Meeting Minutes May 19, 2018
8:30am - Jeff Paddock’s house; 2612 Oak Lane Drive
Present: Dan Butkus, Karen Isebrands Brown, Tom Johansen, Marj Mehring, Jeff Paddock, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley
Absent: Tom Hanson, Greg Nevinski, Dale Smith
- Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order at 8:30 am by president Jeff Paddock
- Meeting Minutes from March 10, 2018. Motion to approve Meeting Minutes from Dan Butkus. Second from Janet Appeling. The motion passed unanimously.
- Treasurer’s Report: Marj Mehring presented the submitted Treasurer’s Report. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report from Dan Butkus. Second from Tom Johansen. The motion passed unanimously.
- Ongoing Business:
- Proposed Budget: Milfoil control dollars have been moved to the Squash Lake District. The cost of the Lake Management Plan has also moved to the Lake District. Though approval of the Squash Lake Association’s annual budget take place at the Annual Member’s Meeting in July, the treasurer seeks to start the fiscal year in January. To achieve this, revision of the by-laws is required at the Annual Member’s Meeting. Dan Butkus moved to amend the by-laws to allow transition to a calendar fiscal year with the first budget being an 18-month budget and following budgets being a calendar year. Second from Tom Johansen. The motion passed unanimously. Dan Butkus moved the amended 18-month budget include $450 for the Annual Member Meeting cost. Second from Tom Johansen. The motion passed unanimously. Dan Butkus moved to split income donated for Clean Boats Clean Water and Education fund during the November fund raising campaign into 2 equal and separate categories. Second from Tom Johansen. The motion passed unanimously.
- Lake District Update: Tom Johansen reported the Squash Lake District is sending a letter informing residents of the Lake District progress. The Squash Lake District will meet on July 8 to preapprove a budget and set the agenda for the August Annual Meeting. Dan Butkus reported on finances. The Squash Lake District received $297 lottery tax credit from the state of Wisconsin. The Squash Lake District has partially repaid the loan from Squash Lake Association early.
- Marj noted the liability and directors insurance the Lake Association carries is lower due to transferring ownership of the boat to the Lake District. Craig Zarley moved the Squash Lake Association continue liability insurance for board members. Second from Kathy Tournour. The motion passed unanimously.
- The Crescent Fire Department is planning a picnic on July 28. They are requesting a donation from the Squash Lake Association. Janet Appeling will donate a wood plaque from the SLA
- Grant Administrator Report – Dan Butkus will no longer act as grant administrator for Clean Boats Clean Waters grant after summer of 2018.
- CWCB Update: Bill Akan reported paid inspectors begin Memorial Day weekend. Bill reported there are new watercraft inspector report sheets. The SLA Newsletter will request volunteer inspectors. Karen Isebrands Brown moved to mail printed copies of the SLA Newsletter to members who do not have valid email addresses. Second from Dan Butkus. The motion passed unanimously.
- Inspection Schedule: Bill Akan will revise the Inspection Schedule to highlight open volunteer times.
- Fisheries Survey Update: Craig Zarley attended the Lake Convention in Stevens Point on April 17.
- Private Well Sampling: Jeff Paddock reported distribution of the water-testing kits will be on July 7 at the Annual Members Meeting and collection will take place at Henkel’s Town Pump on July 8.
- Eventbrite: Eventbrite will be used to sign-up and pay for the testing in advance.
- Additional Advertisement: Advertising for the well sampling will be included in the Annual Member Meeting mailing.
- Annual Meeting:
- June Mailing: An informative mailing to all Squash Lake Association members will be sent in June. Well testing information and a membership form will be included.
- Location: Whipsaw Bar and Grill located at 3131 Golf Course Road, Rhinelander has been reserved for the Annual Members Meeting. Hors devours compliments of the Squash Lake Association will be served from 4:00 to 5:00 with the Annual Members Meeting to begin at 5:00.
- President Approval Without Board: Marj moved the president have the authority to approve expenses up to $500 in consultation with the treasurer. Second from Tom Johansen. The motion passed unanimously.
- Marketing Plan: Jill Paddock presented a multimedia marketing plan. A Communications Committee will compose a marketing plan to present to the board at a future date. Tom Johansen moved to include website costs in the upcoming budget. Second from Karen Isebrands Brown. Motion passed unanimously.
- Dan Butkus moved to adjourn. Second from Tom Johansen. Motion passed unanimously.