Meeting Minutes October 16, 2021

Squash Lake Association Meeting October 16, 2021 Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Russ Tennessen, Greg Nevinski, Jackie Whitney, Tom Eggert, Jeff Paddock Absent: Jim McCalister, Dale Smith

Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour Opening Remarks

1. Presidents report

a. Membership: No new members, Kathy pushing new membership, hoping to have an overlapping diagram by January on district vs. association responsibilities in order to send out in a newsletter and/or Email. Possible incentives for signing up early is a coupon to be used at Henkels for appetizers. Tom Eggert reported a 30% decrease in membership from 2020 to 2021. Kathy hopes to send out an Email in early January followed up by a mailing in February for non-respondents.

b. Meeting Dates a. February Feb 5th meeting changed Feb 12th, with Zoom link

c. Website: Kathy is going to pursue additional items to be sold

2. Minutes from last meeting a. Motion was made by Tom Eggert to accept and was seconded by Marj Mehring. Kathy is still checking to see if there are any restrictions on the rate of SLA dues.

3. Finance Committee Updates a. Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting) Tom reported General fund going from $11,324 as of Jan 1, 2020 to $4,169 as of today with monies being transferred to the new Schwab account. Restricted CB/CW account went from $12,202 to $2,856, waiting re-imbursement from the DNR grant. Total assets went from $26,751 to $25,064. We took in $1475 in extra income that was not dues related. No income reported from website. Decided to keep CB/CW budget for 2022 same as 2021. Jeff reported that the status of next years grant should be known in November. 1. Motion by Greg and second by Jeff to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.

4. Lake District a. No one from the lake district was present

5. Committee Updates

a. Finance committee, Tom, Marj, Greg and Jim Tom reported on the many different accounts that the association had. There is about $700 in the restricted fund the is earmarked for certain projects. Tom will provide us with a break down of the amounts and designated usage. Continue with the Amazon Smile program. Remind members to see if their employer provides matching funds for 503C donations. Tom will check to see how often a non profit has to have their books reviewed.

b. Fisheries committee, Dale, Jeff, Russ and Greg Three fish cribs have been built and GPS coordinates sent to DNR. Jeff will try to mark the placements of cribs on a map using google earth. We will link map to website and put map in newsletter. We will also have copies available at SLA shed to share with fishermen.

c. Social committee, Russ, Dale and Jackie Items discussed as possible social events included the following: Standup paddle board and or Kayak outing Golf Team or outing, Running team, pickle ball team Get together at a venue for music and drinks d. Education committee, Jeff and Marj Check into available resources that can provide info on shoreline erosion.

6. Long Term Projects a. Lake level monitoring looks to be cost prohibitive for the association to pursue. We will circle back with the district to see if anything can be done in the future.

7. Misc. Issues

a. We thanked Bill Akan for his help with our CB/CW initiative. He indicated that he is interested in continuing his coordination activities next year. He will submit his final report as soon as he gets the name or number of the grant.

b. We decided not to pursue any more talks with Sally Bellville on her loon bay property as her expectations were well above the market value of the land.

8. Adjournment

a. Motion by Greg and second by Tom to adjourn. Motion carried.