Meeting Minutes September 13, 2018

Present:  Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Craig Zarley, Greg Nevinski, Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Russ Tennessen, and Dale Smith

Absent:  Karen Isebrands-Brown

Meeting called to order at 8:30am - Kathy

  1. Meeting Minutes - August 4, 2018.  Motion by Greg and second by Jeff to approve the august minutes.  Motion approved.
  2. Treasurer's Report - Discussion on well-testing monies. Motion by Greg to approve the minutes with the explanation of the well testing monies.  Seconded by Craig.  Motion approved.
  3. Grant Administrator - Clean Boats/Clean Waters Grant must be applied for in mid-December.  Jeff agreed to take on the project.  Form should be signed and dated by Dale.
  4. CWCB Update - A discussion on the boat landing activity took place.  There were over 800 human contact with 400+ watercraft inspected.  It was thought that the good weather  may have been a factor in the increased activity.  Jim Wallace (primary paid landing monitor) may be moving.  SWIM report is completed.  We had close to 300 hours.  The hours for the paid workers at the boat landing worked well.  Jim Wallace worked 9am to 3pm Saturday and Sunday.  Tom Fuss worked 6am to 9am on Sunday.  Everyone will receive a copy of the SWIM Report by e-mail.
  5. Fund Raising Letter - Greg gave copies of the Fundraising letter to proof and give comments.  There was  a question on Mels Trading Post's Clinic.  Craig will contact Mel's to confirm.  There was a discussion on who should get the letter.  It was decided that it should be sent to all property owners.  The mailing should take place in early November.  Any comments to the letter should be directed to Greg by October 22.  Marj will get the mailing list prepared.  She can get help in stuffing the envelopes.  
  6. Marketing Report - Kathy said she met with Karen.  They would like more people on the committee.  Craig and Jeff volunteered.  The committee will develop goals and strategies.
  7. Crescent Fire Department Education - Kathy will contact someone from the fire department and report back at the March meeting.  
  8. Boat Safety - There was a discussion on boat safety on the lake.  There was a suggestion to think about doing a brochure on boat safety.  The board was informed about a jet ski accident this summer.
  9. Fisheries - Craig gave an update.  Russ reported that the DNR stocked walleyes again this year.  (4000/8")
  10. Well Testing - Jeff reported that UWSP would come up and do a short seminar on well-testing.  The question arose "can we get a general report on the well-testing from last summer'?
  11. Adjournment - Craig mad ea motion ot adjourn, the motion was seconded and approved.  Next meeting is scheduled for March 16 at 10:00am.