Meeting Minutes October 15, 2022
Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Russ Tennessen, Greg Nevinski, Jackie
Whitney, Tom Eggert, Jeff Paddock
Absent: Jim McCalister, Dale Smith, Jay Laetsch
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour
Opening Remarks
1. Presidents report
Kathy’s goal is to increase or maintain our current membership numbers. She
pointed out how successful this year’s membership drive was. The Lake district can
help us in regard to identifying new residents by using the tax roll data base. Jackie
and Russ can then visit these people in May and provide them with one of our
welcome folders. Another one of her goals is to make the website self sufficient or
net zero in terms of cost by increasing sales on the Shopify web site. She would like
to have some Xmas merchandise available and will submitting a design soon. There
was also some discussion regarding wellness checks on people’s cabins during the
winter. Kathy will see if she can put together a list of business people who may
provide such a service.
2. Minutes from last meeting
Motion was made by Tom Eggert to accept and was seconded by Jeff Paddock.
Motion carried.
3. Finance Committee Updates
a. Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting)
Tom reported that we took in $5800 in revenue this year while only budgeting
for around $4,000. The monies transferred to the Schwab account is not doing so
well. Costs for CB/CW was $5,231 while our grant was for $4,000 and we took in
an additional $780 leaving us a $451 shortfall to the budget. Costs were higher
due to a higher pay structure and more hours worked. Bill A. will finish the
CB/CW report and send in. Motion to approve budget report was made by Greg
N. and seconded by Marj M. Motion carried
b. Kathy thought that we should recognize our volunteers with a $50 gift card.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Bill A. with a $50 gift card. Motion was
seconded by Jeff P. and motion carried.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Laryl Laetsch with a $50 gift card. Motion was
seconded by Marj M. and motion carried.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Linda Tennessen with a $50 gift card. Motion
was seconded by Greg N. and motion carried.
4. Lake District
a. Both Tom Johansen and Dan Butkus were present from the Lake District.
Tom provided the following:
Lake district meeting was held on Oct. 9th. The lake water quality as sampled by
Marj M. showed normal to average levels of Phosphorus, Chlorophyl and water
Divers will be down to a two-man crew, but Tom is looking at connecting with a
couple of divers who showed interest in joining, The district will also be hiring
another company for a sample try. They come out with 4-man crew and their
own boat. Tom will give them some troubled areas so that our standard divers
can concentrate on other portions of the lake. The diving crew harvested 3,000
lbs. of Milfoil which was very aggressive this year. The harvesting stopped in
September but since we had plenty of warm days after they stopped, we expect
to open the 2023 season with lots of Milfoil.
The lake district has also started the process of applying for informational buoys.
5. Committee Updates
a. Finance committee, Tom, Marj, Greg and Jim
Tom E. reported that the 2023 CB/CW grant was due to be submitted, Jeff P. said
that he could have it done and submitted by mid-November. A motion was made by
Tom E. to proceed with the grant application submittal and was seconded by Greg
N. Motion carried.
b. Education committee, Marj
Continue to provide resources and info on shoreline erosion/protection.
Marj would like to do some Milfoil workshops next year. The Lake District
appreciates any help that we can provide with helping residents identify and mark
c. Fisheries committee, Dale, Jeff, Russ and Greg
A breakdown cost for the fish cribs was presented. It was noted that a large portion
of lumber was being donated by Nicolet Hardwood out of Laona. Dale estimated
that it would cost about $1400 to finish 4 cribs. Motion made by Russ T. to authorize
$1600 in spending toward the securing the materials to finish 4 cribs. The motion
was seconded by Marj M. and the motion carried. Tom E. will provide Dale with our
tax-exempt number.
Tom E. would like to see another fishing seminar put on next year. Greg N. will ask
Craig Z. if he can accommodate us. We also need to send Craig a thank you note for
this year’s seminar.
Jeff P. is looking to connect with an organization called “Walleyes for Tomorrow” to
get information regarding rock reefs to improve walleye reproduction.
d. Social committee, Russ, Dale and Jackie
Items discussed as possible social events included the following:
Changing the Silent Sports Saturday name/function to Social Saturday.
Provide a new 2023 flag for the boat flotilla decoration winner. This year’s boat
flotilla is currently set for July 8th
6. Long Term Projects
a. A quote for lake level monitoring from “Water Ways Lake Management Services”
was presented by Tom E. The price for the first year(2023) was less that $600
and then roughly $470 per year after that. A motion was made by Greg N. to
accept the quote and then was seconded by Tom E. After much discussion Russ
T. made a motion to table this motion until we heard information regarding
other possible long term projects. The tabled motion was seconded by Jeff P.
Jeff P. then presented information on boat cleaning/washing stations.
Options ranged from $38,000 to $2,800. We could apply for a grant that would
reimburse for up to 40%. It was decided that we didn’t have enough information
and that Jeff would do more investigation.
Russ T. then presented information on the I-Lids camera system for the boat
launch. He informed us that he has been in touch with John Richter of the Plum
Lake Association, who has 7 such systems installed in Vilas County. John came to
the Squash Lake boat launch and did a site evaluation. He also sent video of the
site back to Eric Lindberg, President of ESP which provides the equipment. He
asked Eric to send Russ a updated quote. It was decided that the next step was
to get together with the town of Crescent to talk about land use rights for
placement of such a unit.
Kathy T. said that she is still looking into providing information regarding
nameplates for residents who want to put their name at the end of their docks.
The subject of nameplates was brought up at the annual meeting and people
seemed really interested.
Tom E. made a motion to “un-table” the lake level monitoring motion which was
then seconded by Greg N. Motion carried and a vote was taken on the lake level
monitoring program. Motion carried. Dan Butkus then announced that he would
donate $100 to this program. It was also mentioned that we could put in another
donation line on the SLA application form that would allow residents to
donate/designate money for this program.
7. Misc. Issues
a. Next meeting Feb. 4th
b. Get newsletter articles to Linda Tennessen by Dec. 15th
c. Send any fall and winter pictures to Laryl Laetsch.
8. Adjournment
a. Motion by Marj M and second by Tom E. to adjourn. Motion carried.
Whitney, Tom Eggert, Jeff Paddock
Absent: Jim McCalister, Dale Smith, Jay Laetsch
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour
Opening Remarks
1. Presidents report
Kathy’s goal is to increase or maintain our current membership numbers. She
pointed out how successful this year’s membership drive was. The Lake district can
help us in regard to identifying new residents by using the tax roll data base. Jackie
and Russ can then visit these people in May and provide them with one of our
welcome folders. Another one of her goals is to make the website self sufficient or
net zero in terms of cost by increasing sales on the Shopify web site. She would like
to have some Xmas merchandise available and will submitting a design soon. There
was also some discussion regarding wellness checks on people’s cabins during the
winter. Kathy will see if she can put together a list of business people who may
provide such a service.
2. Minutes from last meeting
Motion was made by Tom Eggert to accept and was seconded by Jeff Paddock.
Motion carried.
3. Finance Committee Updates
a. Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting)
Tom reported that we took in $5800 in revenue this year while only budgeting
for around $4,000. The monies transferred to the Schwab account is not doing so
well. Costs for CB/CW was $5,231 while our grant was for $4,000 and we took in
an additional $780 leaving us a $451 shortfall to the budget. Costs were higher
due to a higher pay structure and more hours worked. Bill A. will finish the
CB/CW report and send in. Motion to approve budget report was made by Greg
N. and seconded by Marj M. Motion carried
b. Kathy thought that we should recognize our volunteers with a $50 gift card.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Bill A. with a $50 gift card. Motion was
seconded by Jeff P. and motion carried.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Laryl Laetsch with a $50 gift card. Motion was
seconded by Marj M. and motion carried.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Linda Tennessen with a $50 gift card. Motion
was seconded by Greg N. and motion carried.
4. Lake District
a. Both Tom Johansen and Dan Butkus were present from the Lake District.
Tom provided the following:
Lake district meeting was held on Oct. 9th. The lake water quality as sampled by
Marj M. showed normal to average levels of Phosphorus, Chlorophyl and water
Divers will be down to a two-man crew, but Tom is looking at connecting with a
couple of divers who showed interest in joining, The district will also be hiring
another company for a sample try. They come out with 4-man crew and their
own boat. Tom will give them some troubled areas so that our standard divers
can concentrate on other portions of the lake. The diving crew harvested 3,000
lbs. of Milfoil which was very aggressive this year. The harvesting stopped in
September but since we had plenty of warm days after they stopped, we expect
to open the 2023 season with lots of Milfoil.
The lake district has also started the process of applying for informational buoys.
5. Committee Updates
a. Finance committee, Tom, Marj, Greg and Jim
Tom E. reported that the 2023 CB/CW grant was due to be submitted, Jeff P. said
that he could have it done and submitted by mid-November. A motion was made by
Tom E. to proceed with the grant application submittal and was seconded by Greg
N. Motion carried.
b. Education committee, Marj
Continue to provide resources and info on shoreline erosion/protection.
Marj would like to do some Milfoil workshops next year. The Lake District
appreciates any help that we can provide with helping residents identify and mark
c. Fisheries committee, Dale, Jeff, Russ and Greg
A breakdown cost for the fish cribs was presented. It was noted that a large portion
of lumber was being donated by Nicolet Hardwood out of Laona. Dale estimated
that it would cost about $1400 to finish 4 cribs. Motion made by Russ T. to authorize
$1600 in spending toward the securing the materials to finish 4 cribs. The motion
was seconded by Marj M. and the motion carried. Tom E. will provide Dale with our
tax-exempt number.
Tom E. would like to see another fishing seminar put on next year. Greg N. will ask
Craig Z. if he can accommodate us. We also need to send Craig a thank you note for
this year’s seminar.
Jeff P. is looking to connect with an organization called “Walleyes for Tomorrow” to
get information regarding rock reefs to improve walleye reproduction.
d. Social committee, Russ, Dale and Jackie
Items discussed as possible social events included the following:
Changing the Silent Sports Saturday name/function to Social Saturday.
Provide a new 2023 flag for the boat flotilla decoration winner. This year’s boat
flotilla is currently set for July 8th
6. Long Term Projects
a. A quote for lake level monitoring from “Water Ways Lake Management Services”
was presented by Tom E. The price for the first year(2023) was less that $600
and then roughly $470 per year after that. A motion was made by Greg N. to
accept the quote and then was seconded by Tom E. After much discussion Russ
T. made a motion to table this motion until we heard information regarding
other possible long term projects. The tabled motion was seconded by Jeff P.
Jeff P. then presented information on boat cleaning/washing stations.
Options ranged from $38,000 to $2,800. We could apply for a grant that would
reimburse for up to 40%. It was decided that we didn’t have enough information
and that Jeff would do more investigation.
Russ T. then presented information on the I-Lids camera system for the boat
launch. He informed us that he has been in touch with John Richter of the Plum
Lake Association, who has 7 such systems installed in Vilas County. John came to
the Squash Lake boat launch and did a site evaluation. He also sent video of the
site back to Eric Lindberg, President of ESP which provides the equipment. He
asked Eric to send Russ a updated quote. It was decided that the next step was
to get together with the town of Crescent to talk about land use rights for
placement of such a unit.
Kathy T. said that she is still looking into providing information regarding
nameplates for residents who want to put their name at the end of their docks.
The subject of nameplates was brought up at the annual meeting and people
seemed really interested.
Tom E. made a motion to “un-table” the lake level monitoring motion which was
then seconded by Greg N. Motion carried and a vote was taken on the lake level
monitoring program. Motion carried. Dan Butkus then announced that he would
donate $100 to this program. It was also mentioned that we could put in another
donation line on the SLA application form that would allow residents to
donate/designate money for this program.
7. Misc. Issues
a. Next meeting Feb. 4th
b. Get newsletter articles to Linda Tennessen by Dec. 15th
c. Send any fall and winter pictures to Laryl Laetsch.
8. Adjournment
a. Motion by Marj M and second by Tom E. to adjourn. Motion carried.