Meeting Minutes March 14, 2020

Board Members Present: Greg Nevinski, Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown (phone), Jeff Paddock (phone)

Absent: Craig Zarley, Russ Tennessen

Meeting was called to order by Board President, Kathy Tournour

  1. Minutes
  2. Minutes were sent out about 1 week after the last meeting. This procedure will be followed in the future.
  3. Motion by Tom and seconded by Greg to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. There was a question about changing some of our funds to a financial institution where more interest can be earned. Marj reported she has not done anything at this point.
    2. There was a motion by Greg and seconded by Dale to accept the final 2019 financial report as presented by Marj.
    3. There was a discussion concerning the budget. The annual budget is approved at the annual meeting in July and runs from July to June, but our membership now runs January to December.  Discussion followed about changing the budget’s fiscal year to correspond to the membership year. It was decided that we would have to check the by-laws.  It may be neccesary to revise the by-laws.  This would have to be done by vote at the annual meeting in July.
    4. A motion was made by Greg to accept the current Treasurer’s Report (January – March). There was a second by Tom. Motion passed.
  5. CBCW Update
    1. Bill Akan was not present, but did submit a report.
    2. Jerry Rupple will work this summer. Bill proposed starting Memorial weekend and ending Labor Day (33 days?).  Salary would come to $3708.00.
    3. It was assumed that Tom Fuss would be continuing his weekly hours also.
    4. Greg made a motion to authorize Bill to manage the account and have flexibility. If more than $4500.00, Bill must come back to the board for approval.
    5. There was a question about whether there was money in the budget to do this. Marj said that there was.
    6. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  6. Loon Bay Update
    1. 14 petitions have been received so far. They have all been mailed. The form was in a special newsletter that was sent out.  45 signatures are needed.  If the property is a LLC or trust, there can be more than 1 signature.
    2. There was a discussion about how to update the process to allow electronic signatures. It was decided to get a signable PDF attached to a new email.
    3. Jeff will get the writeable PDF to Kathy. She will send out.
    4. There was a side issue discussion about the use of credit cards for membership payments. Kathy will check into this.
    5. There was another question from Tom about confusion when people are searching for the Squash Lake Association. The confusion had to do with the old website that would come up.  That site is now gone.  The new website address is:
  7. Boat Landing Sign
    1. The sign at the boat landing was damaged by someone backing into it. It was thought that the sign had been in good condition.
    2. There was a motion by Greg and a second by Tom to authorize spending up to $200.00 to repair the sign. Tom and Russ will take charge of the project.

Motion passed.

  1. Summer 2020
    1. Paddleboard Class
      1. The date is Saturday, June 27, 10:00am – 12:00pm. The instructor is from Nicolet College.
      2. The location is at 2621 Oak lane Drive (Dale Smith’s beach area)
  • Jackie is handling the applications.
  1. The cost is $300.00 for up to 10 people. They may take a couple more. There is no cost to SLA members. Non-members may attend if room.  Members will be registered first. There will be a cost for non-members.
  2. More publicity is needed. The deadline for sign-up is June 13.
  1. Annual meeting
    1. The preferred date is July 18. The time would be 4:00pm – 6:00pm.
    2. Dale will check with the Town Pump for availability. If the July 18 date is not available, July 25 is a possibility.
  • Karen will again work with the place on food for the meeting.
  1. Adjournment
    1. The next SLA meeting is May 16 at 9:00am. The meeting will be at Kathy’s House.
    2. Some of the items will be the fiscal year for the budget, website update, progress on the boat landing sign repair, and the annual meeting.
    3. There was a motion to adjourn by Karen and seconded by Tom. Motion passed. It was exactly 12:00pm.