Meeting Minutes May 6, 2023

Board members present: Kathy Tournour, Tom Eggert, Greg Nevinski, Russ Tennessen, Marj
Mehring, Jay Laetsch, Dale Smith, Tony Giannola, Jeff Paddock (partial), Absent: Jackie Whitney
The zoom meeting was called to order by Kathy at approximate 9:00am.
1. President’s Report - Kathy
a. Kathy reported that we presently have 84 members paid. The goal is still to
have 100 members.
b. Tony asked if we had figured the % of members from the total land owners.
He suggested trying to find out why people don’t join.
c. Kathy recently sent out a complete listing of all lake property owners.
d. Tom asked if Tony would share the maps he has researched. It includes a
map of the lake with property owner names on each parcel. Tom said this
information would be nice to have when driving around the lake. Tony said
he would make it available.

2. April 1 Minutes - Dale
a. Dale said he had made the corrections suggested by Russ and recently sent
everyone the revised minutes.
b. Tom made a motion to accept with a second by Russ. Motioned approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report - Tom
a. Tom gave explained that money in accounts has stayed pretty much the
same since 2020. We won’t know for sure until the end of the year.
b. Income so far this year is $8605.00.
c. Tom explained that Quick books is going to all online and will cost more. He
will look for alternatives.
d. The proposed budget for 2024 was presented. Tom proposed increasing the
amount donated for CBCW inspectors to $1500.00 as a way to draw
attention to how much the lake association pays for the inspectors beyond
what is reimbursed by the DNR through grants.
e. Greg asked about our insurance for board members. What would happen in
the case of accident while engaged in a SLA business. Tony said this should
be covered through an individual’s home owners or umbrella policy.
f. Marge asked about liability forms. Tony will check on this with the broker.
g. Greg made a motion to take the budget to the annual meeting. Second by
Tony. Motion passed.

h. Tony will be on the finance committee and will work with Tom on making the
budget more concise for presentation at the annual meeting.

4. Committee Updates
a. Education – Marj
i. Marj attended the Lakes Convention. The sessions she found most
interesting were Aquatic Invertebrates and Network Building.
ii. Marj plans to do several milfoil identification workshops this summer.
She has only 1 response so far. She would like to match dates with
people that are interested. Kathy suggested doing workshops at
8:00am before the Silent Sports which are scheduled for 9:00am.
iii. Marj would also like to have workshops on native plants and
restoring lake shore.
iv. There was a short discussion about the lake level. Everyone
agreed that the lake level is pretty average at present.

5. Washing Station
a. Jeff joined the meeting at this time to discuss washing stations. Several board
members saw the video presentation in February. The video is available if
anyone else wants to watch it.
b. There were 4 systems presented. Three have vacuums. They range is price
from the basic model $2400 to the CB3 model, which has the ability to
monitor boats coming in and out, for $14,500.
c. Jeff reported that it may be possible to get a grant for up to 46%, to cover
some of the expense for installation and the unit.
d. It was decided by the board not to take the washing station idea to the
annual meeting. More information is needed, including information on other

4. Committee Updates (continued)
b. Fisheries
i. July 15 is the date of the fishing workshop with Craig Zarley.
ii. Russ reported that the DNR was on the lake for 3 days recently. They
netted and shocked to count fish. The first day they counted 114
walleyes and the second day, 110. The numbers have not changed much
from the last time the DNR did the count.

iii. A date for constructing the fish cribs will be set soon. The lumber will
all be cut to the correct sizes before assembly day.

c. Finance Committee
i. The CBCW inspectors will be the same as last year – Tom Fuss and Lee
Fessegend Jr.. Pay will be $15.00 per hour. Monitoring will start Memorial
Day weekend.
ii. Kathy will contact Bill Akan to see if there is anything he needs.
iii. A pay increase is proposed for Bill Akan. His stipend would increase
from $1500.00 to $2000.00.
d. Social Committee
i. Silent Sports Days are scheduled for June 10 – 9:00am, July - - 9:00am,
and August 12 – 8:00am(change of time to accommodate the Annual
Lake District Meeting).
ii. Boat Flotilla will be on July 29. Last year’s winner will be asked to lead
the parade. Kathy has the signs and has also secured the flag for the
winning boat. Jay’s wife will be the photographer.
iii. Kathy will thank Jackie and Jim for being on the board. Anyone serving
2 terms or more on the board will receive a $50.00 gift certificate plus a
personal item like a mug from our online store.

6. Annual Meeting
a. By-law change – Take membership out of the secretary position and add a
membership position.
b. Janet will be contacted to see if she is planning to attend the annual meeting.
If yes, she will need a ramp.
c. Kathy will introduce the history of Squash Lake project at the annual
meeting. Janet can add to the conversation if she is present. Karen Brown
may be another resource person.
d. Tom moved to approve the annual meeting agenda. Russ seconded. Motion
e. There is now 1 open seat which will have to be filled at the annual meeting.
f. Kathy will send invitations and include the change in by-laws which has to be
posted 30 days prior to any change being voted on.
g. Invite new lake owners and get addresses to Kathy.
7. Lake District Update.
a. There have been letters of concern over the resignation of Rob Thoms and
the possible appointment of Rob Jensen.

b. Dates: Quarterly Meeting – Sunday, July 9 at 1pm. Annual Meeting –
Saturday, August 12 at 9am.

8. Lake Monitoring
a. Tom reported that Ann Kipper will be doing the lake monitoring. They will
start on Memorial Day and end in the fall.

9. Dates to Remember
a. June 10 – Silent Sports Saturday 9-10am @boat landing
b. June 24 – Annual Meeting 4-6pm @ Town Pump
c. July 8 – Silent Sports Saturday 9-10am @ boat landing
d. July 9 – Lake District Quarterly Meeting 1:00pm
e. E. July 15 – Fishing Workshop – 10am-12pm @ 2621 Oak lane Drive
f. F. July 29 – Boat Flotilla 3pm @ Big Island
g. August 12 – Silent Sports Saturday 8-9am @ boat landing
h. August 12 – Lake District Annual Meeting 9:30am
10. Adjourn
a. A reminder to look for someone for the open board seat.
b. Next regular board meeting will be August 5. Main focus being election of
officers and setting dates for the year.
c. Dale made a motion to adjourn, second by Marj. Motion passed.