Meeting Minutes March 16, 2019

Present:  Kathy Tournour, Jackie Whitney, Marj Mehring, Greg Nevinski, Craig Zarley, Russ Tennessen, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown (phone), Gary Buntrock

Meeting called to order at 10am - Kathy

  1. Meeting Minutes from September 13, 2018 meeting.  Motion by Greg and second by Craig to approve the minutes.  Motion approved.
  2. Treasurer's Report - Marj explained expenditures.  SLA received $50,000 for EWM control.. Greg suggested we use it for signage at the boat landing instead of giving it to the Lake District.  SLA received $4000 from the Sokaogon Chippewa.  Karen requested that the current budget line item be corrected to reflect this generous gift from the Sokaogon Chippewa.  Marj will do this in the future.  SLA received $3,200 + from the last fundraiser.  It surpassed the goal of $3000.  Greg made a motion to approve the minutes with the stipulation that any monies from Mole Lake be included as a lin item.  Second by Russ.  Motion approved.
  3. Financial Planning - The idea of having a pressure washer was presented by Greg as a long term goal.  Kathy gave information she received from Tom Johansen on a security camera system for the boat landing.  Craig suggested Mole Lake be contacted about the idea of rebuilding the reef that was once off Derbys.  It would involve dumping fist-size rock on the ice.  Karen suggested we have CPR Training.  This will be added to the May meeting for discussion.  Shed upkeep was discussed briefly.  Item to be placed on May meeting.  Paddle-boat still sitting by shed still unclaimed.  There was concern about vendors bringing in boats and piers.  Vendors should be contacted about checking their boats and trailers.  Bill will be contacted about this also.  Another idea was to put information on this in the newsletter.  Craig suggested we contact Stephanie about putting the vendor issue in the newspaper.  There was a discussion about increasing paid inspection hours at the landing.  Dale will talk to Bill.  Landscaping is another issue effecting the lake.  A workshop was suggested.  Marj suggested setting up committees for some of these items if they are to be addressed.
  4. Lake District Meetings - The next Lake District Meeting is April 14 at 1:00pm at the Crescent Town Hall.  Someone should attend.  We should work to support each other.  You can get meeting notifications from their website at
  5. Size of SLA Board - Board is down one.  We can appoint one until annual meeting.  Marj, Jeff, Kathy and Karen are up for re-election this yea.  
  6. Website/Marketing Plan - Squash Lake Association gets you to the old website.  Kathy figured out how to get a message on it saying "this website is no longer functional".  Newsletter also has the wrong address.  New address is  Shopify is the new website.  Kathy's daughter is working on a marketing plan as a project and will present her ideas at the next meeting.
  7. Summer 2019 - Mel's cannot do a kayak demonstration day.   They do one with vendor in May.  Nicolet does one.  We may be able to coordinate with them.  Karen will contact Nicolet.  It may include kayaks and paddle-boards.  Fire Dept. Presentation - Kathy  talked to the Crescent Fire Department.  Discussion was about what they could do:  chimneys, landscaping, inspections?  Fisheries- Craig reported that the DNR has a new fisheries specialist.  Craig reported that 12,000 7 1/2" walleyes have been stocked since 2014.  DNR's next schedule "shocking" in in 2022.  One of the Indian tribes generally does this each fall.  The DNR plans to do a "kneel survey" on Squash Lake.  They will interview fishermen all sumer.  Marj will attend the Lakes Convention in April.  It is held April 9-12 at the Holiday Inn in Stevens Point.  There are many useful sessions including:  walleye vs bass, habitat, shoreline landscaping, et.
  8. Greg made a motion to adjourn, second by Craig.  Meeting adjourned.