Meeting Minutes May 14, 2022
All board members present, plus Bill Akan and Tom Johansen.
Meeting was called to order at 9:07am by Board President, Kathy Tournour.
1. Opening Remarks
2. President’s Report
a. We presently have 89 members. Todd at Town Pump was a great help in providing
coupons for new members joining. Kathy suggested giving a coupon for Shopify to
promote more people to join. Tom suggested giving everyone a discount to promote the
our Shopify store. It was suggested to have items available at the annual meeting as
another way to promote Shopify. Marj suggested getting hats. Jeff suggested bumper
stickers. Dale suggested having a feature article in the newsletter about Shopify. Kathy
will take care of the coupon/discount for Shopify.
b. Kathy reported that the website is pretty much up to date.
c. The possibility of a webcam is still open. It would face the lake from Kathy’s property.
It would be a separate link, but implanted on the website.
d. Kathy reported that the membership list is not updated at this time, due to her
computer crashing.
3. Finance Committee
a. Tom Eggert reported that financially we are in good shape and explained the report.
b. Tom stated that we need projects.
c. The landing as a project
1. Tom Johansen reported that the Town of Crescent is looking at updating its boat
landings. Tom explained that that will bring additional large boats to our lake. The Lake
District’s survey showed the two big issues people wanted addressed were wake boats
and fishing. Updating the landing may be a negative for the lake.
d. Other project suggestions
1. Greg suggested a washing station, eyelid camera at the landing, and additional
fisheries projects. Tom Johansen volunteered to look into the Eyelid Camera.
e. Tom Eggert stated that we have a pretty much balanced budget. Postage should be
included. Tom Johansen suggested that mailings should have a logo or something to
identify it from all the junk mail.
f. Tom Eggert explained the income portion of the report. There was a question about
whether monitor training was still part of the requirement for the grant. Jeff will check.
g. Tom Eggert explained the proposed budget. It is tentative. Greg suggested that the
Budget Committee meet prior to the annual meeting. Marj made a motion to add office
supplies up to $200.00 and postage up to $100.00 to the budget. Motion seconded by
Jim. Motion approved.
j. Russ made a motion to approve the budget with changes. Greg seconded it. Motion
4. Bill Akan Report.
a. Paid monitors will begin on Memorial day and go through Labor Day.
b. b. Tom Fuss and Denny Scott are continuing their part-time positions. A new person
for 8 hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays needs to be filled. Bill has not been able
to contact the person that had the position last year. There is an interview
scheduled today.
c. There was a discussion about the pay rate. It was felt that the current rate of
$12.00 may not be competitive. Marj made a motion to increase the pay for
monitors up to $15.00. Second by Jim. Motion approved. Bill can decide how that
pay is given. It was suggested that maybe a portion be held as a bonus for a
completed season.
5. Education Committee
a. Marj is a committee of one at present. Marj reported that the Kiosk at the lake has
been updated. CPR Class is tabled until next year. It was felt that we could provide
more information to residents on ways to improve the lake and shoreline. Almost
everything done on the lake shore needs approval. Marj gave a short report on her
participation at the Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention. Marj attended one day.
6. Fisheries Committee
a. It is planned to do a couple more cribs this summer. Greg has asked to have a crib
placed in front of his residence. Others can request a crib at the annual meeting.
The spawning restoration project is on hold until we get a local DNR representative
to work with. Russ will give a short stocking report at the annual meeting. Craig
Zarley has agreed to do a fishing seminar. We will schedule a meeting soon to work
out the details. People can sign-up at the annual meeting. Greg suggested using
pontoon boats and actually going out on the water. (This would depend on how
many participants). Dale asked how we can find out if the cribs are actually working.
One suggestions was to ask inspectors at he landing to ask people. People that live
near a crib could also provide information. More information on where the cribs are
located is needed to get out to people.
7. Social Committee
a. Dates have been set for the “Silent Sports”. People can walk, run, bike, or paddle
People can then meet at the boat landing for fellowship and coffee and doughnuts.
The dates are June 11, July 9, and August 13. Social time at the landing starts at 9:00am.
The Boat Flotilla will be held at 3pm on July 30 th . Participants should meet to the west of
the big island at 2:30pm. People are encouraged to decorate their boat. Jim and Karen
Brown have agreed to lead the Flotilla again this year.
b. Jackie reported that the welcome folders are just about ready. There is information
on where to get more information on a variety of subjects. This keeps the paper to a
minimum. There was a discussion about how we find out about new residents.
There was a realtor who was suppose to keep us updated.
8. Annual Meeting
a. The Annual meeting is set for June 25 th at the Town Pump. Social hour and pizza
at 4pm and the meeting at 5pm. Russ will contact the Town Pump. Dale will
bring the microphone. Kathy will develop yard posters to promote the meeting.
Possible sites include – Crescent Rd., Squash Lake Rd., Lake Rest Rd., Long Lake
Rd., and Crestview Rd.
b. Tom Eggert will present the budget at the annual meeting. He will then ask if
the board can have permission to alter the budget if special projects come up.
He will also ask for project ideas. Tom Johansen will be present and give a Lake
District update.
c. We have one open board seat at present. Jackie Whitney is still deciding if she
will run again.
9. Lake District Update
a. Tom Johansen gave an update. There is one new part-time diver this year.
District is worried that a couple of the present divers may retire. Options for
divers are being looked at. There have been discussions with a Minocqua firm.
They ask $2000.00 for 4 divers/8hours. The District will meet with present divers
and try to get them to commit to 3 more years. The District will consider a pay
increase from $35.00 up to $45.00. There may be a high level of milfoil this year
due to the warm Fall. The Lake Management Plan has been completed. In the
future, plans will only have to be updated every 10 years instead of 5years. A
grant will probably not be applied for this year because the district has enough
funds at present. The new boat fund has $42,000.00 and a new board member
has helped obtain a grant for 50% of the cost. Bob Thome is the new board
member from the county. The Lake District board is preparing for the annual
meeting. The only new thing to be presented at the annual meeting is a petition
to have a “Loon Nest Area” buoy placed by Loon Bay.
10. Adjournment
a. Marj made a motion to adjourn. Second by Russ. Motion passed.
Meeting was called to order at 9:07am by Board President, Kathy Tournour.
1. Opening Remarks
2. President’s Report
a. We presently have 89 members. Todd at Town Pump was a great help in providing
coupons for new members joining. Kathy suggested giving a coupon for Shopify to
promote more people to join. Tom suggested giving everyone a discount to promote the
our Shopify store. It was suggested to have items available at the annual meeting as
another way to promote Shopify. Marj suggested getting hats. Jeff suggested bumper
stickers. Dale suggested having a feature article in the newsletter about Shopify. Kathy
will take care of the coupon/discount for Shopify.
b. Kathy reported that the website is pretty much up to date.
c. The possibility of a webcam is still open. It would face the lake from Kathy’s property.
It would be a separate link, but implanted on the website.
d. Kathy reported that the membership list is not updated at this time, due to her
computer crashing.
3. Finance Committee
a. Tom Eggert reported that financially we are in good shape and explained the report.
b. Tom stated that we need projects.
c. The landing as a project
1. Tom Johansen reported that the Town of Crescent is looking at updating its boat
landings. Tom explained that that will bring additional large boats to our lake. The Lake
District’s survey showed the two big issues people wanted addressed were wake boats
and fishing. Updating the landing may be a negative for the lake.
d. Other project suggestions
1. Greg suggested a washing station, eyelid camera at the landing, and additional
fisheries projects. Tom Johansen volunteered to look into the Eyelid Camera.
e. Tom Eggert stated that we have a pretty much balanced budget. Postage should be
included. Tom Johansen suggested that mailings should have a logo or something to
identify it from all the junk mail.
f. Tom Eggert explained the income portion of the report. There was a question about
whether monitor training was still part of the requirement for the grant. Jeff will check.
g. Tom Eggert explained the proposed budget. It is tentative. Greg suggested that the
Budget Committee meet prior to the annual meeting. Marj made a motion to add office
supplies up to $200.00 and postage up to $100.00 to the budget. Motion seconded by
Jim. Motion approved.
j. Russ made a motion to approve the budget with changes. Greg seconded it. Motion
4. Bill Akan Report.
a. Paid monitors will begin on Memorial day and go through Labor Day.
b. b. Tom Fuss and Denny Scott are continuing their part-time positions. A new person
for 8 hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays needs to be filled. Bill has not been able
to contact the person that had the position last year. There is an interview
scheduled today.
c. There was a discussion about the pay rate. It was felt that the current rate of
$12.00 may not be competitive. Marj made a motion to increase the pay for
monitors up to $15.00. Second by Jim. Motion approved. Bill can decide how that
pay is given. It was suggested that maybe a portion be held as a bonus for a
completed season.
5. Education Committee
a. Marj is a committee of one at present. Marj reported that the Kiosk at the lake has
been updated. CPR Class is tabled until next year. It was felt that we could provide
more information to residents on ways to improve the lake and shoreline. Almost
everything done on the lake shore needs approval. Marj gave a short report on her
participation at the Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention. Marj attended one day.
6. Fisheries Committee
a. It is planned to do a couple more cribs this summer. Greg has asked to have a crib
placed in front of his residence. Others can request a crib at the annual meeting.
The spawning restoration project is on hold until we get a local DNR representative
to work with. Russ will give a short stocking report at the annual meeting. Craig
Zarley has agreed to do a fishing seminar. We will schedule a meeting soon to work
out the details. People can sign-up at the annual meeting. Greg suggested using
pontoon boats and actually going out on the water. (This would depend on how
many participants). Dale asked how we can find out if the cribs are actually working.
One suggestions was to ask inspectors at he landing to ask people. People that live
near a crib could also provide information. More information on where the cribs are
located is needed to get out to people.
7. Social Committee
a. Dates have been set for the “Silent Sports”. People can walk, run, bike, or paddle
People can then meet at the boat landing for fellowship and coffee and doughnuts.
The dates are June 11, July 9, and August 13. Social time at the landing starts at 9:00am.
The Boat Flotilla will be held at 3pm on July 30 th . Participants should meet to the west of
the big island at 2:30pm. People are encouraged to decorate their boat. Jim and Karen
Brown have agreed to lead the Flotilla again this year.
b. Jackie reported that the welcome folders are just about ready. There is information
on where to get more information on a variety of subjects. This keeps the paper to a
minimum. There was a discussion about how we find out about new residents.
There was a realtor who was suppose to keep us updated.
8. Annual Meeting
a. The Annual meeting is set for June 25 th at the Town Pump. Social hour and pizza
at 4pm and the meeting at 5pm. Russ will contact the Town Pump. Dale will
bring the microphone. Kathy will develop yard posters to promote the meeting.
Possible sites include – Crescent Rd., Squash Lake Rd., Lake Rest Rd., Long Lake
Rd., and Crestview Rd.
b. Tom Eggert will present the budget at the annual meeting. He will then ask if
the board can have permission to alter the budget if special projects come up.
He will also ask for project ideas. Tom Johansen will be present and give a Lake
District update.
c. We have one open board seat at present. Jackie Whitney is still deciding if she
will run again.
9. Lake District Update
a. Tom Johansen gave an update. There is one new part-time diver this year.
District is worried that a couple of the present divers may retire. Options for
divers are being looked at. There have been discussions with a Minocqua firm.
They ask $2000.00 for 4 divers/8hours. The District will meet with present divers
and try to get them to commit to 3 more years. The District will consider a pay
increase from $35.00 up to $45.00. There may be a high level of milfoil this year
due to the warm Fall. The Lake Management Plan has been completed. In the
future, plans will only have to be updated every 10 years instead of 5years. A
grant will probably not be applied for this year because the district has enough
funds at present. The new boat fund has $42,000.00 and a new board member
has helped obtain a grant for 50% of the cost. Bob Thome is the new board
member from the county. The Lake District board is preparing for the annual
meeting. The only new thing to be presented at the annual meeting is a petition
to have a “Loon Nest Area” buoy placed by Loon Bay.
10. Adjournment
a. Marj made a motion to adjourn. Second by Russ. Motion passed.