported on her attendance at the Wisconsin Lakes Convention.
- Janet Appling mentioned that there is a lot of information, including several books, in the monitoring shed at the boat landing.
- Fisheries Committee Report – Dale Smith
- Dale reported that 3 fish cribs have been built and placed. Locations were published in the newsletter. Plans are to build and place 2 more this year.
- It was also explained that the committee is looking at restoring walleye habitat. They have been waiting for a new DNR agent to be hired in Rhinelander. This will be a project that costs considerably more money. The committee is in the process of gaining information and sources to help. One location being considered is the area in front of Jim Derby’s property.
- There is a form that people can fill out if they would like to have a crib placed in front of their property.
- The fisheries committee will be hosting a fishing seminar on July 16 from 10:00am – 12:00pm. The seminar will feature Craig Zarley, a Squash Lake resident who has written 3 books on fishing. The location will be the beach at Dale’s property – 2621 Oak Lane Drive. There is a form to fill out if you plan to attend. There is a limit of 20 people.
- Social Committee Report – Russ Tennessen
- There are 2 more Silent Sports Saturdays scheduled, July 9 and August 13. (The June one was dampened by rain). People are encouraged to meet at the landing at 9:00am for coffee and doughnuts. After some social time, people are encouraged to participate in their favorite silent sports – running, biking, paddle boarding, etc.
- Welcome folders are being prepared for new residents or land owners. Jackie Whitney is spear heading this project.
- There will be a Float Flotilla again this year. The date is July 30. Something new this year, participants are encouraged to decorate their boats. There will be judging and the winner will receive a custom boat flag. People entering their boat in the competition should get a number from Kathy to display on their boat. The Flotilla will start at 2:30pm from the big island. Jim and Karen brown will again lead the boats counter clockwise around the lake.
- Lake District Report – Tom Johansen
- Bob Thome is the newest member of the Lake District Board.
- The 10 year lake management plan has been finished.
- The divers started work on June 6. It is a heavy year for milfoil. (785 lbs. have already been harvested.)
- Onterra will be out soon to do their initial report.
- Salt monitoring has shown an increase of 5 parts per ? in 1993 to 14 parts per ? today. It is believed that the reason for this increase is Hwy. 8.
- The district lost 1 diver this year. Presently there are 2 full time divers and 1 that works 1 day per week. It is extremely difficult to get new divers. There is lots of competition for divers in the area.
- Aquatic Plant Management of Minocqua may be needed in the future to help with diving. The cost would be significantly higher.
- The budget for next year has not been finalized yet.
- It is being investigated with the DNR to see if buoys can be set-up to try and protect the loons.
- Money is being put aside each year for a new pontoon boat. The present boat has been repaired, but is not expected to last too much longer. The Lake District has received some good news recently. They found out they qualify for a 50/50 grant to purchase a new boat. That will save a lot of money. The Lake District is holding off buying a new boat until the diver situation stabilizes.
- Election of Board Members
- A secret paper ballot is the normal procedure.
- Up for re-election were board members Jackie Whitney, Greg Nevinski, Dale Smith, and Russ Tennessen. All 4 were re-elected. There was one open seat. Jay Laetsch was elected to fill the empty seat.
- Door Prizes
- Drawings were held for the 5 door prizes – 1 Bloody Mary Basket and 4 beach towels.
- Adjournment
- A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Butkus, second by Tom Eggert. Motion passed.