Meeting Minutes May 16, 2020
Board Members Present: Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown, Russ Tennessen,Craig Zarley, CBCW Co-ordinator Bill Akan, plus Tom Johansen and Dan Butkus from the Lake District Board
Absent: Jeff Paddock, Greg Nevinski
Meeting was called to order at 9:03am by Board President, Kathy Tournour
- Opening Remarks
- The website has been updated
- Working on the Paypal button
- Updating e-mails – Marj updates list as memberships come in
- Minutes
- Motion by Marj and seconded by Tom to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s Report
- 59 members in report, plus 6 more checks received
- Expenses (postage and printing) for letters regarding membership
- No expenses from restricted funds
- A reminder to move some money for added interest – Tom will research and report back.
- There was a motion by Russ and seconded by Tom to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.
- Loon Bay Update
- 19 petitions have been returned so far. 45 is needed.
- Jeff is working on a writeable PDF.
- Marj said that the form needs to have instructions on where and how to send the form back.
- Kathy will talk to Jeff and get this taken care of.
- A date of June 30th was set for having petitions in.
- Kathy will send confirmation to Tom Johanssen when the required number of petition forms have been received. Tom said that they should have them by August 4th to get on the Lake District Annual meeting.
- Tom Johansen explained some outcomes that may come from the Lake District’s Annual Meeting. They could just provide information or act on a motion such as holding a special meeting on Loon Bay.
- Dan explained that they are in the final year of the grant for milfoil control and don’t know if another one will be granted. This could increase the district cost
- Karen asked if the Lake District needs a certain number or percentage of lake owners to proceed. Tom responded that any number of people at the meeting could make a decision for all property owners. If a special meeting was to be held, it would probably be in the spring.
- Kathy suggested we put Loon Bay on the Squash Lake Association’s Annual Meeting Agenda.
- Other lake District Updates
- Dan explained that the Time Meander Survey has been postponed because of Covid 19. It is tentatively scheduled for late June or Early July. The cost to the Lake Association is $2500.00 with about $1700.00 coming back from the state.
- People are needed to be on the Lake Management / Aquatic Plant Committee. State requires that the Lake Management Plan be updated every 5 years. This is required for the milfoil grant.
- Responsibilities would include setting up the stakeholder survey and then updating the plan. It was stated that only the part dealing with milfoil needs to be revised.
- With the Onterra Survey and things happening on a yearly basis, it should be much easier this time.
- Craig, Tom, and Karen volunteered. Dan and Tom can decide if they need additional people.
- Newsletter & Website Plan
- Kathy checked area websites to see what was happening with the Covid 19. Vilas County had information. Oneida County did not have much. Someone reported that Oneida County just updated their website with guidelines for Covid 19.
- Marj suggested that we just direct people to the Oneida County Website because they are the experts.
- Clean Boats / Clean Waters
- Bill reported that Jerry Rupel has agreed to be the main boat inspecter again this year. Tom Fuss has said he will pick-up early Sundays again. He is still in Florida at this time.
- A discussion took place about the starting date considering Covid 19. Bill has checked with Madison and nothing is happening from the DNR until June.
- Dan thinks the DNR will put out a set of guidelines at some point.
- It was felt that lakes should start Clean Boats / Clean Waters if they feel safe in doing so.
- It was decided that we could start monitoring on Squash Lake with guidelines.
- Bill suggested wearing gloves and masks (he ordered 90 from the state), use hand sanitizer, try not to touch the boat, and suggest boat owners stay in their vehicles during inspection.
- It was agreed that we should have the inspector guidelines posted at the shed.
- Kathy will put something in the newsletter.
- SUP Class Update
- Only 3 signed up at present. A discussion took place about the cost and viability of still trying to offer the class.
- Karen talked about the cost and how many people were needed to make it financially responsible.
- It was noted that the class has not been on the website or newsletter. This could potentially get more people to sign-up. Several board members mentioned they had discussions with people that had interest.
- Marj suggested, and everyone agreed, waiting until 2 weeks before to make a final decision. The class is scheduled for Saturday, June 27, from 10:00am – 12:00pm at Dale’s beach area, 2621 Oak Lane Drive.
- Annual Meeting
- The annual meeting is scheduled for July 18, 4:00pm – 6:00pm at the Town Pump.
- Craig will not be running for the board again. Kathy asked members to think of people that may be interested. There was one person that was on the ballot last year and was not voted on. It was suggested to ask him if he is still interested.
- There was a discussion about the budget and membership calendar years being aligned. This was done at the 2019 annual meeting.
- An audit should be done of the finances. Dan suggested Tracy Hartmann, the County Clerk. She may do it for free if she has time. Dan also said there was another gentleman on Lake Julia. Dan will try to check with him as a back-up.
- Marj will contact Tracy Hartmann.
- A discussion took place about the annual meeting and the Covid 19 virus. It was felt that having it at the Town Pump this year was not a good idea because of the “tight quarters.” Social distancing would be very difficult.
- An annual meeting is required by State Statute. It was decided that the meeting would be held as a virtual meeting on Zoom. The time was changed to 10:00am – 12:00pm. The date of July 18 will remain the same.
- Tom’s license for Zoom can handle up to 100 people.
- Dale will cancel the meeting at the Town Pump.
- On a side note, there may be a “floatila” event held at a later date.
- Boating Concerns
- A lot of concerns have surfaced about the effect wave boats are having on the lake. A discussion took place on how we could address this as a board.
- State regulation is that these boats maintain a 100 ft. distance from the shore. It was suggested that the board send a letter to the State expressing our concerns, and suggesting that the regulation be changed to 200 ft.
- The subject will be placed on the agenda for the annual meeting. If there is enough concerns voiced and, the association could present these concerns to the Woodboro and Crescent Town Boards. They have the power to do something.
- It was decided to send a letter to owners expressing these concerns. Karen volunteered to write the letter. It was agreed that she would send the letter to board members for their input before the letter is sent out.
- Adjournment
- There was a motion by Karen, second by Russ to adjourn. Motion passed.