Meeting Notes

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

April 6, 2024

Note:  Minutes from the April 6, 2024 SLA Meeting will be posted after they are approved at the May 18, 2024 SLA Meeting.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

February 3, 2024

Squash Lake Association
Board of Directors Meeting
February 3, 2024

Attendees: Tom Eggert, Tony Giannola, Marj Mehring, Greg Nevinski, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, &
Kathy Tournour

President’s Report
 Membership Update
o Membership fee vs. other contributions
 Email receipts will be sent

 Web site update
o Current issue with Shopify have been resolved
o Should we continue using Shopify or move to a different platform?
 Shopify costs about $40 per month
 Moving would eliminate the “store”
o Move platform to GoDaddy…
 Need to rebuild the web site
 Make the move by the end of summer 2024
 $10 to reserve the domain name and about $100 per year to host
 Final discussion will be had at the April 2024 Board meeting

 October 7 th Meeting Minutes
o Motion to approve…Tom Eggert
o Second…Greg Nevinski

Treasurer’s Report
 We have money in the bank
o Year-end 2023 financial information will be provided in March 2024Membership fee vs.
other contributions

 CBCW, +$3,500
 Inspectors, -$5,500

Fisheries Committee
 Update will be provided in April 2024
 Pursue permits for additional cribs ($200)
 Marj Mehring will attend the Wisconsin Lakes & River Convention in Stevens Point, WI

Social Committee
 Annual Meeting to be held on June 22, 2024
o Location to be determined
 Town Pump or Northwood Golf Course
 Tony Giannola will contact the new Golf Pro at Northwood for
o Expect about 50-60 attendees
 Social hour, 4-5pm
 Meeting begins at 5pm
o $500 budget (about 12 pizzas)
 Boat Flotilla…July 6, 2024
o Reposition signage so it can be more easily seen
 Neighborhood Gatherings
o Consider “membership” pins for time spent on Squash Lake
o Consider “lot/parcel ID’s” so homes/owners can be identified from the lake
 Tony Giannola will investigate
o Consider a Squash Lake Association Golf Outing
 Tony Giannola will contact Northwood Golf Course

Lake Level Monitoring
 Tom Eggert will prepare the 2023 report
 Data gathering will take place again in 2024
Lake District Update
 Next meeting is April 14, 2024
 Other meeting not yet on the calendar
Other Business
 Kathy Tournour will email the dates of future SLA Board Meetings
o April 6, 2024
o May 18, 2024
 Newsletter articles due May 15, 2025
Motion to adjourn
 Russ Tennessen
 Second…Tom Eggert

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

October 7, 2023

Squash Lake Association Board Meeting Minutes

Saturday, October 7, 2023

9:00am Crescent Town Hall

Officers Present: Kathy Tournour (President) Russ Tennessen (Vice President), Leslie Schmidt (Secretary)

Members Present: Dale Smith, Marj Mehring, Greg Nevinski, Tony Giannola

Absent: Tom Eggert (Treasurer), Jay Laetsch, Jeff Paddock

Call to order 9:06am

  1. President’s Report
    1. Membership update: 
      1. 102 memberships 65 submitted via paper, 37 submitted electronically
    2. Website update:  
      1. Due to the increased risk of phishing, Board members' personal email addresses have been removed from the Squash Lake website. The general Squash Lake Board email address is listed on the Website. This email is monitored by Kathy Tournour.
      2. Follow up necessary: JotForm for membership will be updated with processing fee by Kathy Tournour
  2. Approve meeting minutes from August 5, 2023 meeting
    1. Approved. Motion by Russ Tennessen, 2nd Tony Giannola
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Grant update: CBCW grant has been submitted
    2. Bill Aken stipend ($500.00) approved
    3. CBCW Coordinator for 2024: Russ Tennessen has agreed to take on the role of scheduling CBCW monitors. It was reported Jeff Paddock has agreed to enter the grant required data.
  4. Committee Updates: Discussed approaches to increase SLA member engagement in committee work. Sub Committee leaders were encouraged to solicit input and participation by SLA members. 
    1. Education Committee: Marj (Chair) and Leslie
      1. Consider an education strategy (e.g Education focused on the Health of the Lake and Lake Shore)
    2. Finance Committee: Tom (Chair) Greg, Marj Tony
    3. Fisheries Committee: Dale (Chair) Greg, Jeff, Russ
    4. Social Committee: Russ (Chair) Dale, Jay
      1. Silent Sport Events will be discontinued
      2. Discussion about continuing the Boat Parade, possibly a different date and/or time. 
  5. Long Range Projects
    1. Water Level Monitoring
      1. Follow up necessary: Leslie Schmidt will contact Ann Kipper for update 
      2. Update to be  include in the December 2023 Newsletter
    2. History Project
      1. Goal is to have the History Project completed in time for the 25 yr celebration of the SLA Summer of 2025. 
      2. History Project will be digital, including photos and narrative.
      3. Kathy has agreed to take on Leadership of this project. 
  6. Lake District Update - Deferred 
  7. Other Items
    1. Condition of the Boat Landing
      1. Board members confirmed the Boat Landing falls under the jurisdiction of the Town of Crescent.
      2. Residents of Squash Lake are encouraged to direct any concerns to the leadership of the Town of Crescent. 
    2. SLA Adopt-A-Highway
      1. Suggestion received from a SLA member to consider engagement
      2. Board agreed to seek input from SLA members at the 2024 annual meeting
      3. Should there be interest, leadership of the project would be delegated to an interested and willing SLA member.  
  8. Adjournment 11:10am.  Motion: Dale Smith , 2nd Tony Giannola

Dates to Remember:

Sunday, October 8 at 1:00 – Squash Lake District meeting

Friday December 15 – winter newsletter articles due

Saturday, February 3 at 9:00  (via Zoom) SLA Board Meeting


Future Agenda Items:

  1. Formalizing guidance relative to SLA Board response to the death of a Squash Lake resident and/or honorary member of the Lake.
  2. Revisit Boat Parade discussion


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

August 5, 2023

Squash Lake Board Meeting – August 5, 2023

Board members present: Kathy Tournour, Greg Nevinski, Russ Tennessen, Dale Smith, Tony
Giannola, Jeff Paddock, Leslie Schmidt Absent: Jay Laetsch, Marj Mehring, Tom Eggert
1. President’s Report
a. The last Silent Sport Saturday will be August 12 at 8:00am.
b. The Lake District Annual Meeting is on August 12 at 9:30am. The meeting will
be held at the Crescent Town hall.
c. Kathy reported that we now have 104 members, making our initial goal of
having 100 members.

2. Minutes from the May 6 Board Meeting.
a. Motion by Russ and second by Greg to approve the May minutes. Motion

3. Board Reorganization – Election of Officers
a. Tom said he would remain as treasurer for another year.
b. Tony said he would be willing to work with Tom for the coming year and then
take the treasurer position.
c. Motion by Tony and second by Jeff to nominate Tom for treasurer. Motion
d. New board member, Leslie Schmidt, volunteered to take over the position of
secretary. Motion by Tony and second by Russ to nominate Leslie for
secretary. Motion passed.
e. It was stated that we were looking into changing the by-laws to remove the
membership portion of the secretary’s duties. Greg mentioned that we could
have an assistant to the secretary for that task. This would eliminate the
need to change the by-laws. No action was taken.
f. Current president Kathy expressed an interest to have someone new
transition to president. Tony said he would work with Kathy and Tom during
the next year and then would be willing to transition to president or
g. Kathy said she would remain president for another year. Motion by Tony and
second by Leslie to nominate Kathy for president. Motion passed.
h. Russ agreed to remain as vice-president for the coming year. Motion by Tony
and second by Greg to nominate Russ for vice-president. Motion passed.

4. Calendar
a. Board meeting dates were set: October 14, February 3, April 6, May 18
b. The annual meeting was set for June 22.

c. The usual August meeting for electing board members and setting dates may
be replaced with a board meeting following the annual meeting. An August
date was not scheduled. Greg stated that we can always call a special
meeting if the need arises.

5. Other Items
a. Greg suggested adding one new person to each committee. These committee
members would not have to be on the board. No action was taken.
b. A short discussion on this year’s low water level took place.
6. Adjournment
a. Motion by Tony and second by Jeff to adjourn. Motion passed.


Squash Lake Association Annual Members Meeting Minutes:

June 24, 2023

Note:  Minutes from the June 24, 2023 Annual Members Meeting will be posted after they are approved at the 2024 Annual Members Meeting.


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

May 6, 2023

Board members present: Kathy Tournour, Tom Eggert, Greg Nevinski, Russ Tennessen, Marj
Mehring, Jay Laetsch, Dale Smith, Tony Giannola, Jeff Paddock (partial), Absent: Jackie Whitney
The zoom meeting was called to order by Kathy at approximate 9:00am.
1. President’s Report - Kathy
a. Kathy reported that we presently have 84 members paid. The goal is still to
have 100 members.
b. Tony asked if we had figured the % of members from the total land owners.
He suggested trying to find out why people don’t join.
c. Kathy recently sent out a complete listing of all lake property owners.
d. Tom asked if Tony would share the maps he has researched. It includes a
map of the lake with property owner names on each parcel. Tom said this
information would be nice to have when driving around the lake. Tony said
he would make it available.

2. April 1 Minutes - Dale
a. Dale said he had made the corrections suggested by Russ and recently sent
everyone the revised minutes.
b. Tom made a motion to accept with a second by Russ. Motioned approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report - Tom
a. Tom gave explained that money in accounts has stayed pretty much the
same since 2020. We won’t know for sure until the end of the year.
b. Income so far this year is $8605.00.
c. Tom explained that Quick books is going to all online and will cost more. He
will look for alternatives.
d. The proposed budget for 2024 was presented. Tom proposed increasing the
amount donated for CBCW inspectors to $1500.00 as a way to draw
attention to how much the lake association pays for the inspectors beyond
what is reimbursed by the DNR through grants.
e. Greg asked about our insurance for board members. What would happen in
the case of accident while engaged in a SLA business. Tony said this should
be covered through an individual’s home owners or umbrella policy.
f. Marge asked about liability forms. Tony will check on this with the broker.
g. Greg made a motion to take the budget to the annual meeting. Second by
Tony. Motion passed.

h. Tony will be on the finance committee and will work with Tom on making the
budget more concise for presentation at the annual meeting.

4. Committee Updates
a. Education – Marj
i. Marj attended the Lakes Convention. The sessions she found most
interesting were Aquatic Invertebrates and Network Building.
ii. Marj plans to do several milfoil identification workshops this summer.
She has only 1 response so far. She would like to match dates with
people that are interested. Kathy suggested doing workshops at
8:00am before the Silent Sports which are scheduled for 9:00am.
iii. Marj would also like to have workshops on native plants and
restoring lake shore.
iv. There was a short discussion about the lake level. Everyone
agreed that the lake level is pretty average at present.

5. Washing Station
a. Jeff joined the meeting at this time to discuss washing stations. Several board
members saw the video presentation in February. The video is available if
anyone else wants to watch it.
b. There were 4 systems presented. Three have vacuums. They range is price
from the basic model $2400 to the CB3 model, which has the ability to
monitor boats coming in and out, for $14,500.
c. Jeff reported that it may be possible to get a grant for up to 46%, to cover
some of the expense for installation and the unit.
d. It was decided by the board not to take the washing station idea to the
annual meeting. More information is needed, including information on other

4. Committee Updates (continued)
b. Fisheries
i. July 15 is the date of the fishing workshop with Craig Zarley.
ii. Russ reported that the DNR was on the lake for 3 days recently. They
netted and shocked to count fish. The first day they counted 114
walleyes and the second day, 110. The numbers have not changed much
from the last time the DNR did the count.

iii. A date for constructing the fish cribs will be set soon. The lumber will
all be cut to the correct sizes before assembly day.

c. Finance Committee
i. The CBCW inspectors will be the same as last year – Tom Fuss and Lee
Fessegend Jr.. Pay will be $15.00 per hour. Monitoring will start Memorial
Day weekend.
ii. Kathy will contact Bill Akan to see if there is anything he needs.
iii. A pay increase is proposed for Bill Akan. His stipend would increase
from $1500.00 to $2000.00.
d. Social Committee
i. Silent Sports Days are scheduled for June 10 – 9:00am, July - - 9:00am,
and August 12 – 8:00am(change of time to accommodate the Annual
Lake District Meeting).
ii. Boat Flotilla will be on July 29. Last year’s winner will be asked to lead
the parade. Kathy has the signs and has also secured the flag for the
winning boat. Jay’s wife will be the photographer.
iii. Kathy will thank Jackie and Jim for being on the board. Anyone serving
2 terms or more on the board will receive a $50.00 gift certificate plus a
personal item like a mug from our online store.

6. Annual Meeting
a. By-law change – Take membership out of the secretary position and add a
membership position.
b. Janet will be contacted to see if she is planning to attend the annual meeting.
If yes, she will need a ramp.
c. Kathy will introduce the history of Squash Lake project at the annual
meeting. Janet can add to the conversation if she is present. Karen Brown
may be another resource person.
d. Tom moved to approve the annual meeting agenda. Russ seconded. Motion
e. There is now 1 open seat which will have to be filled at the annual meeting.
f. Kathy will send invitations and include the change in by-laws which has to be
posted 30 days prior to any change being voted on.
g. Invite new lake owners and get addresses to Kathy.
7. Lake District Update.
a. There have been letters of concern over the resignation of Rob Thoms and
the possible appointment of Rob Jensen.

b. Dates: Quarterly Meeting – Sunday, July 9 at 1pm. Annual Meeting –
Saturday, August 12 at 9am.

8. Lake Monitoring
a. Tom reported that Ann Kipper will be doing the lake monitoring. They will
start on Memorial Day and end in the fall.

9. Dates to Remember
a. June 10 – Silent Sports Saturday 9-10am @boat landing
b. June 24 – Annual Meeting 4-6pm @ Town Pump
c. July 8 – Silent Sports Saturday 9-10am @ boat landing
d. July 9 – Lake District Quarterly Meeting 1:00pm
e. E. July 15 – Fishing Workshop – 10am-12pm @ 2621 Oak lane Drive
f. F. July 29 – Boat Flotilla 3pm @ Big Island
g. August 12 – Silent Sports Saturday 8-9am @ boat landing
h. August 12 – Lake District Annual Meeting 9:30am
10. Adjourn
a. A reminder to look for someone for the open board seat.
b. Next regular board meeting will be August 5. Main focus being election of
officers and setting dates for the year.
c. Dale made a motion to adjourn, second by Marj. Motion passed.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

April 1, 2023

Board members present: Kathy Tournour, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Tom
Eggert, Greg Nevinski. Absent: Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Jay Laetsch
1. The zoom meeting was called to order by Kathy at 9:05am
2. President’s Report
a. Kathy reported that 28 memberships were received electronically. The mail
had not been picked up for a while. Marj agreed to pick-up the mail.
b. Jim McAllister has resigned from the board, effective immediately. No reason
was given. As Jim was the vice-president, that position will have to be filled in
the future.
c. Russ’s daughter is working on designs for the online store. She will be paid by

3. Minutes from the February 4 meeting.
a. No one took minutes as Dale was under the understanding that he was no
longer secretary. Jay Laetsch was nominated to be secretary. He was not at
the meeting and no one remembered to ask him. Dale agreed to continue as
secretary until the August 2023 meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report
a. The is no financial report available at this time, as Tom has not been up due
to his wife’s health issues.
b. The annual budget will be presented at the May meeting. Tom will get a
preliminary budget together and meet with Marj and Greg (Finance
c. It was suggested that Bill’s stipend for his work at the boating landing should
be increased. He has not had an increase in many years. Tom will include this
in the 2024 budget.
5. Education Committee
a. Marj is attending the Wisconsin Lakes Convention. She will be attending 2
days of the convention which runs from April 19-21. Her expenses will again
be covered by the SLA.
b. Marj will continue her work with plant identification and shore restoration.
c. Tom asked for a potential budget amount needed. Marj said $500 should
cover everything.

d. Tom mentioned the new Oneida County Shoreline Ordinance. Dan Butkus
has been following this closely. Dan has mentioned that it contains some
good, but also some bad things for the lake.
e. Tom suggested having a meeting on the history of the lake. Kathy suggested
asking people to post old pictures and stories on the website. She also said
we might ask people to present at the annual meeting. She will post
something on the website. People would be asked ahead of time if we
decided to do this at the annual meeting.

6. Fisheries Committee
a. Dale gave an update on the status of the fish crib project. Blocks and lumber
have been secured. Threaded rods have been ordered from Home depot.
b. Dale met with Denny Scott on the crib plans. Denny had several suggestions
for improving the plans. Denny has agreed to help again with the project.
c. As soon as the snow melts enough to get at the materials, a date will be set
for construction. Help is needed. Dale asked that each board member think
about somebody they know that might be willing to help.
d. Dale has a lead on someone to move the completed cribs to the lake from
the construction area. It is hoped that Pelican Piers will then be able to place
in the lake. We will have to work on their timetable.
e. Several sites are being considered for the cribs. Dale will meet with the
Fisheries Committee in the near future.
f. A date has been set for the summer Fishing workshop. The date is Saturday,
July 15 from 10am – 12:00pm. Craig Zarley has agreed to present and ok’d
the date. The location will again be on Dale’s beach. Registration forms will
be in the newsletter and also at the Annual meeting.
g. Dale mentioned that he received an e-mail from a DNR agent, Mark Love.
He wanted help in finding a place to keep a boat on the lake for a proposed
Creel Study this summer. Board members asked to get more information on
the proposed study. Some possible sites for mooring the boat were
7. Social Committee
a. Summer activity Dates
1. June 24 – Annual Meeting – 4:00pm social hour / meeting 5:00-
2. June 10, July 8, August 12 – Silent Sports 9:00am – 10:00am
3. July 29 – Boat Flotilla – 2:30pm – Line-up at the big island / 3:00pm
boat parade. Kathy ordered the flag for the winning boat. Kathy also
has the signs for the flotilla and annual meeting.

a. Kathy has the signs for the Annual Meeting and Boat Flotilla,
and will get put them out.
b. Kathy will take care of publicity for the summer activities.
For budget purposes, mailings cost per year were estimated
at $100.

4. Russ recommended a $500 figure for budgeting purposes.

8. Lake Level Monitoring
a. Tom has reached out to Carolyn and will co-ordinate with Ann Kipper.
b. Tom got a message from Ann saying they plan to start this spring. Tom will
make the cost for the monitoring, a line item in the budget.

9. Boat Wash Station
a. Jeff was not present so this item will be postponed and place on the May
Meeting Agenda.

10. Final Items
a. The newsletter deadline is April 17. Kathy will put fliers in the newsletter.
b. The next meeting is May 6 at 9:00am in the Crescent Town Hall.
c. The Lake District Meeting is tomorrow and Kathy will attend.
d. The Johnson’s donated $1000 again. Kathy will send a thank you to everyone
that donates $100 or more.
e. Tom reported that he talked to talked to Tony Giannola about the board. It
was decided to have Tom ask him if he would be willing to serve out the rest
of Jim’s term. If things go well, it is hoped that he will run again for the
11. Adjourn
a. Motion by Tom and seconded by Greg to adjourn. Motion approved.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

February 4, 2023

February 4, 2023 Meeting Minutes unavailable

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

October 15, 2022

Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Russ Tennessen, Greg Nevinski, Jackie
Whitney, Tom Eggert, Jeff Paddock
Absent: Jim McCalister, Dale Smith, Jay Laetsch
Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour
Opening Remarks
1. Presidents report
Kathy’s goal is to increase or maintain our current membership numbers. She
pointed out how successful this year’s membership drive was. The Lake district can
help us in regard to identifying new residents by using the tax roll data base. Jackie
and Russ can then visit these people in May and provide them with one of our
welcome folders. Another one of her goals is to make the website self sufficient or
net zero in terms of cost by increasing sales on the Shopify web site. She would like
to have some Xmas merchandise available and will submitting a design soon. There
was also some discussion regarding wellness checks on people’s cabins during the
winter. Kathy will see if she can put together a list of business people who may
provide such a service.
2. Minutes from last meeting
Motion was made by Tom Eggert to accept and was seconded by Jeff Paddock.
Motion carried.
3. Finance Committee Updates
a. Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting)
Tom reported that we took in $5800 in revenue this year while only budgeting
for around $4,000. The monies transferred to the Schwab account is not doing so
well. Costs for CB/CW was $5,231 while our grant was for $4,000 and we took in
an additional $780 leaving us a $451 shortfall to the budget. Costs were higher
due to a higher pay structure and more hours worked. Bill A. will finish the
CB/CW report and send in. Motion to approve budget report was made by Greg
N. and seconded by Marj M. Motion carried
b. Kathy thought that we should recognize our volunteers with a $50 gift card.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Bill A. with a $50 gift card. Motion was
seconded by Jeff P. and motion carried.

Tom E. made a motion to provide Laryl Laetsch with a $50 gift card. Motion was
seconded by Marj M. and motion carried.
Tom E. made a motion to provide Linda Tennessen with a $50 gift card. Motion
was seconded by Greg N. and motion carried.
4. Lake District
a. Both Tom Johansen and Dan Butkus were present from the Lake District.
Tom provided the following:
Lake district meeting was held on Oct. 9th. The lake water quality as sampled by
Marj M. showed normal to average levels of Phosphorus, Chlorophyl and water
Divers will be down to a two-man crew, but Tom is looking at connecting with a
couple of divers who showed interest in joining, The district will also be hiring
another company for a sample try. They come out with 4-man crew and their
own boat. Tom will give them some troubled areas so that our standard divers
can concentrate on other portions of the lake. The diving crew harvested 3,000
lbs. of Milfoil which was very aggressive this year. The harvesting stopped in
September but since we had plenty of warm days after they stopped, we expect
to open the 2023 season with lots of Milfoil.
The lake district has also started the process of applying for informational buoys.
5. Committee Updates
a. Finance committee, Tom, Marj, Greg and Jim
Tom E. reported that the 2023 CB/CW grant was due to be submitted, Jeff P. said
that he could have it done and submitted by mid-November. A motion was made by
Tom E. to proceed with the grant application submittal and was seconded by Greg
N. Motion carried.
b. Education committee, Marj
Continue to provide resources and info on shoreline erosion/protection.
Marj would like to do some Milfoil workshops next year. The Lake District
appreciates any help that we can provide with helping residents identify and mark
c. Fisheries committee, Dale, Jeff, Russ and Greg
A breakdown cost for the fish cribs was presented. It was noted that a large portion
of lumber was being donated by Nicolet Hardwood out of Laona. Dale estimated
that it would cost about $1400 to finish 4 cribs. Motion made by Russ T. to authorize
$1600 in spending toward the securing the materials to finish 4 cribs. The motion

was seconded by Marj M. and the motion carried. Tom E. will provide Dale with our
tax-exempt number.
Tom E. would like to see another fishing seminar put on next year. Greg N. will ask
Craig Z. if he can accommodate us. We also need to send Craig a thank you note for
this year’s seminar.
Jeff P. is looking to connect with an organization called “Walleyes for Tomorrow” to
get information regarding rock reefs to improve walleye reproduction.
d. Social committee, Russ, Dale and Jackie
Items discussed as possible social events included the following:
Changing the Silent Sports Saturday name/function to Social Saturday.
Provide a new 2023 flag for the boat flotilla decoration winner. This year’s boat
flotilla is currently set for July 8th

6. Long Term Projects
a. A quote for lake level monitoring from “Water Ways Lake Management Services”
was presented by Tom E. The price for the first year(2023) was less that $600
and then roughly $470 per year after that. A motion was made by Greg N. to
accept the quote and then was seconded by Tom E. After much discussion Russ
T. made a motion to table this motion until we heard information regarding
other possible long term projects. The tabled motion was seconded by Jeff P.
Jeff P. then presented information on boat cleaning/washing stations.
Options ranged from $38,000 to $2,800. We could apply for a grant that would
reimburse for up to 40%. It was decided that we didn’t have enough information
and that Jeff would do more investigation.
Russ T. then presented information on the I-Lids camera system for the boat
launch. He informed us that he has been in touch with John Richter of the Plum
Lake Association, who has 7 such systems installed in Vilas County. John came to
the Squash Lake boat launch and did a site evaluation. He also sent video of the
site back to Eric Lindberg, President of ESP which provides the equipment. He
asked Eric to send Russ a updated quote. It was decided that the next step was
to get together with the town of Crescent to talk about land use rights for
placement of such a unit.
Kathy T. said that she is still looking into providing information regarding
nameplates for residents who want to put their name at the end of their docks.
The subject of nameplates was brought up at the annual meeting and people
seemed really interested.

Tom E. made a motion to “un-table” the lake level monitoring motion which was
then seconded by Greg N. Motion carried and a vote was taken on the lake level
monitoring program. Motion carried. Dan Butkus then announced that he would
donate $100 to this program. It was also mentioned that we could put in another
donation line on the SLA application form that would allow residents to
donate/designate money for this program.
7. Misc. Issues
a. Next meeting Feb. 4th
b. Get newsletter articles to Linda Tennessen by Dec. 15th
c. Send any fall and winter pictures to Laryl Laetsch.
8. Adjournment
a. Motion by Marj M and second by Tom E. to adjourn. Motion carried.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

August 20, 2022

Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Jim
McAllister, Jeff paddock . Additional: Tom Johansen from the Lake District. Absent: Tom
Eggert, Jackie Whitney, Greg Nevinski, Jay Laetsch

1. Election of officers
a. Motion by Marj and second by Jeff to retain Tom as treasurer. Motion passed.
b. Motion by Russ and second by Dale to ask Jay to be secretary. Motion passed.
c. Motion by Russ and second by Marj for Jim McAllister to become vice-president.
Motion passed.
d. Motion by Russ and second by Jim for Kathy to be retained as president. Motion
2. Meeting Dates
a. Kathy said she wanted to get the dates in early so we would have a better
chance of having meetings at the Crescent Town hall.
b. The August meeting could be eliminated if the board could meet for a short
meeting after the annual meeting. The two items on that agenda would be
election of officers and setting meeting dates.
c. There was a discussion about budgeting. The budget has to balance. Sub
committees should meet and submit budgets ahead of time.
d. Dates for next year – 2023
i. October 15
ii. February 4
iii. April 1
iv. May 13
v. June 24 (Annual Meeting) Committees must submit budgets prior to the
April 1 meeting.
vi. July 8 – Boat Flotilla
1. It was stated that we need to get names of participants when they
2. It was suggested that the winner should be asked to lead next
year’s parade.

3. May meeting minutes

a. Motion by Russ and second by Jeff to approve the May meeting minutes. Motion
4. Treasurer’s Report
a. There was some discussion about the budgeted amounts for committees. Since
Tom was not present to answer questions, it was tabled until the October
Meeting. Committees should have their budgets submitted by the October
b. Jeff stated that the budgeted amount for monitoring should be increased for
next year.

5. Education Committee – Marj Mehring
a. Marj reported on her attendance on the six county meeting held at Nicolet
College on the status of northern lakes.
i. Lakes are facing a lot of pressure from overcrowding, wave boats, and
low water level levels.
ii. Wake boats cannot fully empty their ballasts so there is a chance of
taking lake water from one lake to another.
iii. Tom said that research has shown that the thrust from wave
boats can go down as much as 25 feet. This can cause the spreading
milfoil as well as damaging other plants and lake bottoms.
iv. Sawyer County has a new law that wave boats cannot have a
wake over 250’ long and must stay 750’ from shore.
v. Tom Johansen said that Onterra does a shoreline study every few years
and results are available on their website.
vi. It was suggested that milfoil identification be included in the
6. Finance Committee
a. No report.
7. Fisheries Committee – Dale Smith
a. Dale reported on his visit to Pelican Lake. He met with Jeff Griffey, chairman of
their fisheries committee, and was given a tour of their projects. They have a
huge project underway that involves 40 fish cribs. The two things that were
emphasized were to have good vertical height to the cribs and to place multiple
cribs together.
b. A new DNR agent has been hired for the Rhinelander area and it is hoped that
the committee can get some help with reef building and spawning bed
c. A meeting is planned for September to make more specific plans.

d. The fishing seminar held in July was very successful. Craig Zarley did a nice
presentation, and there were 16 people in attendance.

8. Social Committee – Russ Tennessen
a. The Fall Newsletter deadline is August 27
b. The Silent Sports days were a success even though the weather was not the best.
c. The Fishing Seminar went very well with 16 in attendance.
d. Some discussion took place on the possibility of having an end of the year dance
or party for next August.
9. Lake District Report – Tom Johansen
a. The 2023 budget has been approved. The tax levy will not change.
b. Diver issues
i. Only 2 at present. Divers are difficult to find.
ii. Diver wages have been increased to $40.00 per hour. The gas, air, and
boat are also furnished by the Lake District.
iii. The 2 regular divers will return for at least 1 more year.
iv. Tom has a lead on 2 possible new divers. One is a retired teacher
and the other one is from Minocqua.
v. Tom has also been in contact with the the person in charge of the diving
program at U.W. Stevens Point.
vi. A $500 bonus is given for a new diver to get certified and buy
vii. It may be necessary in the future to contract a portion of the
diving through Aquatic Plant Management of Minocqua.
c. The Lake District will have the same officers for next year.
d. The Lake District Annual Meeting was held and went well.
e. Two buoys were placed to protect the loons, but were removed by the DNR. The
Woodboro and Crescent Boards have to approve them before they can be placed
again. The Lake District also has to find out how shallow to place the buoys.

10. Long Term Projects
a. Washing Station - Jeff will obtain more information and possible costs.
b. Eyelids Project (boat monitoring camera) – Russ will look into this.
c. Fisheries – The Fisheries Committee will continue working toward the goal of
placing more fish cribs and restoring spawning areas.
d. Lake Level Monitoring – Tom Johansen questioned the value of lake level
monitoring. He has checked into it, and it takes a 30 year study to gain any useful
information. Tom stated that the county should know the high water mark.
However, he does not know if they do.

e. Signs at the end of piers – The board showed interest in having the names placed
on piers. More discussion will be held in the future.

11. Adjournment – Motion by Jim and second by Russ to adjourn. Motion passed.

Squash Lake Association Annual Members Meeting Minutes:

June 25, 2022

Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Tom Eggert, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Jackie Whitney, Greg Nevinski, Marj Mehring, Jim McAllister  Absent: Jeff Paddock

Opening Remarks – Board President, Kathy tournour

  1. Presidents Report – Kathy Tournour
  2. The Squash Lake Association now has over 100 members.
  3. Eric and Valerie Johnson have been donating $1000.00 a year to the association.
  4. Funds come from memberships, donations and the Spotify online store. Funds are used for boat landing monitoring, social events, and special projects.
  5. 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
    1. Minutes were approve without corrections or additions. Motion to approve by Tony Giannola and second by Gretchen ?  Motion passed.
  6. Financial Report
    1. Tom Eggert gave the Financial Report (attached). The Squash Lake Association is in very good financial condition. Total assets as of June 23, 2022 was $31, 245.
    2. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Janet Appling and seconded by Dan Butkus. Motion approved.
  7. Budget
    1. The 2023 Proposed Budget was presented by Tom Eggert.
    2. A motion to accept the proposed 2023 budget was made by Dan Butkus and seconded by Tim ? . Motion passed.
  8. Tom opened up the floor for proposals for future projects.
    1. Lake level monitoring and fisheries projects were discussed.
    2. Janet Appling suggested more social events like the Silent Sports Days.
    3. A washing station at the landing was discussed. There is a waterless washing station available.
    4. The “Eyelids” project was discussed. This includes a monitored camera system at the boat landing.
      1. There was a question about what happens if a violation is observed. There is a form at the shed that can be filled out and sent to the DNR. There could be a substantial fine levied.
    5. Dan Butkus made a motion to add to the budget proposal. It would authorize the board to spend up to $1500 for lake monitoring, $1000 for social events, and $1000 for fisheries projects.
    6. There was a discussion about the fact that if the board wanted to do a large project like a washing station or the “Eyelids” project, they could not proceed until they got permission from the members at next summer’s annual meeting.
    7. Dan Butkus’s original amended was amended to authorize the board to spend up to a maximum of $10,000 for a project(s) as they see fit.
    8. Janet Appling made the motion to amend Dan’s motion, seconded by Tm ?. Motion passed.
  9. Education Committee Report– Marj Mehring
    1. Marj reported on her attendance at the Wisconsin Lakes Convention.
      1. A program on Squash Lake will look at lake quality/fish habitat, etc. vs property development.
      2. Marj shared a number of brochures and invited people to take any that they were interested in.
  • Janet Appling mentioned that there is a lot of information, including several books, in the monitoring shed at the boat landing.
  1. Fisheries Committee Report – Dale Smith
    1. Dale reported that 3 fish cribs have been built and placed. Locations were published in the newsletter. Plans are to build and place 2 more this year.
    2. It was also explained that the committee is looking at restoring walleye habitat. They have been waiting for a new DNR agent to be hired in Rhinelander. This will be a project that costs considerably more money. The committee is in the process of gaining information and sources to help. One location being considered is the area in front of Jim Derby’s property.
    3. There is a form that people can fill out if they would like to have a crib placed in front of their property.
    4. The fisheries committee will be hosting a fishing seminar on July 16 from 10:00am – 12:00pm. The seminar will feature Craig Zarley, a Squash Lake resident who has written 3 books on fishing. The location will be the beach at Dale’s property – 2621 Oak Lane Drive. There is a form to fill out if you plan to attend. There is a limit of 20 people.
  2. Social Committee Report – Russ Tennessen
    1. There are 2 more Silent Sports Saturdays scheduled, July 9 and August 13. (The June one was dampened by rain). People are encouraged to meet at the landing at 9:00am for coffee and doughnuts. After some social time, people are encouraged to participate in their favorite silent sports – running, biking, paddle boarding, etc.
    2. Welcome folders are being prepared for new residents or land owners. Jackie Whitney is spear heading this project.
    3. There will be a Float Flotilla again this year. The date is July 30. Something new this year, participants are encouraged to decorate their boats. There will be judging and the winner will receive a custom boat flag. People entering their boat in the competition should get a number from Kathy to display on their boat. The Flotilla will start at 2:30pm from the big island. Jim and Karen brown will again lead the boats counter clockwise around the lake.
  3. Lake District Report – Tom Johansen
    1. Bob Thome is the newest member of the Lake District Board.
    2. The 10 year lake management plan has been finished.
    3. The divers started work on June 6. It is a heavy year for milfoil. (785 lbs. have already been harvested.)
    4. Onterra will be out soon to do their initial report.
    5. Salt monitoring has shown an increase of 5 parts per ? in 1993 to 14 parts per ? today. It is believed that the reason for this increase is Hwy. 8.
    6. The district lost 1 diver this year. Presently there are 2 full time divers and 1 that works 1 day per week. It is extremely difficult to get new divers. There is lots of competition for divers in the area.
    7. Aquatic Plant Management of Minocqua may be needed in the future to help with diving. The cost would be significantly higher.
    8. The budget for next year has not been finalized yet.
    9. It is being investigated with the DNR to see if buoys can be set-up to try and protect the loons.
    10. Money is being put aside each year for a new pontoon boat. The present boat has been repaired, but is not expected to last too much longer. The Lake District has received some good news recently. They found out they qualify for a 50/50 grant to purchase a new boat. That will save a lot of money. The Lake District is holding off buying a new boat until the diver situation stabilizes.
  4. Election of Board Members
    1. A secret paper ballot is the normal procedure.
    2. Up for re-election were board members Jackie Whitney, Greg Nevinski, Dale Smith, and Russ Tennessen. All 4 were re-elected. There was one open seat. Jay Laetsch was elected to fill the empty seat.
  5. Door Prizes
    1. Drawings were held for the 5 door prizes – 1 Bloody Mary Basket and 4 beach towels.
  6. Adjournment
    1. A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Butkus, second by Tom Eggert. Motion passed.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

May 14, 2022

All board members present, plus Bill Akan and Tom Johansen.
Meeting was called to order at 9:07am by Board President, Kathy Tournour.
1. Opening Remarks
2. President’s Report
a. We presently have 89 members. Todd at Town Pump was a great help in providing
coupons for new members joining. Kathy suggested giving a coupon for Shopify to
promote more people to join. Tom suggested giving everyone a discount to promote the
our Shopify store. It was suggested to have items available at the annual meeting as
another way to promote Shopify. Marj suggested getting hats. Jeff suggested bumper
stickers. Dale suggested having a feature article in the newsletter about Shopify. Kathy
will take care of the coupon/discount for Shopify.
b. Kathy reported that the website is pretty much up to date.
c. The possibility of a webcam is still open. It would face the lake from Kathy’s property.
It would be a separate link, but implanted on the website.
d. Kathy reported that the membership list is not updated at this time, due to her
computer crashing.
3. Finance Committee
a. Tom Eggert reported that financially we are in good shape and explained the report.
b. Tom stated that we need projects.
c. The landing as a project
1. Tom Johansen reported that the Town of Crescent is looking at updating its boat
landings. Tom explained that that will bring additional large boats to our lake. The Lake
District’s survey showed the two big issues people wanted addressed were wake boats
and fishing. Updating the landing may be a negative for the lake.
d. Other project suggestions
1. Greg suggested a washing station, eyelid camera at the landing, and additional
fisheries projects. Tom Johansen volunteered to look into the Eyelid Camera.
e. Tom Eggert stated that we have a pretty much balanced budget. Postage should be
included. Tom Johansen suggested that mailings should have a logo or something to
identify it from all the junk mail.
f. Tom Eggert explained the income portion of the report. There was a question about
whether monitor training was still part of the requirement for the grant. Jeff will check.
g. Tom Eggert explained the proposed budget. It is tentative. Greg suggested that the
Budget Committee meet prior to the annual meeting. Marj made a motion to add office
supplies up to $200.00 and postage up to $100.00 to the budget. Motion seconded by
Jim. Motion approved.
j. Russ made a motion to approve the budget with changes. Greg seconded it. Motion

4. Bill Akan Report.
a. Paid monitors will begin on Memorial day and go through Labor Day.
b. b. Tom Fuss and Denny Scott are continuing their part-time positions. A new person
for 8 hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays needs to be filled. Bill has not been able
to contact the person that had the position last year. There is an interview
scheduled today.
c. There was a discussion about the pay rate. It was felt that the current rate of
$12.00 may not be competitive. Marj made a motion to increase the pay for
monitors up to $15.00. Second by Jim. Motion approved. Bill can decide how that
pay is given. It was suggested that maybe a portion be held as a bonus for a
completed season.
5. Education Committee
a. Marj is a committee of one at present. Marj reported that the Kiosk at the lake has
been updated. CPR Class is tabled until next year. It was felt that we could provide
more information to residents on ways to improve the lake and shoreline. Almost
everything done on the lake shore needs approval. Marj gave a short report on her
participation at the Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention. Marj attended one day.

6. Fisheries Committee
a. It is planned to do a couple more cribs this summer. Greg has asked to have a crib
placed in front of his residence. Others can request a crib at the annual meeting.
The spawning restoration project is on hold until we get a local DNR representative
to work with. Russ will give a short stocking report at the annual meeting. Craig
Zarley has agreed to do a fishing seminar. We will schedule a meeting soon to work
out the details. People can sign-up at the annual meeting. Greg suggested using
pontoon boats and actually going out on the water. (This would depend on how
many participants). Dale asked how we can find out if the cribs are actually working.
One suggestions was to ask inspectors at he landing to ask people. People that live
near a crib could also provide information. More information on where the cribs are
located is needed to get out to people.

7. Social Committee
a. Dates have been set for the “Silent Sports”. People can walk, run, bike, or paddle
People can then meet at the boat landing for fellowship and coffee and doughnuts.
The dates are June 11, July 9, and August 13. Social time at the landing starts at 9:00am.
The Boat Flotilla will be held at 3pm on July 30 th . Participants should meet to the west of
the big island at 2:30pm. People are encouraged to decorate their boat. Jim and Karen
Brown have agreed to lead the Flotilla again this year.
b. Jackie reported that the welcome folders are just about ready. There is information
on where to get more information on a variety of subjects. This keeps the paper to a
minimum. There was a discussion about how we find out about new residents.
There was a realtor who was suppose to keep us updated.

8. Annual Meeting
a. The Annual meeting is set for June 25 th at the Town Pump. Social hour and pizza
at 4pm and the meeting at 5pm. Russ will contact the Town Pump. Dale will
bring the microphone. Kathy will develop yard posters to promote the meeting.
Possible sites include – Crescent Rd., Squash Lake Rd., Lake Rest Rd., Long Lake
Rd., and Crestview Rd.
b. Tom Eggert will present the budget at the annual meeting. He will then ask if
the board can have permission to alter the budget if special projects come up.
He will also ask for project ideas. Tom Johansen will be present and give a Lake
District update.
c. We have one open board seat at present. Jackie Whitney is still deciding if she
will run again.
9. Lake District Update
a. Tom Johansen gave an update. There is one new part-time diver this year.
District is worried that a couple of the present divers may retire. Options for
divers are being looked at. There have been discussions with a Minocqua firm.
They ask $2000.00 for 4 divers/8hours. The District will meet with present divers
and try to get them to commit to 3 more years. The District will consider a pay
increase from $35.00 up to $45.00. There may be a high level of milfoil this year
due to the warm Fall. The Lake Management Plan has been completed. In the
future, plans will only have to be updated every 10 years instead of 5years. A
grant will probably not be applied for this year because the district has enough
funds at present. The new boat fund has $42,000.00 and a new board member
has helped obtain a grant for 50% of the cost. Bob Thome is the new board
member from the county. The Lake District board is preparing for the annual
meeting. The only new thing to be presented at the annual meeting is a petition
to have a “Loon Nest Area” buoy placed by Loon Bay.

10. Adjournment
a. Marj made a motion to adjourn. Second by Russ. Motion passed.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2022


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

October 16, 2021

Squash Lake Association Meeting October 16, 2021 Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Russ Tennessen, Greg Nevinski, Jackie Whitney, Tom Eggert, Jeff Paddock Absent: Jim McCalister, Dale Smith

Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour Opening Remarks

1. Presidents report

a. Membership: No new members, Kathy pushing new membership, hoping to have an overlapping diagram by January on district vs. association responsibilities in order to send out in a newsletter and/or Email. Possible incentives for signing up early is a coupon to be used at Henkels for appetizers. Tom Eggert reported a 30% decrease in membership from 2020 to 2021. Kathy hopes to send out an Email in early January followed up by a mailing in February for non-respondents.

b. Meeting Dates a. February Feb 5th meeting changed Feb 12th, with Zoom link

c. Website: Kathy is going to pursue additional items to be sold

2. Minutes from last meeting a. Motion was made by Tom Eggert to accept and was seconded by Marj Mehring. Kathy is still checking to see if there are any restrictions on the rate of SLA dues.

3. Finance Committee Updates a. Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting) Tom reported General fund going from $11,324 as of Jan 1, 2020 to $4,169 as of today with monies being transferred to the new Schwab account. Restricted CB/CW account went from $12,202 to $2,856, waiting re-imbursement from the DNR grant. Total assets went from $26,751 to $25,064. We took in $1475 in extra income that was not dues related. No income reported from website. Decided to keep CB/CW budget for 2022 same as 2021. Jeff reported that the status of next years grant should be known in November. 1. Motion by Greg and second by Jeff to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.

4. Lake District a. No one from the lake district was present

5. Committee Updates

a. Finance committee, Tom, Marj, Greg and Jim Tom reported on the many different accounts that the association had. There is about $700 in the restricted fund the is earmarked for certain projects. Tom will provide us with a break down of the amounts and designated usage. Continue with the Amazon Smile program. Remind members to see if their employer provides matching funds for 503C donations. Tom will check to see how often a non profit has to have their books reviewed.

b. Fisheries committee, Dale, Jeff, Russ and Greg Three fish cribs have been built and GPS coordinates sent to DNR. Jeff will try to mark the placements of cribs on a map using google earth. We will link map to website and put map in newsletter. We will also have copies available at SLA shed to share with fishermen.

c. Social committee, Russ, Dale and Jackie Items discussed as possible social events included the following: Standup paddle board and or Kayak outing Golf Team or outing, Running team, pickle ball team Get together at a venue for music and drinks d. Education committee, Jeff and Marj Check into available resources that can provide info on shoreline erosion.

6. Long Term Projects a. Lake level monitoring looks to be cost prohibitive for the association to pursue. We will circle back with the district to see if anything can be done in the future.

7. Misc. Issues

a. We thanked Bill Akan for his help with our CB/CW initiative. He indicated that he is interested in continuing his coordination activities next year. He will submit his final report as soon as he gets the name or number of the grant.

b. We decided not to pursue any more talks with Sally Bellville on her loon bay property as her expectations were well above the market value of the land.

8. Adjournment

a. Motion by Greg and second by Tom to adjourn. Motion carried.

August 21, 2021

Board Members Present: Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Dale Smith, Russ Tennessen, Greg Nevinski, Jim McCalister, Jackie Whitney

Absent:  Tom Eggert, Jeff Paddock

Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour

Opening Remarks

  1. Board reorganization
    1. Election of officers
      1. President – Kathy Tournour

Motion by Russ, second by Jim, carried

  1. Vice-president – Russ Tennessen

Motion by Greg, second by Dale, carried

  1. Secretary – Dale Smith

Motion by Greg, second by Russ, carried

  1. Treasurer – Tom Eggert

Motion by Marj, second by Greg, carried

  1. 20 -21 Meeting Dates
    1. October 9
    2. February 5
    3. May 14
    4. June 25 – Annual meeting
    5. August 20
    6. Greg suggested we explore the possibility of having an evening “zoom” meeting.
    7. It was suggested that we discuss the Annual meeting at the February meeting rather than wait until the May meeting.
  2. President’s Report
    1. Kathy reported that the website is now setup to signup memberships online and accept payment by credit card.
    2. Goal for 21-22 – increase membership by 25%.
    3. Kathy suggested sending out renewal notices in January. We could give a $5.00 gift card for items on the website. Most people wait until the annual meeting to renew their membership. We need to re-educate people as to when dues are actually due.
    4. It was suggested to include a line for additional donations on the membership form.
    5. We need to educate people as to what the SLA does, separate from the Lake District.
    6. Kathy will check on what the limit is that can be charged for memberships.
    7. Kathy will send out a list of members.
    8. “Shared Agenda” is being set-up.
  3. Minutes
  4. Motion by Greg and seconded by Marj to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.
  5. Committee Updates
    1. Finance Committee
      1. Treasurer’s Report (submitted by Tom prior to the meeting)
        1. Motion by Greg and second by Jim to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
      2. Grant Updates
        1. Motion by Greg and second by Marj to authorize Jeff to submit the CBCW Grant. Motion carried.
        2. Surface water grant will be placed on the October meeting.
        3. An e-mail will be sent to tom expressing the Finance Committee’s desire to meet on the budget.
      3. Education Committee
        1. The workshop on “Landscaping with Native Plants” was held on July 7.

Brett Hanson was the instructor. A trip to Hanson’s garden Village concluded the workshop.

  1. The long term goal of the committee is to provide education on

shoreline maintenance.

  1. Fisheries Committee
    1. One fish crib has been constructed and placed. There are plans to build and place 3 more by this Fall.
    2. A meeting will try to be arranged with Mike Pruel on the subject of reconstructing spawning areas.
    3. The long range goal of the committee is to improve fishing (especially walleye fishing) on Squash Lake.
  2. Social Committee
    1. The Boat Flotilla was held on Saturday, July 30th. There were 7 boats

that participated. A contest for the “best decorated boat” in the flotilla is being considered for next year.

  1. The welcome folders are ready and being used. Three have been given out to date.
  2. The main goal of the social committee is to increase association membership.
  1. Lake District
    1. The next meeting is Sunday, October 10 at 1:00pm. Meeting are held at the Crescent Town Hall.
    2. The time Meander Survey was completed. Dan Butkus sent a preliminary report. Everyone should have received it.
    3. Tom and Russ talked to Sally about the price of the Loon Bay property. Realtors appraised the property from $40,000 – 90,000.

Most were under $50,000. Sally said she had a friend that may buy it for $100,000. There was no further discussion as to what we should do going forward. The board may drop the idea.

  1. Long Term Projects
    1. Ann Kipper was doing the water level monitoring. Since she retired from the board, it will be necessary to see if she will continue as the monitor. It was suggested that perhaps there would be a boy scout who would like to take on the monitoring as a project.
    2. Instagram needs updating.
  2. Additional Items
    1. The donated bench is now in place. A thank you note was sent and will be highlighted in the newsletter.
    2. Board member recognition
      1. A plaque will be presented to Karen for her many years of service to the board.
      2. A discussion took place as to how to recognize boards members when they leave the board. It was suggested that we recognize these people in the newsletter.
      3. 2025 will be the SLA 20th Founders of the SLA will be honored at that time.
    3. The board discussed the possibility of having a sign at the landing similar to the one used by Lake Julia. Everyone should have received a photo of their sign in an e-mail. Everyone is asked to bring recommendations for what should be on our sign to the next meeting.
    4. It was suggested that a map of Squash Lake, with milfoil areas marked, be handed out to boaters at the landing.
    5. The extra summer newsletter will come out in September.
  3. Dates to remember
    1. The next newsletter deadline is December 1.
    2. The next Lake District meeting is October 10.
    3. The next SLA board meeting is October 9.
  4. Adjournment
    1. Motion by Marj and second by Greg to adjourn. Motion carried

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

May 15, 2021


Squash Lake Association Meeting

May 15, 2021

Board Members Present: Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring,  Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown, Russ Tennessen, Jeff Paddock, Greg Nevinski plus Tom Johansen from the Lake District Board

Absent: Ann Kipper, Jackie Whitney

Meeting was called to order at 9:06am by Board President, Kathy Tournour

Opening Remarks

  1. Kathy reported that she is updating the website.
  2. Board members’ contact information has been updated.
  3. Minutes
  4. Motion by Greg and seconded by Tom to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  5. Treasurer’s Report – Tom Eggert
    1. Website cost is $350.00 per year. $100.00 profit to be included in the budget.
    2. $15,000.00 was put into a Schwab account in late February or early March. Account is presently worth $15,500+.
    3. The SLA presentl;y carries 2 insurance policies.
      1. General Liability - $400.00 – more important when SLA had boat and divers. It was decided to drop this policy.
      2. Diectors Liability - $400.00 – directors can’t be sued individually.
    4. $1000.00 added to the budget for fisheries improvement.
    5. Education Committee budget changed to $1000.00.
    6. Greg questioned the amount of $1365.35 as an over budget on Membership Dues. It should -$1364.34 as an under budget entry.
    7. There was a motion by Greg to accept the treasurer’s report with the 1 correction noted in F above. Jeff   Motion passed.
  6. Lake District Update – Tom Johansen
    1. Newsletter was sent out.
    2. The 2 year DNR grant millfoil control was received again.
    3. The Time Meander Survey will be done this summer. SLA had previously voted to pay for this, with almost certainty that a grant would be received to pay most of the cost.
    4. The same 3 experienced divers are back this year. Diver pay was increased to $35 per hour. It is common for divers on other lakes to receive $40 – 45 per hour. Divers are happy with the new pay rate and enjoy working on Squash Lake.
    5. The lake District has incentives for new divers, but have not found any yet. It is inevitable that new divers will be needed at some point.
    6. The Lake District had a 3 hour meeting with Onterra. Much information was gained.
    7. The Lake District has a meeting next Tuesday to plan goals for next year. SLA will be asked to support 3 goals.
      1. Water monitoring near the highway.
      2. Improve fish habitat.
  • Education for shoreline restoration. This is the most important according to the DNR.
  1. Karen asked about the reduction of frogs, and should that be something to consider exploring. Jeff stated that he thought the DNR had a state monitoring program for frogs. The population is way down.
  2. The Lake District Survey produced a 61% return rate which is very good.
  3. 99% indicated millfoil eradication as the top priority, followed by fishing, shoreline erosion (wakeboats), and water levels / water quality.
  4. Squash Lake is still considered one of the best in the state for water quality and variety of plant species.
  5. Loon Bay update
    1. Onterra considers Loon Bay the most important area to the overall health of the lake.
    2. There is still interest in Loon Bay by the Lake District board.
  • Considering that a grant is almost certain, the cost would only be about 25%.
  1. SLA would have to redo the survey. If the SLA wants it on this year’s annual Lake District meeting, the petition would have to be to them by July 11.
  2. Tom Eggert suggested that we wait until we have firm figures on the cost. It was decided that Tom and Russ would contact the owner. The entire property is 29 acres.
  3. Greg asked how much of the lake benefits from Loon Bay. The whole lake benefits directly or indirectly.
  1. A question was asked about water level records. Tom Johansen said that Onterra did not have that information, and he didn’t know that anyone has kept records. Onterra did provide information on rainfall.


  1. CBCW Update.
    1. Jeff reported that we have again received the CBCW Grant. We have received $1000.00 as the initial payment.
    2. Last year we were short of hours and lost $589.00. The reason was because inspections did not start until June 20th because of Covid.
  2. Membership
    1. At present there are 21 paid memberships. Last year there were 76.
    2. Lots of people pay their dues at the annual meeting in June.
    3. Kathy suggested sending a mailing out about the annual meeting and reminding people about paying their dues.
    4. People need to have a paid membership before they can vote at the annual meeting.
  3. Committees
    1. Education
      1. There will be a zoom class on “landscaping with native plants” at 6:00pm on July 7. Brent Hanson will be instructing the hour class. A trip to Hanson’s Garden Village will follow from 7:30pm -8:00pm.
      2. Karen suggested sending a mailing to all property owners, not just SLA members.
  • The SLA will pay the $150.00 fee for the class. This is similar to the CPR and SUP classes.
  1. Kathy said she would do an e-mail if given the information.
  2. Tom Johansen suggested using a mail service for mass mailings. It takes a lot of time and probably would only add about $100.00 to the cost. Kathy will take care of it.
  3. Tom Eggert suggested charging the people and then giving them some plants. After some discussion, it was decided to ask Hanson’s if they would give a discount to the workshop participants.
  1. Fisheries Committee
    1. The Fisheries Committee had an in-person meeting on April 24th. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss fish sticks, fish cribs, and restoration of spawning areas.
    2. Fishsticks
      1. Fishsticks are simply placing a tree in the water from shore and anchoring it. This is done by or with the permission of the owner.
      2. There is grant money available for this purpose. The committee decided that most people are still not aware of this program and continued education is needed.


  • Fish Cribs
    1. Fish cribs are something the committee felt they could start doing right away. It was decided to make a prototype fish crib. Once this is completed, a workday may be scheduled to make multiple cribs. The DNR guidelines will be used in construction.
    2. The first crib will be constructed near the properties of Dale, Jeff, and Tom Fuss.
    3. Cribs are made of natural materials - logs, limbs, and brush. The only manmade material used are for fastening the crib together and securing the weighting material (usually cement blocks).
    4. Our divers have been asked to locate existing cribs and mark their location on a map. They also have been asked to recommend good spots to place future cribs
  1. Restoring Spawning areas.
    1. This project is much larger in scope and will need more research. There will also be more expense involved.
    2. This is a program of locating the areas to be restored. Then placing rocks of a certain size on the ice during the winter and have them sink into place as the ice goes out.
    3. The DNR, Mike Preul, Director Mole Lake Fisheries, and our Squash Lake diving crew will be our sources for information.
  2. Social committee
    1. The Annual Meeting
      1. The Annual meeting will be held on Saturday, June 26 at the Town Pump. Social Hour will be at 4:00pm and the meeting at 5:00pm.
      2. After some discussion, it was decided that having a “zoom option” would not be practical.
      3. Treasurer will collect dues.
    2. Boat Floatilla
      1. Last year’s Boat Flotilla was a success.
      2. After some discussion about dates, it was decided that this

years event would take place on Saturday, July 31 (raindate – Sunday, August 1).

  1. The Flotilla will assemble at 2:30pm between the big island and the shore to the west. The Flotilla will launch at 3:00pm going counter clockwise around the lake.
  2. There will be no theme, but participants are encouraged to decorate their boats.
  1. Other
    1. Nothing has been finalized on the donated bench. Costs are more than anticipated.
    2. There will be a welcome basket on display at the annual meeting. The SLA Board had previously approved a welcome basket program for new people on the lake.
    3. Linda has offered to put together a short summer newsletter. This is in addition to the regular newsletter which comes out 3 times per year. Deadline for the summer newsletter is June 1st.
    4. Karen is working on updating the sign on Bay Rd.
  2. Motion by Greg and seconded by Russ to adjourn. Motion passed.


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

February 6, 2021

Revision 03/06/2021 

Board Members Present: Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown, Russ Tennessen, Jeff Paddock, Ann Kipper

Absent: Greg Nevinski

Meeting was called to order at 9:03am by Board President, Kathy Tournour

  1. Opening Remarks by President, Kathy Tournour
    1. Kathy and Tom have been working on the membership list. Kathy is considering recommending that one person be in charge of maintaining the list.
    2. Kathy would like to have a discussion on what each officer’s responsibilities are at a future meeting.
    3. Kathy reported that she has worked on the website. The store is open. Presently t-shirts are offered.
    4. Instagram is now up and working. Presently there are 3 pictures on it.
  2. Minutes of the October 10, 2020 meeting.
  3. Motion by Tom and seconded by Russ to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. There is $26,864.36 Total monies as of February 2021. Monies have stayed pretty consistent from year to year. Tom and Kathy co-signed on a Swab Account.  $15,000 will be placed into that account. A little more interest can be made this way. It was decided to bring Jim Brown in as a financial resource person even though he is not on the board.
    2. Tom’s financial reports were made on screen.
    3. There was a discussion about the budget. The budget is now approved at the annual meeting in the summer. It is makes budgeting for the committees and budgeting in general difficult. It was suggested that the Board approve the budget at the end of the year. This will involve changing the by-laws by a vote at the annual meeting . This item will be placed on the May meeting for further discussion and possible action.
    4. Tom reported that $1712.78 has been taken in so far this year for memberships and donations.
    5. Dispersements so far this year are $181.00 for post office and banking .
    6. Final account information has been sent to Jeff. Jeff will send the CBCW Grant Application in shortly.
    7. Tom reported that $4493.83 was paid to the boat landing monitors last summer.
    8. Tom talked about including information on the Membership Form to remind members to check with their employers regarding employers matching donations to the Squash lake Association.
    9. There was a motion by Russ and second by Jeff to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.
  5. Lake District Update
    1. Tom Johansen Reported that they have received 50% response so far on their survey. 60% is the goal, but 50% is better than expectations.
    2. The Lake District does not know yet if they will receive the 2 year EWM Control Grant. They should know sometime this month.
    3. Tom reminded us that the Time Meander Survey was postponed because of the Covid Pandemic. They are still planning to do it sometime in the future.
    4. The milfoil is well maintained at present.
      1. The 3 main divers will be back next summer. (Fred Lintereur, our lead diver, recently had his wife pass away.)
      2. The Lake District is putting $2000.00 a year into a boat fund for future replacement. Carpet will be replaced on the present boat this Spring.
  • A pay increase for the divers is on the agenda for the district’s next meeting.
  1. The Oneida County Representative did a presentation. There is a new ordinance proposal. The Planning and Development is not very receptive, but decided to move forward. Tom stated this is at least moving in the right direction.
  2. Tom talked about the issue of the stream entering Squash Lake from Washburn Lake. The Lake District was going to have the water tested, but money in grant ran out. Tom stated that he does not deem it a priority anyway. Onterra says there is nothing we can do about it anyway. People may blame Washburn Lake for things like milfoil which is unfounded. Dan Butkus said he still is in favor of doing the testing. Other SLA board members agreed. Ann suggested that she could work with Jeff and then report back to the board. It was also stated that the stream has only been running a few years, since the water level has gone up.
  3. There was a discussion about the issue of lake property being clear cut. There are apparently inconsistencies of interpretation of the DNR regulations. More information is needed.
  1. Donation
    1. Neighbors of Carl and Lorraine Thompson wish to donate up to $200.00 for a bench and plaque to be placed at the boat landing in their name.
    2. After discussion it was agreed that the best place for the bench would be near the SLA shed.
    3. Russ will check with the Crescent Town Board for approval.
    4. Kathy will check out benches.
  2. WI Water Week
    1. Wisconsin Water Week is March 8-12. Everything is virtual this year. Thursday and Friday will feature regional staff.
    2. There will be over 300 presenters, and the cost is $20.00 per day. There is early bird registration thru February 15.
    3. A motion was made by Tom and second by Russ to reimburse, up to $100.00, any board member attending the webinars.
  3. Committee Reports (attached)
  4. Other items
    1. A discussion took place as to who we send information to. It was stated that it is important to keep the SLA and Lake District separate.
    2. Dates to remember
      1. April 11 – Lake District Board Meeting
      2. April 15 – Newsletter articles due
  • May 15 – SLA Board Meeting
  1. Adjournment
    1. There was a motion by ? and second by ? to adjourn. Motion passed.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

October 10, 2020

Revision 10/20/2020

Board Members Present: Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown, Russ Tennessen, Jeff Paddock, Bill Akan

Absent: Greg Nevinski, Ann Kipper

Meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Board President, Kathy Tournour

  1. Opening Remarks by President, Kathy Tournour
    1. Kathy said, after thinking about last meeting, she realized that we would be more efficient if we set-up committees. Because of this, she went ahead and set up four committees, which will be discussed later in the meeting. By-laws give her authority to do this.
    2. Kathy believes our mission statement is still relevant. We will discuss at the first meeting after the annual meeting, when new officers are elected.
  2. Minutes of the August 15, 2020 meeting.
  3. Motion by Tom and seconded by Karen to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Tom, as the new treasurer, explained how the Budget is now presented in a little different format.
    2. Tom said he believes he can get cheaper director’s insurance. Marj said we looked at this before and have West Bend Insurance which was the best deal. Karen said that she remembers ours being higher because of the divers and boat. Marj said this was taken off and the insurance did not go down. Tom will look into this. Marj reminded us that the insurance comes due in June.
    3. Tom also questioned the $29 per month Shopify monthly fee. Tom believes this could also be done cheaper. Tom questioned what we get for the monthly fee. Kathy explained that people can sell things on the site. If just for a website, the price would be too expensive. Kathy suggested this would be a good item for a committee to work on. Karen suggested looking at selling items like t-shirts for Christmas.
    4. It was asked if the paddleboard class held this past summer was paid for. It doesn’t appear that it is accounted for anywhere. Tom will look into it.
    5. There was a motion by Marj and second by Tom to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.


  1. CBCW Update
    1. Bill Akan gave a report on the CBCW. The summer went very well. He will send out his report shortly.
    2. Jeff was reminded that the due date for the CBCW grant has been moved from December 10 to November 1. Bill will send the final report to Jeff for the report.
    3. Tom has now sent out the last checks for the boat landing workers. There was a delay with the switch of treasurer from Marj to Tom.
  2. Lake District Meeting
    1. Tomorrow (Sunday, October 11) is the Lake District Meeting. It is a Zoom meeting and Tom can furnish the Zoom information for logging into the meeting.
    2. The Lake District needs a letter of support. Kathy volunteered to write the letter on behalf of the board.
  3. Committee Assignments
    1. Kathy went over the four committees she has identified. Each board member is expected to be on one or more committees – Finance, Educational, Social, and Fisheries.
    2. Social Committee
      1. Tom felt the social committee should take a greater role in e-mailing members, documenting changes in contact information, and be responsible for fundraising. Currently, all of these responsibilities have fallen on the Treasurer. Tom felt these were not appropriately within the Treasurer’s role.
      2. Jeff has done Facebook and admitted he hasn’t kept it up as it should be. He would like help.
  • Kathy’s daughter has volunteered to work on an Instagram account for us.
  1. By utilizing Facebook and Instagram, our website, and the newsletter, we should be able to reach all age groups.
  1. Setting Up Committees
    1. Each person said which committee(s) they would like to be on.
    2. Kathy will send out names and e-mails for all committees.
  • Each committee should meet and come up with a plan and budget before the next board meeting which is February 6.
  1. A camera for the boat landing would fall into the Fisheries Committee.
  2. Ann and Greg will be contacted for their choice of committees. Ann can be a great resource, but cannot write grants. This would be a conflict of interest with her job at the DNR.
  1. Other Items
    1. Our mission statement was last revised in 2011. The mission statement that Kathy sent is correct. It will be revisited at our meeting in August 2021.
  2. Adjournment
    1. There was a motion by Jackie and second by Jeff to adjourn. Motion passed.




Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

August 15, 2020

Board Members Present: Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown, Russ Tennessen, Greg Nevinski, Ann Kipper, Craig Reinking, Bill Akan, plus Tom Johansen and Dan Butkus from the Lake District Board

Absent: Jeff Paddock

Meeting was called to order at 9:02am by Board President, Kathy Tournour

  1. Opening Remarks
    1. New Board members Ann Kipper and Craig Reinking were welcomed to the board.
  2. Minutes of the May 16, 2020 meeting.
  3. Motion by Greg and seconded by Craig to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. There was a question about a gift in kind donation of $591.61.
    2. Marj reported that Andy cordova is auditing the financial records and should be finished by Monday, August 17. Marj said she was not aware of the $150.00 an hour charge. Andy indicated that because the Squash lake District is a non-profit organization, he would discount the charge.
    3. Greg offered some information on his neighbor that is an accountant. He could be a possibility for the future.
    4. Marj is working on getting the shed put into the permanent assets. Marj will work some things out with Andy and resend the Treasurer’s Report.
    5. Kathy did some checking on investing some of our money. She mentioned Ripco credit Union as a possibility. Tom did some checking for online possibilities and nothing seemed a good option.
    6. Greg made a motion and Tom seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report with the pending adjustments of the shed and in-kind gift with the resend of the Treasurer’s Report.
  5. Officers
    1. Kathy Tournour agreed to stay on as President.
    2. Russ Tennessen volunteered to take the Vice President position.
    3. Dale Smith agreed to remain the secretary.
    4. Tom Eggert volunteered to take over the Treasurer position. 
    5. Marj was thanked for all her hard work as Treasurer for the past 10 years. Marj will work with Tom to make a smooth transition.
    6. Marj made a motion, seconded by Karen, to accept the slate of officers. Motion passed.
  6. CBCW Update
    1. Bill reported that there were 173 hours of inspection time as of last week. We will have no problem reaching the 200 hours required for the grant.
    2. There have been 460 people contacted with no major problems to report.
    3. Inspections will end again this year on Labor Day.
    4. The due date for the CBCW grant has been moved from December 10 to November 1.
    5. Dan Butkus mentioned that many grants require a pre-application by September 2. Dan was going to check to see if this applies to the CBCW Grant.
    6. Ann Kipper can be a great resource person. However, she cannot work on grants, as they are part of her job at DNR.
  7. Summer 2020 Recap
    1. Paddle Board Class
      1. Jackie Whitney gave a report on the paddle board class held in June at Dale Smith’s beach. It had 6 participants and it was very good. The instructor from Nicolet College was great and everyone learned some things they did not know before.
      2. Thanks to Jackie and Karen for setting up the class.
    2. Annual meeting
      1. It was decided that an in-person meeting is much better. There is always technical issues.
      2. Russ Tennessen, Tom Eggert, and Tom Johansen worked on the wake issue letter. The letter was actually sent out on postcards.  Kathy remarked that she has received positive feedback.
        1. Russ has introduced something to the Crescent Town Board concerning the high waves. They may put it on a monthly agenda after gathering additional information.
        2. Karen said that she has seen some noticeable erosion at the landing. Russ will look into this.
      3. High Water levels
        1. There was a discussion on whether this is the new norm or cyclical.
        2. Ann Kipper said that climate change has something to do with it.
  • Marj asked about the bill for the postcards. Kathy has the bill.
  1. Boat Floatilla
    1. There were 10 -12 boats that participated.
    2. Thanks to Jim and Karen for leading.
  • It will be brought up again in the Spring.
  1. Lake District Update
    1. Tom Johansen thanked the association on their work on the Loon /bay project even though it did not proceed. Tom said this is what the association should do. Other updates from the Lake District are that the budget passed and the grants are going to be applied for.
    2. There was discussion on the negative loon Bay vote. Karen asked about who could vote at the Annual Lake District Meeting. Everyone was verified either at the meeting or through pre-registration.
    3. Tom Johansen talked about comments like “ the lake will take care of itself”.

Ann Kipper commented that the DNR runs into this  type of comment regularly.

  1. Dan Butkus explained that the Time Meander Survey will not take place this year. The DNR was great in letting us extend the survey through 2021.
  2. Marj suggested we take some time to educate ourselves on wetlands.
  1. Runoff concerns
    1. Kathy Tournour received a letter from a person with concerns about fertilizer and other chemical used on properties running into the lake.
    2. It was agreed that even though we cannot control what people do, we should continue to encourage owners to keep their lake frontage as natural as possible.
    3. Dan Butkus has complained to Oneida County Zoning and Planning about construction runoff. Planning and Zoning are in the process of re-writing regulations.
    4. Tom Eggert stated that there seems to be a lot of shoreline development going on right now.
    5. Kathy suggested that we may want to focus on education next year. Someone(?) mentioned there is a good series of videos on preserving shoreline, etc. from Onoka, Minnesota that could be used.
    6. Tom Johansen suggested that we provide educational material to new property owners on the lake.
  2. Meeting Schedule
    1. October 10 – 9:00am, February 6 - 9:00am, May 15 – 9:00am, June 26 – TBD (annual meeting), and August 21 – 9:00am.
    2. There was a discussion about the fact that the budget is approved for the following year which doesn’t start until 6 months or more after the annual meeting.
    3. It was suggested that we change the budget process to “board approved” rather than “ member approved at the annual meeting”.
    4. The by-laws may have to be changed. Kathy will bring a copy of the by-laws to the next meeting.
  3. Adjournment
    1. There was a motion by Karen and second by Craig to adjourn. Motion passed.


Squash Lake Association Annual Members Meeting Minutes:

July 18, 2020

Note:  Minutes from the 2020 Annual Members Meeting will be posted after they are approved at the 2021 Annual Members Meeting (to be held on June 26, 2021).


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

May 16, 2020

Board Members Present: Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown, Russ Tennessen,Craig Zarley, CBCW Co-ordinator Bill Akan, plus Tom Johansen and Dan Butkus from the Lake District Board

Absent: Jeff Paddock, Greg Nevinski


Meeting was called to order at 9:03am by Board President, Kathy Tournour

  1. Opening Remarks
    1. The website has been updated
    2. Working on the Paypal button
    3. Updating e-mails – Marj updates list as memberships come in
  2. Minutes
  3. Motion by Marj and seconded by Tom to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. 59 members in report, plus 6 more checks received
    2. Expenses (postage and printing) for letters regarding membership
    3. No expenses from restricted funds
    4. A reminder to move some money for added interest – Tom will research and report back.
    5. There was a motion by Russ and seconded by Tom to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.
  5. Loon Bay Update
    1. 19 petitions have been returned so far. 45 is needed.
    2. Jeff is working on a writeable PDF.
    3. Marj said that the form needs to have instructions on where and how to send the form back.
    4. Kathy will talk to Jeff and get this taken care of.
    5. A date of June 30th was set for having petitions in.
    6. Kathy will send confirmation to Tom Johanssen when the required number of petition forms have been received. Tom said that they should have them by August 4th to get on the Lake District Annual meeting.
    7. Tom Johansen explained some outcomes that may come from the Lake District’s Annual Meeting. They could just provide information or act on a motion such as holding a special meeting on Loon Bay.
    8. Dan explained that they are in the final year of the grant for milfoil control and don’t know if another one will be granted. This could increase the district cost
    9. Karen asked if the Lake District needs a certain number or percentage of lake owners to proceed. Tom responded that any number of people at the meeting could make a decision for all property owners.  If a special meeting was to be held, it would probably be in the spring.
    10. Kathy suggested we put Loon Bay on the Squash Lake Association’s Annual Meeting Agenda.
  6. Other lake District Updates
    1. Dan explained that the Time Meander Survey has been postponed because of Covid 19. It is tentatively scheduled for late June or Early July.  The cost to the Lake Association is $2500.00 with about $1700.00 coming back from the state.
    2. People are needed to be on the Lake Management / Aquatic Plant Committee. State requires that the Lake Management Plan be updated every 5 years. This is required for the milfoil grant.
    3. Responsibilities would include setting up the stakeholder survey and then updating the plan. It was stated that only the part dealing with milfoil needs to be revised.
    4. With the Onterra Survey and things happening on a yearly basis, it should be much easier this time.
    5. Craig, Tom, and Karen volunteered. Dan and Tom can decide if they need additional people.
  7. Newsletter & Website Plan
    1. Kathy checked area websites to see what was happening with the Covid 19. Vilas County had information.  Oneida County did not have much.  Someone reported that Oneida County just updated their website with guidelines for Covid 19.
    2. Marj suggested that we just direct people to the Oneida County Website because they are the experts.
  8. Clean Boats / Clean Waters
    1. Bill reported that Jerry Rupel has agreed to be the main boat inspecter again this year. Tom Fuss has said he will pick-up early Sundays again. He is still in Florida at this time.
    2. A discussion took place about the starting date considering Covid 19. Bill has checked with Madison and nothing is happening from the DNR until June.
    3. Dan thinks the DNR will put out a set of guidelines at some point.
    4. It was felt that lakes should start Clean Boats / Clean Waters if they feel safe in doing so.
    5. It was decided that we could start monitoring on Squash Lake with guidelines.
    6. Bill suggested wearing gloves and masks (he ordered 90 from the state), use hand sanitizer, try not to touch the boat, and suggest boat owners stay in their vehicles during inspection.
    7. It was agreed that we should have the inspector guidelines posted at the shed.
    8. Kathy will put something in the newsletter.
  9. SUP Class Update
    1. Only 3 signed up at present. A discussion took place about the cost and viability of still trying to offer the class.
    2. Karen talked about the cost and how many people were needed to make it financially responsible.
    3. It was noted that the class has not been on the website or newsletter. This could potentially get more people to sign-up. Several board members mentioned they had discussions with people that had interest.
    4. Marj suggested, and everyone agreed, waiting until 2 weeks before to make a final decision. The class is scheduled for Saturday, June 27, from 10:00am – 12:00pm at Dale’s beach area, 2621 Oak Lane Drive.
  10. Annual Meeting
    1. The annual meeting is scheduled for July 18, 4:00pm – 6:00pm at the Town Pump.
    2. Craig will not be running for the board again. Kathy asked members to think of people that may be interested.  There was one person that was on the ballot last year and was not voted on.  It was suggested to ask him if he is still interested.
    3. There was a discussion about the budget and membership calendar years being aligned. This was done at the 2019 annual meeting.
    4. An audit should be done of the finances. Dan suggested Tracy Hartmann, the County Clerk.  She may do it for free if she has time.  Dan also said there was another gentleman on Lake Julia.  Dan will try to check with him as a back-up.
    5. Marj will contact Tracy Hartmann.
    6. A discussion took place about the annual meeting and the Covid 19 virus. It was felt that having it at the Town Pump this year was not a good idea because of the “tight quarters.” Social distancing would be very difficult.
    7. An annual meeting is required by State Statute. It was decided that the meeting would be held as a virtual meeting on Zoom.  The time was changed to 10:00am – 12:00pm.  The date of July 18 will remain the same.
    8. Tom’s license for Zoom can handle up to 100 people.
    9. Dale will cancel the meeting at the Town Pump.
    10. On a side note, there may be a “floatila” event held at a later date.
  11. Boating Concerns
    1. A lot of concerns have surfaced about the effect wave boats are having on the lake. A discussion took place on how we could address this as a board.
    2. State regulation is that these boats maintain a 100 ft. distance from the shore. It was suggested that the board send a letter to the State expressing our concerns, and suggesting that the regulation be changed to 200 ft. 
    3. The subject will be placed on the agenda for the annual meeting. If there is enough concerns voiced and, the association could present these concerns to the Woodboro and Crescent Town Boards.  They have the power to do something.
    4. It was decided to send a letter to owners expressing these concerns. Karen volunteered to write the letter.  It was agreed that she would send the letter to board members for their input before the letter is sent out.
  12. Adjournment
    1. There was a motion by Karen, second by Russ to adjourn. Motion passed.



Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

March 14, 2020

Board Members Present: Greg Nevinski, Tom Eggert, Kathy Tournour, Marj mehring, Jackie Whitney, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown (phone), Jeff Paddock (phone)

Absent: Craig Zarley, Russ Tennessen

Meeting was called to order by Board President, Kathy Tournour

  1. Minutes
  2. Minutes were sent out about 1 week after the last meeting. This procedure will be followed in the future.
  3. Motion by Tom and seconded by Greg to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. There was a question about changing some of our funds to a financial institution where more interest can be earned. Marj reported she has not done anything at this point.
    2. There was a motion by Greg and seconded by Dale to accept the final 2019 financial report as presented by Marj.
    3. There was a discussion concerning the budget. The annual budget is approved at the annual meeting in July and runs from July to June, but our membership now runs January to December.  Discussion followed about changing the budget’s fiscal year to correspond to the membership year. It was decided that we would have to check the by-laws.  It may be neccesary to revise the by-laws.  This would have to be done by vote at the annual meeting in July.
    4. A motion was made by Greg to accept the current Treasurer’s Report (January – March). There was a second by Tom. Motion passed.
  5. CBCW Update
    1. Bill Akan was not present, but did submit a report.
    2. Jerry Rupple will work this summer. Bill proposed starting Memorial weekend and ending Labor Day (33 days?).  Salary would come to $3708.00.
    3. It was assumed that Tom Fuss would be continuing his weekly hours also.
    4. Greg made a motion to authorize Bill to manage the account and have flexibility. If more than $4500.00, Bill must come back to the board for approval.
    5. There was a question about whether there was money in the budget to do this. Marj said that there was.
    6. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  6. Loon Bay Update
    1. 14 petitions have been received so far. They have all been mailed. The form was in a special newsletter that was sent out.  45 signatures are needed.  If the property is a LLC or trust, there can be more than 1 signature.
    2. There was a discussion about how to update the process to allow electronic signatures. It was decided to get a signable PDF attached to a new email.
    3. Jeff will get the writeable PDF to Kathy. She will send out.
    4. There was a side issue discussion about the use of credit cards for membership payments. Kathy will check into this.
    5. There was another question from Tom about confusion when people are searching for the Squash Lake Association. The confusion had to do with the old website that would come up.  That site is now gone.  The new website address is:
  7. Boat Landing Sign
    1. The sign at the boat landing was damaged by someone backing into it. It was thought that the sign had been in good condition.
    2. There was a motion by Greg and a second by Tom to authorize spending up to $200.00 to repair the sign. Tom and Russ will take charge of the project.

Motion passed.

  1. Summer 2020
    1. Paddleboard Class
      1. The date is Saturday, June 27, 10:00am – 12:00pm. The instructor is from Nicolet College.
      2. The location is at 2621 Oak lane Drive (Dale Smith’s beach area)
  • Jackie is handling the applications.
  1. The cost is $300.00 for up to 10 people. They may take a couple more. There is no cost to SLA members. Non-members may attend if room.  Members will be registered first. There will be a cost for non-members.
  2. More publicity is needed. The deadline for sign-up is June 13.
  1. Annual meeting
    1. The preferred date is July 18. The time would be 4:00pm – 6:00pm.
    2. Dale will check with the Town Pump for availability. If the July 18 date is not available, July 25 is a possibility.
  • Karen will again work with the place on food for the meeting.
  1. Adjournment
    1. The next SLA meeting is May 16 at 9:00am. The meeting will be at Kathy’s House.
    2. Some of the items will be the fiscal year for the budget, website update, progress on the boat landing sign repair, and the annual meeting.
    3. There was a motion to adjourn by Karen and seconded by Tom. Motion passed. It was exactly 12:00pm.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

October 5, 2019

Present: Board Members - Dale Smith, Greg Nevinski, Tom Eggert, Craig Zarley, Marj Mehring, Russ Tennessen, Jackie Whitney, Karen Isebrands Brown  Plus: Bill Akan, Tom Johansen

Absent:  Kathy Tournour, Jeff Paddock

Meeting was called to order by Craig Zarley

  1. Minutes
    1. It was decided that minutes should be sent out relatively soon after the meeting.
    2. Minutes should be posted on the Association’s Website
    3. Our new website address is:
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Marj discussed the report.
    2. A discussion took place about investing some of our funds. Tom reported that he found 2 internet sites paying 2%. Cd’s were discussed. It was felt that it was probably not worth locking funds up in a CD when it doesn’t pay much more.
    3. Online account pays interest monthly rather than quarterly.
    4. Small business has much fewer investing options compared to an individual.
    5. Tab Bank (Utah) was the recommendation from Tom.
    6. It was noted that you can have up to $50,000.00 and still keep your tax exempt status.
    7. There was a motion by Dale and seconded by Craig move $14,000.00 to a new account on the online Tab Bank. ($10,000 from CBCW and $4,000 from the General Fund).
    8. Motion Approved.
    9. There was a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Greg and seconded by Tom. Motion approved.
    10. It was mentioned that we need to find someone to audit our financial records. Some names were given out. Contacts will be made.
  3. Lake District Update
    1. Tom Johansen, President of the Lake District, was present to give an update on the Lake District’s summer work.
    2. It was reported that it was the best year so far. The least amount of milfoil was harvested. This reflects the substantial progress that has been made in keeping the milfoil under control.
    3. New things this year
      1. GPS on the boat. This made locating milfoil spots faster.
      2. Boat was moored differently.
  • New weighted ropes were purchased. Divers use ropes for grids on the lake’s floor.
  1. Same 3 divers are planning on being back next year. The Lake District is still looking for new divers for the future.
  2. It was not necessary to use all the money in the 3 year grant. There is enough money to possible last up to 2 more years. It is not known whether the Lake District will receive another grant.
  3. DNR is starting to talk about the success of Squash Lake’s Hand Harvesting Program.
  4. Two new plants discovered in Loon Bay.
  5. There was discussion about the two properties on Loon Bay – owners are Dan Butkus and another lady. There has been some interest in purchasing these properties to assure no development would take place on them.  Only a governing body like the Lake District can make a purchase.  There would have to be a petition to the Lake District, and then a vote at the Lake District’s Annual Meeting if they decide to proceed. Tom will get additional information on the process.
  1. CBCW Update
    1. Bill reported on his health problems and thanked Russ for taking over in his absence.
    2. Bill reported that it was a successful summer.
    3. Paid inspectors covered most of Saturdays and Sundays.
    4. Only 17 hours of volunteers outside of paid people (not nearly enough).
    5. Bill suggested a bigger push at the annual meeting.
    6. Karen suggested doing more at the annual meeting to honor divers, volunteers,etc.
    7. There was a discussion about ideas for getting more volunteers.
    8. A discussion about the “Eyelid” security camera system. The company takes care of all monitoring. It can have the effect of “changing behavior”. Further discussion was tabled until the March Meeting.
    9. Bill has the report ready to go for the grant. Jeff is the person authorized to apply for the new grant.
  2. Wake Board Discussion
    1. It was stated that Wake Board Boats cause issues with shore erosion, safety of people on paddleboards and kayaks, and small children in the water.
    2. Suggestions: write letters to your representatives and DNR, make owners aware through personal contact or article in the newsletter, put map of 100ft. shore boundary in the kiosk at the landing.
  3. Fisheries
    1. Nothing new. Craig will make some contacts and report back in the future.

Adjournment – Motion by Marj and second by Karen to adjourn.  Motion approved.


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

August 17, 2019

 Present:  Dale Smith, Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Tom Eggert, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Karen Isebrands-Brown

Absent:  Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley, Greg Nevinski

Meeting was called to order at 8:32am by Jeff (filling in for Kathy)

  1. Introductions
    1. Everyone introduced themselves as we have a new board member,Tom Eggert.
  2. Minutes
    1. The minutes from the May 18 Meeting were approved with one spelling correction. Motion by Russ and second by Dale.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. There was discussion about grants and volunteer hours.
    2. There was a question about budget vs. restricted funds and how the donation from the Mole Lake Sokaogon Chippewa Community fits in.
    3. Jeff reported that he received a donation of $1000.00 for the SLA from Charlie

Loes.  Charlie works for General Mills and runs a foundation. The donation came from the foundation. The donation does not carry any restrictions as to its use.

  1. There was a question on rental property. It was tabled for a future meeting.
  2. There was a question about the possibility of putting some of our money where we can gain some interest. Tom will look into this. Our money is currently in a savings account at Ripco Credit Union.
  3. There was a discussion about insurance. Tom will check out policy and explore options.

Motion to approve the budget report was made by Tom and seconded by Karen.  Motion carried.

  1. Election of Officers
    1. After a short discussion and vote, officers will be: Kathy Tournour, Pres., Craig Zarley, Vice Pres., Marj Mehring, Treasuer, Dale Smith, Secretary.
  2. CBCW
    1. No updated report as Bill has been sick
    2. There was a question about paid vs. volunteer hours. Paid hours have a limit, and anything above that is considered volunteer hours. Russ will contact Bill for more information.
    3. It was suggested that we should start thinking about a replacement for Bill in case he cannot continue.
  3. Meeting Schedule
    1. The annual meeting was discussed. It was felt that the Town Pump worked well.
    2. The meeting dates given in the Agenda were adopted with one change. The October 12 meeting was switched to October 5.
  4. Wake Boat Concerns
    1. There was a discussion about the negative effects of the Wake Boats on the lake.

Problems noted included shore erosion, turning up milfoil, and waves affecting others using the lake.  It was recommended to put an article in the newsletter about this issue.

  1. It was also recommended to put this issue again on the Oct. 5 meeting.
  1. Protocol for Advertising in the Newsletter.
    1. It was noted that advertisers have been continually put in the newsletter even though they have not paid anything for a long time.
    2. Protocol is needed for advertising in the newsletter.
  2. Adjournment
    1. Russ made motion to adjourn and Tom seconded. Motion carried.


Squash Lake Association Annual Members Meeting Minutes:

July 20, 2019


Town Pump


Present:   Dale Smith, Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring,  Karen-Isebrands-Brown, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley, Greg Nevinski


Food was served at 4:00pm.

Meeting was called to order at 4:57pm by President, Kathy Tournour


  1. 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
    1. A motion was made by Craig Zarley. and seconded by Janet Appling to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Marj Mehring explained that the new fiscal year will be the same as the calendar year. Because of this, membership renewals will not be due until 2020.
    2. Art Jaros pointed out that $2000.00 was missing on the carry over line.
    3. A motion was made by Art Jaros and seconded by Debra Durchslag to accept the Treasurer’s Report with additions. Motion carried.
  3. 2020 Budget
    1. Marj Mahring explained that the budget was prepared assuming that we would again receive the grant as in the past.
    2. Several questions were asked of Marj.
    3. Art Jaros made a motion and Craig Zarley seconded to approve the budget. Motion carried.
  4. CPR Class
    1. Karen Isebrands-Brown announced that there were still 2 slots available for the upcoming CPR Class on July 23. (Open slots were filled.)
  5. Other workshops
    1. Janet Appling asked about the Crescent Fire Department doing a workshop. Kathy Tournour said she is still working on it.
    2. Karen is working on a stand-up paddle board class. More details will be coming.


  1. Election of Board Members
    1. There were 5 seats open. Election took place by paper ballot.
    2. Incumbents – Karen-Isebrands-Brown, Marj Mehring, Jeff paddock, and Kathy Tournour were re-elected.
    3. There were 2 new candidates, Tom Eggert and Jim McAllister. Tom Eggert was elected.
    4. Terms are for 2 years.
  2. Items
    1. Kathy Tournour announced that association meetings are held at the Crescent Town Hall and all are welcome.
    2. Linda Tennessen announced that she needs articles for the newsletter. The newsletter comes out 4 times a year – September, December, March, and June.
    3. Janet Appling suggested that the board consider having a social committee.
    4. Dale Smith asked how many people have viewed the website. By show of hands, most people had.
    5. It was suggested that the board look into getting a directory of members. The board will look into it.
    6. Tom Johansen, President of the Lake District, talked about milfoil progress. He explained things were going very well.  There was a question about Crescent Lake using chemicals.  Tom explained that it is new and effectiveness not known. It is probably not 100% effective and therefore would still require divers.   The Lake District  Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 10 at 9:30am.  The meeting is at the Crescent Town Hall.  Everyone is invited and will be able to vote on Lake District issues.
    7. There was some talk about high water levels on the lake and some of the issues. A positive effect is that that it is good for walleye spawning areas.
  3. Adjournment
    1. Art Jaros made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Craig Zarley.  Motion carried.


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

May, 18, 2019


Meeting began at 8:30 at Kathy Tournour’s house.

Present included:  Kathy Tournour, Russ Tennessen, Marj Mehring, Janet Appling, Karen Isenbrands Brown, Bill Akan, Libby Tournor, and Jeff Paddock

Revised meeting notes were approved unanimously.  KIB moved to approve, RT seconded.

Treasurer’s Report approved unanimously. KIB moved to approve, JP seconded.

  • Fiscal Year has been modified to calendar year, budget is 18 month budget.
  • Agreed to update by-laws to reflect change.
  • Only expenses were webpage, registration for lake convention.
  • Discuss Crescent Lake Fire Department’s request for a donation. Approved $50 donation for raffle.

Bill Akan led CB/CW discussion.

  • Four potential applicants for boat inspector positions. Approved motion for Bill to hire inspectors at a maximum of 310 hours for the summer of 2019.
  • Discussed expanding paid inspector hours to four hour shifts, 9-5. Motion approved.
  • Discussed getting more volunteers, will announce at annual meeting.
  • Discussed contacting boat lift installers to make sure that they are aware of invasive species. RT agreed to contact installers.

Discussed current SLA insurance, motion approved to extend both.

Discussed low turnout at Lake District meeting.

KIB presented proposed kayaking demo (2 hr) and CPR (3hr) class.

  • 2 hour class for 10 people.
  • Motion made for SLA to pay the registration fee for members.

Discussed Annual Meeting

  • July 20th.
  • RT would contact venues, would focus on Henkel’s Town Pump
  • 5-7 preferred time, but would be flexible

LT presented Marketing Plan (See attachment).


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

March 16, 2019

10:00am Crescent Town Hall

Present:  Kathy Tournour, Jackie Whitney, Marj Mehring, Greg Nevinski, Craig Zarley, Russ Tennessen, Dale Smith, Karen Isebrands Brown (phone), Gary Buntrock

Meeting called to order at 10am - Kathy

  1. Meeting Minutes from September 13, 2018 meeting.  Motion by Greg and second by Craig to approve the minutes.  Motion approved.
  2. Treasurer's Report - Marj explained expenditures.  SLA received $50,000 for EWM control.. Greg suggested we use it for signage at the boat landing instead of giving it to the Lake District.  SLA received $4000 from the Sokaogon Chippewa.  Karen requested that the current budget line item be corrected to reflect this generous gift from the Sokaogon Chippewa.  Marj will do this in the future.  SLA received $3,200 + from the last fundraiser.  It surpassed the goal of $3000.  Greg made a motion to approve the minutes with the stipulation that any monies from Mole Lake be included as a lin item.  Second by Russ.  Motion approved.
  3. Financial Planning - The idea of having a pressure washer was presented by Greg as a long term goal.  Kathy gave information she received from Tom Johansen on a security camera system for the boat landing.  Craig suggested Mole Lake be contacted about the idea of rebuilding the reef that was once off Derbys.  It would involve dumping fist-size rock on the ice.  Karen suggested we have CPR Training.  This will be added to the May meeting for discussion.  Shed upkeep was discussed briefly.  Item to be placed on May meeting.  Paddle-boat still sitting by shed still unclaimed.  There was concern about vendors bringing in boats and piers.  Vendors should be contacted about checking their boats and trailers.  Bill will be contacted about this also.  Another idea was to put information on this in the newsletter.  Craig suggested we contact Stephanie about putting the vendor issue in the newspaper.  There was a discussion about increasing paid inspection hours at the landing.  Dale will talk to Bill.  Landscaping is another issue effecting the lake.  A workshop was suggested.  Marj suggested setting up committees for some of these items if they are to be addressed.
  4. Lake District Meetings - The next Lake District Meeting is April 14 at 1:00pm at the Crescent Town Hall.  Someone should attend.  We should work to support each other.  You can get meeting notifications from their website at
  5. Size of SLA Board - Board is down one.  We can appoint one until annual meeting.  Marj, Jeff, Kathy and Karen are up for re-election this yea.  
  6. Website/Marketing Plan - Squash Lake Association gets you to the old website.  Kathy figured out how to get a message on it saying "this website is no longer functional".  Newsletter also has the wrong address.  New address is  Shopify is the new website.  Kathy's daughter is working on a marketing plan as a project and will present her ideas at the next meeting.
  7. Summer 2019 - Mel's cannot do a kayak demonstration day.   They do one with vendor in May.  Nicolet does one.  We may be able to coordinate with them.  Karen will contact Nicolet.  It may include kayaks and paddle-boards.  Fire Dept. Presentation - Kathy  talked to the Crescent Fire Department.  Discussion was about what they could do:  chimneys, landscaping, inspections?  Fisheries- Craig reported that the DNR has a new fisheries specialist.  Craig reported that 12,000 7 1/2" walleyes have been stocked since 2014.  DNR's next schedule "shocking" in in 2022.  One of the Indian tribes generally does this each fall.  The DNR plans to do a "kneel survey" on Squash Lake.  They will interview fishermen all sumer.  Marj will attend the Lakes Convention in April.  It is held April 9-12 at the Holiday Inn in Stevens Point.  There are many useful sessions including:  walleye vs bass, habitat, shoreline landscaping, et.
  8. Greg made a motion to adjourn, second by Craig.  Meeting adjourned.

Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

September 13, 2018

8:30am Crescent Town Hall

Present:  Kathy Tournour, Marj Mehring, Craig Zarley, Greg Nevinski, Jeff Paddock, Jackie Whitney, Russ Tennessen, and Dale Smith

Absent:  Karen Isebrands-Brown

Meeting called to order at 8:30am - Kathy

  1. Meeting Minutes - August 4, 2018.  Motion by Greg and second by Jeff to approve the august minutes.  Motion approved.
  2. Treasurer's Report - Discussion on well-testing monies. Motion by Greg to approve the minutes with the explanation of the well testing monies.  Seconded by Craig.  Motion approved.
  3. Grant Administrator - Clean Boats/Clean Waters Grant must be applied for in mid-December.  Jeff agreed to take on the project.  Form should be signed and dated by Dale.
  4. CWCB Update - A discussion on the boat landing activity took place.  There were over 800 human contact with 400+ watercraft inspected.  It was thought that the good weather  may have been a factor in the increased activity.  Jim Wallace (primary paid landing monitor) may be moving.  SWIM report is completed.  We had close to 300 hours.  The hours for the paid workers at the boat landing worked well.  Jim Wallace worked 9am to 3pm Saturday and Sunday.  Tom Fuss worked 6am to 9am on Sunday.  Everyone will receive a copy of the SWIM Report by e-mail.
  5. Fund Raising Letter - Greg gave copies of the Fundraising letter to proof and give comments.  There was  a question on Mels Trading Post's Clinic.  Craig will contact Mel's to confirm.  There was a discussion on who should get the letter.  It was decided that it should be sent to all property owners.  The mailing should take place in early November.  Any comments to the letter should be directed to Greg by October 22.  Marj will get the mailing list prepared.  She can get help in stuffing the envelopes.  
  6. Marketing Report - Kathy said she met with Karen.  They would like more people on the committee.  Craig and Jeff volunteered.  The committee will develop goals and strategies.
  7. Crescent Fire Department Education - Kathy will contact someone from the fire department and report back at the March meeting.  
  8. Boat Safety - There was a discussion on boat safety on the lake.  There was a suggestion to think about doing a brochure on boat safety.  The board was informed about a jet ski accident this summer.
  9. Fisheries - Craig gave an update.  Russ reported that the DNR stocked walleyes again this year.  (4000/8")
  10. Well Testing - Jeff reported that UWSP would come up and do a short seminar on well-testing.  The question arose "can we get a general report on the well-testing from last summer'?
  11. Adjournment - Craig mad ea motion ot adjourn, the motion was seconded and approved.  Next meeting is scheduled for March 16 at 10:00am.


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

August 4, 2018

8:30am Crescent Town Hall

Present:  Dan Butkus, Marj Mehring, Greg Nevinski, Jeff Paddock, Dale Smith, Kathy Tournour, Jackie Whitney, and Craig Zarley

Absent:  Karen Isebrands-Brown and Russ Tennessen

  1. Opening Remarks:  Meeting called to order at 8:30am by president Jeff Paddock.
  2. Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2018.  Motion to approve Meeting Minutes from Dan Butkus.  Second from Dale Smith.  The motion passes unanimously.
  3. Treasurer's Report:  Marj Mehring presented the submitted 12 month Treasurer's Report.  Dan Butkus moved to accept into the record the Treasurer's Report, noting that any dues received this fiscal 18 months covers 18 months.  Second from Craig Zarley.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. President vote:  The following board members were selected as officers:  Marj Mehring - Treasurer, Dale Smith - Secretary, Craig Zarley - Vice President, Kathy Tournour - President.  Dan Butkus moved to elect the officers.  Second from Dale Smith.  The motion passed unanimously.
  5. Grant Administrator & Milfoil Report - DanButkus reported that 600 pounds of milfoil have been collected thus far this year.  The EWM blitz held earlier this year was a success and a second blitz is scheduled for the later half of August.  Dan announced that he will be stepping down as grant administrator and a new administrator is needed by October.
  6. CBCW Update - Bill Akan reported that boat landing inspectors have had contact with over 600 people so far this season.  There are 153 hours of inspection as of July 22.  
  7. Private Well Sampling - Jeff Paddock reported 23 residents has their well tested.  Results have not been delivered at this time.
  8. Protocol for Advertising - Discussion on when classified and last &  found items can be sent out by SLA email.  Dan Butkus moved to establish the following protocol for advertising:  Items for sale among lake residents be poste don the website and issues of lost & found of immediate concern go out by email.  Second from Marj Mehring.  Motion passed unanimously.
  9. Website Update - Kathy Tournour reported that the new website is ready to go live.
  10. Fund Raising Letter - Greg Nevinski will submit a draft of the fund raising letter in September.
  11. Meeting Schedule - The following dates were selected as Squash Lake Association Board meeting dates:  October 13, March 16, May 18,, August 17.  The Annual Meeting will be held on July 20.
  12. Brainstorm from annual meeting - The Squash Lake Association will focus on the following areas during the upcoming year - education, fisheries and social.
  13. Dan Butkus moved to adjourn the meeting.  Second from dale Smith.  The motion passed unanimously.

Squash Lake Association Annual Members Meeting 

Meeting Minutes:  July 7, 2018

5:00pm Whipsaw Restaurant, Northwoods Golf Course, Rhinelander, WI

Present:  Dan Butkus, Karen Isebrands-Brown, Tom Johansen, Greg Nevinski, Jeff Paddock, Dale Smith, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley

Absent:  Marj Mehring, Tom Hanson

  1. Meeting called to order at 5:00pm by president Jeff Paddock.
  2. Meeting Minutes from 2017 Annual Member Meeting.  Deb Durschlang moved to approve 2017 Annual Member Meeting Minutes.  Tom Johansen seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Treasurer's REport.  Janet Appling moved to approve the Treasurer's REport.  Deb Durschlang seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. Change of Fiscal Year - The current fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.  The SLA would like to change the fiscal year to align with the yearly calendar:  January 1 through December 31.  Dan Butkus moved to approve an 18 month budget to transition to a 12 month budget that aligns with the calendar year.  Deb Durschlang seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  5. Budget - an 18 month budget from July 2018 through December 2019 was presented.  Dan Butkus moved to accept the proposed budget.  Tom Johansen seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  6. Elections - Craig Zarley, Dale Smith, Greg Nevinski, Russ Tennessen and Jackie Whitney were elected to the Squash Lake Association Board.
  7. Well Sampling - Jeff Paddock gave instrucitions on collecting water samples for members who ordered water sampling kits.  Drop off kits at Hemkle's Town Pump on Sunday, July 8 between 12 and 3:00pm.
  8. Volunteering at the boat landing and milfoil monitoring was explained and encouraged.
  9. Fisheries - Craig Zarley discussed the declining walleye population.  a 2016 walleye survey revealed we have less than 1 walleye per acre.  In 2009 there were 108 walleye per care and in 1991 there were 5 walleye per acre.  In 2014 4000 fingerling walleye and in 2016 3000 fingerling walleye were added to the lake through a DNR walleye initiative.  Factors affecting walleye  population are large mouth bass, shoreline development and low water levels.
  10. Adjournment - Janet Appling moved to adjourn the meeting.  Tom Johansen seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Squash Lake Association Meeting Minutes:

May 19, 2018

8:30am -  Jeff Paddock’s house; 2612 Oak Lane Drive

Present:  Dan Butkus, Karen Isebrands Brown, Tom Johansen, Marj Mehring, Jeff Paddock, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley

Absent:  Tom Hanson, Greg Nevinski, Dale Smith


  1. Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order at 8:30 am by president Jeff Paddock
  2. Meeting Minutes from March 10, 2018. Motion to approve Meeting Minutes from Dan Butkus.  Second from Janet Appeling.  The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Marj Mehring presented the submitted Treasurer’s Report.  Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report from Dan Butkus.  Second from Tom Johansen.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. Ongoing Business:
    1. Proposed Budget: Milfoil control dollars have been moved to the Squash Lake District.  The cost of the Lake Management Plan has also moved to the Lake District.  Though approval of the Squash Lake Association’s annual budget take place at the Annual Member’s Meeting in July, the treasurer seeks to start the fiscal year in January.  To achieve this, revision of the by-laws is required at the Annual Member’s Meeting.  Dan Butkus moved to amend the by-laws to allow transition to a calendar fiscal year with the first budget being an 18-month budget and following budgets being a calendar year.  Second from Tom Johansen.  The motion passed unanimously.  Dan Butkus moved the amended 18-month budget include $450 for the Annual Member Meeting cost.  Second from Tom Johansen.  The motion passed unanimously.  Dan Butkus moved to split income donated for Clean Boats Clean Water and Education fund during the November fund raising campaign into 2 equal and separate categories.  Second from Tom Johansen.  The motion passed unanimously.
    2. Lake District Update: Tom Johansen reported the Squash Lake District is sending a letter informing residents of the Lake District progress.  The Squash Lake District will meet on July 8 to preapprove a budget and set the agenda for the August Annual Meeting.  Dan Butkus reported on finances.  The Squash Lake District received $297 lottery tax credit from the state of Wisconsin.  The Squash Lake District has partially repaid the loan from Squash Lake Association early. 
      1. Marj noted the liability and directors insurance the Lake Association carries is lower due to transferring ownership of the boat to the Lake District. Craig Zarley moved the Squash Lake Association continue liability insurance for board members.  Second from Kathy Tournour.  The motion passed unanimously. 
      2. The Crescent Fire Department is planning a picnic on July 28. They are requesting a donation from the Squash Lake Association.  Janet Appeling will donate a wood plaque from the SLA
    3. Grant Administrator Report – Dan Butkus will no longer act as grant administrator for Clean Boats Clean Waters grant after summer of 2018.
    4. CWCB Update: Bill Akan reported paid inspectors begin Memorial Day weekend.  Bill reported there are new watercraft inspector report sheets.  The SLA Newsletter will request volunteer inspectors.  Karen Isebrands Brown moved to mail printed copies of the SLA Newsletter to members who do not have valid email addresses.  Second from Dan Butkus.  The motion passed unanimously.
      1. Inspection Schedule: Bill Akan will revise the Inspection Schedule to highlight open volunteer times.
    5. Fisheries Survey Update: Craig Zarley attended the Lake Convention in Stevens Point on April 17. 
    6. Private Well Sampling: Jeff Paddock reported distribution of the water-testing kits  will be on July 7 at the Annual Members Meeting and collection will take place at Henkel’s Town Pump on July 8. 
      1. Eventbrite: Eventbrite will be used to sign-up and pay for the testing in advance.
      2. Additional Advertisement: Advertising for the well sampling will be included in the Annual Member Meeting mailing.
    7. Annual Meeting:
      1. June Mailing: An informative mailing to all Squash Lake Association members will be sent in June.  Well testing information and a membership form will be included.
      2. Location: Whipsaw Bar and Grill located at 3131 Golf Course Road, Rhinelander has been reserved for the Annual Members Meeting.  Hors devours compliments of the Squash Lake Association will be served from 4:00 to 5:00 with the Annual Members Meeting to begin at 5:00.
    8. President Approval Without Board: Marj moved the president have the authority to approve expenses up to $500 in consultation with the treasurer.  Second from Tom Johansen.  The motion passed unanimously.
    9. Marketing Plan: Jill Paddock presented a multimedia marketing plan.  A Communications Committee will compose a marketing plan to present to the board at a future date.  Tom Johansen moved to include website costs in the upcoming budget.  Second from Karen Isebrands Brown.  Motion passed unanimously.
    10. Dan Butkus moved to adjourn. Second from Tom Johansen.  Motion passed unanimously. 


Squash Lake Association - Meeting Minutes:  March 10, 2018

10:00 Crescent Town Hall

Present:  Dan Butkus, Tom Johansen, Marj Mehring,  Jeff Paddock, Kathy Tournour, Craig Zarley

Absent:  Tom Hanson

  1. Opening Remarks:  Meeting called to order at 10:00am by president Jeff Paddock.  Jeff stated that he intends to step down as president in August.  Members of the board expressed their appreciation of Jeff serving as board president this past year.
  2. Meeting Minutes from January 27, 2018.  A spelling mistake was noted in the opening remarks of the minutes.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the amended minutes.  The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:  Marj Mehring presented the submitted treasurer’s report.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer's Report.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. Ongoing Business:
    1. Lake District Update:  Tom Johansen reported the next Squash Lake District meeting will be held on April 8 at 1:00 at the Crescent Town Hall.  The District will launch a website soon. They are in the process of revising contracts for divers and boat storage. Two divers will return full time and one will return part time.  The District is looking for another part time diver.
      1. Lake Management Plan:  Dan Butkus reported the District will revise the Lake Management Plan.  An updated Lake Management Plan is required for issuance of grants. A comprehensive Lake Management Plan was originally finalized and issued in 2014.  Marj Mehring moved that the Squash Lake Districe will be in charge of future Lake Management Plan with assistance from the Squash Lake Association. Dan Butkus seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
  5. Grant Administrator Report:  Dan Butkus reported control and monitoring grants have transferred to the Lake District.  AIS volunteer training is set for June 23 at 9:00 at the boat landing.
  6. Raffle License:  The current raffle license expires April 10.  The Lake Association will not reapply for a raffle license at this time.  
  7. CWCB Training:  Bill Aken will coordinate hired inspectors.  
    1. Bill will train volunteers and paid inspectors in the spring.  200 volunteer or paid hours and required for the grant. At least 112 must be volunteer to qualify for full reimbursement.
    2. EWM monitoring forms have been updated.
    3. CWCB Training:  volunteers can be trained on individual basis.
  8. Fisheries Habitat Development – Craig Zarely is going to a training and will work on sustainable fisheries study.
  9. Private Well Sampling:  Jeff Paddock reported sampling supplies will be distributed on Saturday, July 7 at the Annual Meeting and the samples will be collected on Sunday, Jully 8.
  10. Annual Meeting:  The Annual Meeting will be held July 7 at a location to be determined.  Dan Butkus moved to keep the Annual Meeting budget the same as past meetings ($450) and at same location if possible.  Tom Johansen seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
  11. The Lakes Convention will be held on April 17-19 in Stevens Point.  Marj Mehring cannot attend this year.
  12. The next meeting is on May 19.
  13. A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Butkus and seconded by Tom Johansen.  The motion passed unanimously.



Squash Lake Association - Meeting Minutes:  January 27, 2018

10:00 am Crescent Town Hall

Present:  Dan Butkus, Tom Johansen, Greg Nevinski (phone line), Jeff Paddock, Dale Smith (phone line) and Kathy Tournour

Absent:  Karen Isebrands-Brown, Tom Hanson, Marj Mehring and Craig Zarley

  1. Opening Remarks: Meeting called to order at 10:30am by president Jeff Pakkock.
  2. Meeting Minutes from September 23, 2017: Motion to approve from Dale Smith.  Second from Tom Johansen.  No discussion or correction was necessary.  The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Jaff Paddock presented the submitted treasurer’s report.  Dan Butkus moved approval of the treasurer’s report.  Tom Johansen seconded.  The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
    1. Terminator Insurance: The boat is currently in the Squash Lake Association’s possession.  The Association will drop insurance coverage and seek a refund.  The Squash Lake District will take possession of the boat and insure it.  Dan Butkus moved the Squash Lake Association drop liability insurance on the boat.  Tom Johansen seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
  4. Ongoing Business:
    1. SCC Grant Award: The Squash Lake Association was awarded a $4,000 grant from Sokaogan Chippewa Community.  The grant amount for the past two years was $3,000.  The grant money can be used for CBCW and fish habitats.  The Association wishes to thank Dan Butkus for his continued efforts working with the SCC.
    2. Fund Raising Letter & Survey Results:
      1. Results letter total, thoughts for next year: The letter writing campaign received 39 responses.  Dan Butkus moved to increase the funds allotted for the letter writing campaign to $250.   Tom Johanson seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
      2. Survey Results, Fisheries Habitat Development: The postcard survey received 90 responses.  Care and testing of wells received the most interest.  The Association is offering well testing and information to interested lake residents.  Fisheries and habitat development received the second most interest.  This topic will be placed on the agenda and discussed at the next board meeting.  Invasive species also received interest.  The District will set up AIS identification training.
    3. Lake District Update: Tom Johansen reported that the Lake District has held a number of commissioner meetings.  They are creating contracts for divers and looking into boat storage.  They are also creating a web page.  He presented the Ontera report on EWM.  Dan Butkus will submit the report to the newsletter.
    4. Grant Administrator Report:
      1. Dan Butkus reported two grants for removing EWM will be transferred from Squash Lake Association to the Squash Lake District. CBCW - $4,000 from the DNR for 2018.  The Association will hire boat landing inspectors during the summer months.   Healthy Lake Grant – extends to June 30, 2018.
      2. Discretionary Spending Update: Dan Butkus moved the Squash Lake Association transfer EWM reserve account to the Squash Lake District reserve account for milfoil control.  Dale Smith seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
    5. Private Well Sampling: This agenda item will be discussed at the March SLA meeting.
    6. Marketing Plan: The communications committee will meet to come up with goals and present at a future meeting.
    7. Reminder that the next meeting is on March 10.
    8. A motion to adjourn was made by Tom Johansen and seconded by Dale Smith. The motion passed unanimously.