Meeting Minutes October 7, 2023

Squash Lake Association Board Meeting Minutes

Saturday, October 7, 2023

9:00am Crescent Town Hall

Officers Present: Kathy Tournour (President) Russ Tennessen (Vice President), Leslie Schmidt (Secretary)

Members Present: Dale Smith, Marj Mehring, Greg Nevinski, Tony Giannola

Absent: Tom Eggert (Treasurer), Jay Laetsch, Jeff Paddock

Call to order 9:06am

  1. President’s Report
    1. Membership update: 
      1. 102 memberships 65 submitted via paper, 37 submitted electronically
    2. Website update:  
      1. Due to the increased risk of phishing, Board members' personal email addresses have been removed from the Squash Lake website. The general Squash Lake Board email address is listed on the Website. This email is monitored by Kathy Tournour.
      2. Follow up necessary: JotForm for membership will be updated with processing fee by Kathy Tournour
  2. Approve meeting minutes from August 5, 2023 meeting
    1. Approved. Motion by Russ Tennessen, 2nd Tony Giannola
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Grant update: CBCW grant has been submitted
    2. Bill Aken stipend ($500.00) approved
    3. CBCW Coordinator for 2024: Russ Tennessen has agreed to take on the role of scheduling CBCW monitors. It was reported Jeff Paddock has agreed to enter the grant required data.
  4. Committee Updates: Discussed approaches to increase SLA member engagement in committee work. Sub Committee leaders were encouraged to solicit input and participation by SLA members. 
    1. Education Committee: Marj (Chair) and Leslie
      1. Consider an education strategy (e.g Education focused on the Health of the Lake and Lake Shore)
    2. Finance Committee: Tom (Chair) Greg, Marj Tony
    3. Fisheries Committee: Dale (Chair) Greg, Jeff, Russ
    4. Social Committee: Russ (Chair) Dale, Jay
      1. Silent Sport Events will be discontinued
      2. Discussion about continuing the Boat Parade, possibly a different date and/or time. 
  5. Long Range Projects
    1. Water Level Monitoring
      1. Follow up necessary: Leslie Schmidt will contact Ann Kipper for update 
      2. Update to be  include in the December 2023 Newsletter
    2. History Project
      1. Goal is to have the History Project completed in time for the 25 yr celebration of the SLA Summer of 2025. 
      2. History Project will be digital, including photos and narrative.
      3. Kathy has agreed to take on Leadership of this project. 
  6. Lake District Update - Deferred 
  7. Other Items
    1. Condition of the Boat Landing
      1. Board members confirmed the Boat Landing falls under the jurisdiction of the Town of Crescent.
      2. Residents of Squash Lake are encouraged to direct any concerns to the leadership of the Town of Crescent. 
    2. SLA Adopt-A-Highway
      1. Suggestion received from a SLA member to consider engagement
      2. Board agreed to seek input from SLA members at the 2024 annual meeting
      3. Should there be interest, leadership of the project would be delegated to an interested and willing SLA member.  
  8. Adjournment 11:10am.  Motion: Dale Smith , 2nd Tony Giannola

Dates to Remember:

Sunday, October 8 at 1:00 – Squash Lake District meeting

Friday December 15 – winter newsletter articles due

Saturday, February 3 at 9:00  (via Zoom) SLA Board Meeting


Future Agenda Items:

  1. Formalizing guidance relative to SLA Board response to the death of a Squash Lake resident and/or honorary member of the Lake.
  2. Revisit Boat Parade discussion