Meeting Minutes October 5, 2019

Present: Board Members - Dale Smith, Greg Nevinski, Tom Eggert, Craig Zarley, Marj Mehring, Russ Tennessen, Jackie Whitney, Karen Isebrands Brown  Plus: Bill Akan, Tom Johansen

Absent:  Kathy Tournour, Jeff Paddock

Meeting was called to order by Craig Zarley

  1. Minutes
    1. It was decided that minutes should be sent out relatively soon after the meeting.
    2. Minutes should be posted on the Association’s Website
    3. Our new website address is:
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Marj discussed the report.
    2. A discussion took place about investing some of our funds. Tom reported that he found 2 internet sites paying 2%. Cd’s were discussed. It was felt that it was probably not worth locking funds up in a CD when it doesn’t pay much more.
    3. Online account pays interest monthly rather than quarterly.
    4. Small business has much fewer investing options compared to an individual.
    5. Tab Bank (Utah) was the recommendation from Tom.
    6. It was noted that you can have up to $50,000.00 and still keep your tax exempt status.
    7. There was a motion by Dale and seconded by Craig move $14,000.00 to a new account on the online Tab Bank. ($10,000 from CBCW and $4,000 from the General Fund).
    8. Motion Approved.
    9. There was a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Greg and seconded by Tom. Motion approved.
    10. It was mentioned that we need to find someone to audit our financial records. Some names were given out. Contacts will be made.
  3. Lake District Update
    1. Tom Johansen, President of the Lake District, was present to give an update on the Lake District’s summer work.
    2. It was reported that it was the best year so far. The least amount of milfoil was harvested. This reflects the substantial progress that has been made in keeping the milfoil under control.
    3. New things this year
      1. GPS on the boat. This made locating milfoil spots faster.
      2. Boat was moored differently.
  • New weighted ropes were purchased. Divers use ropes for grids on the lake’s floor.
  1. Same 3 divers are planning on being back next year. The Lake District is still looking for new divers for the future.
  2. It was not necessary to use all the money in the 3 year grant. There is enough money to possible last up to 2 more years. It is not known whether the Lake District will receive another grant.
  3. DNR is starting to talk about the success of Squash Lake’s Hand Harvesting Program.
  4. Two new plants discovered in Loon Bay.
  5. There was discussion about the two properties on Loon Bay – owners are Dan Butkus and another lady. There has been some interest in purchasing these properties to assure no development would take place on them.  Only a governing body like the Lake District can make a purchase.  There would have to be a petition to the Lake District, and then a vote at the Lake District’s Annual Meeting if they decide to proceed. Tom will get additional information on the process.
  1. CBCW Update
    1. Bill reported on his health problems and thanked Russ for taking over in his absence.
    2. Bill reported that it was a successful summer.
    3. Paid inspectors covered most of Saturdays and Sundays.
    4. Only 17 hours of volunteers outside of paid people (not nearly enough).
    5. Bill suggested a bigger push at the annual meeting.
    6. Karen suggested doing more at the annual meeting to honor divers, volunteers,etc.
    7. There was a discussion about ideas for getting more volunteers.
    8. A discussion about the “Eyelid” security camera system. The company takes care of all monitoring. It can have the effect of “changing behavior”. Further discussion was tabled until the March Meeting.
    9. Bill has the report ready to go for the grant. Jeff is the person authorized to apply for the new grant.
  2. Wake Board Discussion
    1. It was stated that Wake Board Boats cause issues with shore erosion, safety of people on paddleboards and kayaks, and small children in the water.
    2. Suggestions: write letters to your representatives and DNR, make owners aware through personal contact or article in the newsletter, put map of 100ft. shore boundary in the kiosk at the landing.
  3. Fisheries
    1. Nothing new. Craig will make some contacts and report back in the future.

Adjournment – Motion by Marj and second by Karen to adjourn.  Motion approved.